Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 189: Hi Daddy

"Little fish?"

Hearing her name, the little girl was startled first, then nodded happily: "Thank you, benefactor, I like this name!"

"Don't call me your benefactor from now on. It sounds weird. Just like the little fox, call me Brother Xiaofan!" Lin Fan also said with a smile.

"Little fox? Who is it?" Xiaoyu asked curiously.

"Uh...I'm a very beautiful young lady, you will be able to meet soon."

Hearing this, Xiao Yu's eyes were full of anticipation, as if he was very happy to see that pretty little fox sister.

After signing the contract with Xiaoyu, Lin Fan quietly opened Xiaoyu's attribute list, wanting to see what the dragon came from.

As a result, when the system showed information about Xiaoyu in a semi-transparent virtual form before Lin Fan's eyes, it was completely bewildered.

Except for her name is Xiaoyu and her race is Dragon, all other things, whether it is realm, age, life span, or cultivation techniques, are all unknown.

Even the game assistant can't detect Xiaoyu's origin and realm. It seems that her body is really full of magical colors.

Now that a contract has been signed, as long as Lin Fan leaves Penglai Fairy Island, he can take the fish with him, and he will not be subject to any restrictions.

Before leaving here, Lin Fan first came to the edge of Lingquan and looked at the mutated Tai Sui inside.

A large pile of translucent things that looked like jelly, it was so honest and unmoving.

Lin Fan tried to use his spiritual power again to establish a spiritual connection with Tai Sui, so that he could clearly know the basic situation of this Tuo Tai Sui.

However, after trying twice and still to no avail, Lin Fan decisively gave up.

The weak mental fluctuations that came back from Tai Sui's body are now in a very weak state. Although it has regenerated, its consciousness is still blurred.

In such a situation, it is obviously impossible to establish a spiritual connection, and only after it has recovered almost by itself, will it try it.

A golden light flashed, and when Lin Fan and Xiaoyu opened their eyes again, they had already returned to their room in Qingyi Manor.

At this time, it was already dark outside, and the dark moon and starry night made the zoo look gloomy, and brought an indescribable depression.

The little fish looked at the environment in the room curiously, ran to the window from time to time, and looked towards the zoo through the dark night.

"Benefactor, is this the place where you live?" Xiaoyu still couldn't change her name, and asked curiously.

Lin Fan smiled and nodded: "This is the zoo. During the day, many tourists will visit here, and the animals will rest in cages at night."

"Zoo?" Obviously Xiaoyu was not clear about such a place.

This is not surprising. The little fish has always lived in the vast sea area of ​​Penglai Xiandao. There are no humans around, and all the creatures and monsters in the sea are what they see and hear.

For some buildings and places in modern society, it is a state of asking three questions.

"Benefactor, the little fish is a dragon, also a kind of animal, will you also keep me in a cage?" The little fish frowned and said with a look of surprise.

When she said this, she could clearly see a trace of fear flashing in her eyes.

Lin Fan walked over with a smile, rubbed the little fish's head with pity, and said, "How can I let the little fish be kept in a cage? The little fish is not an animal!"

"But..." Xiaoyu's brows were still not stretched, and he murmured, "Little fish is a dragon!"

"Who told you that dragons are also animals? They are sacred beasts, much more advanced than animals." Lin Fan smiled and comforted.

Hearing this, Xiaoyu looked over again with a blank face, and asked doubtfully: "Benefactor, what is a divine beast? Why is it superior to animals? Is Xiaoyu really a divine beast?"

"Uh...Yes, the little fish is a divine beast, the most powerful among divine beasts..."

"Why is the little fish the most powerful? Are all mythical beasts great? Then the shark man I killed is also a mythical beast?"

Lin Fan: "..."

Although Xiaoyu's cultivation base and realm were much higher than Lin Fan's, I am afraid that no one would be her opponent today.

However, the realm is the realm, the little fish evolved from a purple goldfish after all. Although the intelligence is very high, the vision and insight are still at the stage of a child.

What's more, coming to this modern technological metropolis, facing anything, she will feel extremely curious and fresh, and the problems will naturally increase.

This is far inferior to the little white wolf who is naturally accustomed to various environments and likes to study various things.

After being transformed into a human form, the little white wolf is a full bear kid.

After Xiaoyu came to this world, everything he did was like a cute little girl who was curious and ignorant of the world.

If you really want to ask Lin Fan who he likes better, Lin Fan will definitely choose Xiaoyu without hesitation.

As for that little white wolf...

Since it was getting late, Lin Fan didn't bother the little foxes and the others, so he simply let Xiaoyu stay in his room to deal with them all night.

After I get up tomorrow, I am rescheduling.

"Little fish, don't think so much, you are sleeping on it tonight, I am sleeping on the ground, you can call me whenever you have anything to do." Lin Fan said.

Xiaoyu looked at the double bed curiously. She had never seen this thing before, and there was a hint of interest in her eyes.

Regarding what Lin Fan said, she didn't have any intention to violate it, nodded obediently, and lay down and went to sleep with her eyes closed.

After a while, the simple-minded little fish fell asleep, and there was a slight breathing sound in the room, but Lin Fan's current mood was extremely complicated.

When he was just in his early twenties, when he was alone with Xiaoyu, he always felt like being a father when he looked at her cuteness and simplicity.

I don’t know how long it has been, in a daze, Lin Fan fell into a deep sleep when a white fish belly appeared on the horizon...

The next morning, a ray of sunlight came in.

Lin Fan, who was sleeping, asked a faint fragrance, flowing into his nose.

I opened my eyes in a daze, and suddenly I saw a little girl sitting in front of her, holding her chin in both hands, blinking her big eyes and staring at herself.

With this shock, Lin Fan almost didn't jump up, and after a closer look, he saw clearly that it was Xiaoyu...

Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Benefactor, are you finally awake?"