Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 167: High-end new gameplay!

After playing with Qiuqiu for a while, and watching it eat a few bamboos, he turned and left.

Lin Shu and Little Fox didn't know where they went.

But that's okay, Lin Fan came directly to the vicinity of the lake. At this time, the lake was several times larger than when it started.

On the quiet lake, there are waves of ripples from time to time.

Two frogs are cuddling to sleep on the shore, showing affection seems to have become a norm for them, and other creatures in the lake have long been used to this.

The green crocodile is still resting on the shore. It has a natural sense of rejection for things like ‘water’.

As long as it is not a special situation, it has never been willing to take a rest in the water.

As for the snapping turtle, it had already ran to the bottom of the lake, buried its head in the mud, and went to sleep.

Beside the snapping turtle, there are several black fishes, like guards, always paying attention to the surrounding movement.

When Lin Fan walked over, he caught the attention of a few black fishes, and a vigilant look flashed in his eyes. As long as there was any major movement, they would immediately sound the alarm.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan smiled and waved his hand, but he didn't see anything in his hand, but abruptly at his feet, a giant black baby fish more than two meters long appeared.

This baby fish was brought back from Zhongyun Mountain by Lin Fan. Instead of letting it live on its own, it's better to keep it in a lake, or to be a companion for snapping turtles and crocodiles.

"This will be your new home in the future. Remember, the fish and turtles in the lake are your family. You have to get along with them and can't fight in a nest, understand?" Lin Fan said.

This baby fish has been alive for more than one hundred and fifty years. It can be said to be the older one among the baby fish. It can be regarded as an old baby fish.

Hearing this, the baby fish made a low "wow wow" sound, just like a baby crying, sounding a little cautious.

But the meaning it wants to express has been clearly conveyed, and that is obedience.

Since Lin Fan and Wayu established a spiritual connection, this Wayu has treated Lin Fan as his master, and obeyed 100% of what he said.

What's more, the environment here seems to be no worse than on Zhong Yun Mountain, and there are so many small partners, which Wawayu also prefers.

After the explanation, the baby fish turned and walked towards the lake.

After doing all this, Lin Fan really relaxed. After returning to the zoo, he felt like going home.

Turning around and walking straight to Qingyi Manor, a faint fragrance of flowers wafted over, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

Back in his room, Lin Fan took out his phone and clicked into the game.

Since most of the time in these two days was on Zhongyun Mountain and there was no signal or anything, Lin Fan had not turned on the phone.

As soon as I clicked in, I saw the game assistant and a message popped up.

[Congratulations to the player for getting a baby fish! 】

[The zoo opens a new project and adds a new aquarium building, players can arrange the construction reasonably! 】

[The player gets 1856310 popularity points, and the total popularity value is 6512447. Please check it out! 】

Seeing a message popped up by the little assistant, Lin Fan was also shocked. He didn't expect that in just two days, so much popularity value would be credited, and the total popularity value has exceeded 6 million.

In addition, there is a new aquarium.

With the current scale and area of ​​the zoo, of course, it is not enough to build a high-end building such as an aquarium, but when the back mountain is also developed, the zoo may be re-planned and the aquarium may be built.

At that time, throwing all the snapping turtles, green crocodiles, and baby fish into the aquarium was also an eye-catching sight.

In addition, adding a few more marine creatures can make zoos and aquariums more full.

"Little assistant, can aquatic animals be incubated with pet eggs?" Lin Fan asked.

[No, pet eggs can only hatch viviparous animals, but aquatic animals cannot hatch! 】

[Players can use the new features of the game to catch aquatic animals! 】

"New function? Is it possible to catch the world and catch aquatic animals?" Lin Fan muttered subconsciously.

As his voice fell, a scene of Penglai Fairy Island emerged in his mind. In the vast ocean, a small fishing boat floated on it.

Lin Fan was standing on the fishing boat, holding a broken net in his hand, fishing in the sea by wind and waves, and a tsunami would overturn the fishing boat...

Thinking of this, Lin Fan felt a chill in his heart, which was so desperate.

[Players can adapt to the new features according to the prompts! 】

Suddenly, the phone shook, and the game assistant popped up a message.

The next moment, a camera-like picture appeared in Lin Fan's sight.

Seeing this so-called new feature, Lin Fan was a little confused: "Could it be that I want to take a photo?"

[Players can take photos according to their favorite water creatures, and the photos will be automatically generated in the game and placed in a reasonable place! 】

"Oh?" Lin Fan's heart moved.

"That means, I use this camera function to take photos of the selected aquatic animals, and then the game will generate exactly the same fish, right?"

[That’s right, depending on the type and rarity of aquatic animals, there is also a limitation on the time it takes to spawn. After spawning, it will appear in the incubation room and players can allocate it by themselves! 】

In this way, Lin Fan understood it completely.

In fact, it is to incubate pet eggs. There is no difference, except that one is purchased in the game mall and hatched in the incubator.

The other is to take pictures by yourself and automatically generate them in the incubation room. In fact, the process is the same, but it is replaced by a new method of actual operation.

Maybe this gameplay is related to the baby fish that I caught.

After all, since Lin Fan downloaded this game, all the animals are from the game. Really derived from reality, I am afraid that only the baby fish and the snapping turtle are the only ones.

Of course, to a certain extent, it was just moving the snapping turtle to another house, and there was no actual capture operation.

Lin Fan smiled and nodded, looking forward to this new gameplay more and more.

Quit the game, turn off the phone, and lie down: "Whenever you have time, go to the fish market and go to the fish market. When you meet the fish you like, I will take a few pictures and bring it back..."

Gradually, a uniform snoring sound resounded in the room.

The sky lights up a little bit, when a new day is about to begin.

Lin Fan, who was sleeping, was suddenly awakened by a scream. In a daze, he heard someone outside talking in surprise.

"Ah, here, why is there an extra monster in this lake? What is this...",...