Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 159: Guess who I am

Zhongyun Mountain is like a virgin forest. When you walk into the mountain, you can't see everything in the dark.

The moonlight, which was not bright at first, could not shine at all.

In this way, Zhong Yunshan seemed to be increasingly dark and terrifying, accompanied by various strange calls from time to time.

Although He Kui had been to Zhongyun Mountain before and was lucky enough to walk out of the mountain alive, he was unavoidably shocked when he came to this place like a nightmare again.

There is no obvious road in the mountain forest, and there are weeds that are as high as half a person around it, and a group of people walked up the mountain so deep and shallow.

"Brother Lin, this place is getting more and more gloomy as it goes, there won't be any beasts coming out to attack us?" Ma Cannon, who has been closely following Lin Fan, said lowly.

Lin Fan smiled slightly: "Don't be afraid if there are beasts, don't we have He Kui leading the way."

The voice was not very loud, but it was not too small, and it just passed into the ears of He Kui who was walking in front.

Suddenly, He Kui turned his head angrily and glared at Lin Fan, with unspeakable anger in his heart.

Lin Fan smiled coldly, but didn't care.


At this moment, Boss He and the others, who were walking behind, seemed to be frightened by something. They shouted and quickly looked around with their guns.

Upon seeing this, He Kui and Lin Fan all stopped.

He Kui frowned and asked, "Boss Ho, what are you guys called here? What happened?"

Because it was too dark, I couldn’t see the expression on Boss He’s face now. He only faintly saw him shaking his head, and said in a low voice, "It’s nothing, let’s go ahead and try to get up to the mountainside before dawn. !"

Hearing this, although He Kui was still a little strange in his heart, he didn't say anything.

Nodding, continue to lead the way.

He Kui once walked this way. To be precise, he walked this way when he escaped from the mountain. He still had some vague impressions of his surroundings.

Relying on this vague impression in memory, He Kui took everyone to the mountain and walked for almost forty minutes.

At this moment, the voice of a person talking came from behind him.

"Guess who I am?"

On this extremely dark and weird Zhong Yun Mountain, such a sentence suddenly appeared, causing everyone to shiver in Lingling.

He Kui stopped and looked behind him, and he saw a black figure swaying back and forth in the darkness.

I don’t know who it is, and he cursed and said: "Fuck it, don’t make trouble, this night, you thought you were playing cat-catcher, hurry up!"

As soon as the voice fell, the voice asking ‘who am I’ disappeared.

He Kui checked the number of people, and found that there were not many people, and there were no few people. His heart was slightly relaxed, and the temperature was low: "Boss, are you okay?"

"Brother He Kui, you can rest assured to lead the way, it's okay!" Boss He said in a low voice.

I don't know why, although I heard the boss say that there is nothing wrong, He Kui still feels a little strange in his heart.

You know, there are many weird things in Zhongyun Mountain. He has lived in Urumqi since he was a child, and he often heard adults sitting together and talking about the strange things about Zhongyun Mountain.

Of course, there are the most legends about the "savages". In addition, there are yellow skins that will tease people, unknown monsters with countless eyes on their faces, and all kinds of weird that I have never seen before. plant.

He Kui is clear about these things. He did see some of them with his own eyes when he came to take an adventure in Zhongyun Mountain.

Squeaking insects sounded from time to time around. He Kui found a correct direction and walked quickly toward the mountainside.

At this point, Lin Fan, who was walking in the second, still had a sneer on his face.

"Brother Lin, did you find something wrong just now?" At this moment, the timid but meticulous Ma Da Pao quietly approached and asked lowly.

Lin Fan pretended to be puzzled, frowned and asked, "Why is something wrong?"

"I also said it was not very good, but it felt a little weird, just the one who just said guess who I am, the sound is a bit familiar and a bit strange..." Ma Da Pao tried to suppress the voice to the lowest level. Before and after the addition, Boss He and them all focused their attention on the surrounding grass, and did not notice what he was talking about.

Lin Fan shook his head, "It's okay, just follow me!"

Hearing this, Ma Dapao nodded heavily.

In the rest of the time, everything seemed to be calm, but nothing strange was discovered.

Unconsciously, a little bit of time passed, and I saw a ray of light shining through the dense woods, dispelling the darkness in the mountains a little bit.

Seeing that there is light, everyone's hearts are slightly relaxed.

All the fears and worries disappeared without a trace with this ray of light.

The thin man walking behind Boss He hung one arm and said, "Hehe, I thought that Zhong Yunshan is so mysterious, but now it seems to be nothing more than that. It's all mysterious."

Hearing this, the two strong men behind him also nodded, "Yes, I think it's not as dangerous as the forests we've been to before. The five million dollars must be ours. "

"Don't be careless, since there are rumors here, there must be something wrong, maybe we haven't encountered it yet, everyone must not relax, and be vigilant." Boss He said with a cautious look.

Several people nodded, but looking at their eyes, they all seemed to show disdain.

The more you go up, the brighter the light, and you can gradually see everything within ten meters of the surrounding area.

It's really like a large virgin forest, with weeds as tall as half a person, towering trees next to each other, and some unnamed plants.

"Boss He, we're about to reach the middle of the mountain soon, everyone should pay attention here, don't fall behind!" He Kui reminded lowly.

Although there is no danger from night to now, the fatigue and mental depression on the body are clearly present.

He Kui, in particular, knew how dangerous this Zhong Yun Mountain was, he knew better than anyone else, he did not dare to relax his vigilance for a moment, and maintained the highest alert at any time.

A gurgling sound of water loomed from the mountain.

The sound is not very loud, and only by listening carefully can you hear the subtle noise.

Suddenly, the face of Boss He changed, showing a hint of joy, and said in a low voice: "Everyone, speed up, we will be halfway up the mountain soon, five million can be in that place."

However, as soon as his voice fell, he heard the voice of someone speaking from behind: "Don't worry, guess who I am?"

Boss He turned his head subconsciously, but his entire face changed. ,, ..