Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 196: True and False Ye Mingzhu


Hearing this, Lin Fan didn't get any better, but the little white wolf beside him screamed and laughed without restraint.

"Dad, I said we don’t want to come to this house. You still don’t listen. What kind of talent can there be in a shop like this? Let’s go, let’s change to a really discerning person and take a look The value of this bead!" said the little white wolf like an adult.

In the eyes of others, he is just a five or six-year-old child. In fact, his mind and eyesight are not comparable to ordinary people.

Just when Lin Fan took out the Deep Sea Night Pearl, the little white wolf had already seen that it was definitely not an ordinary thing.

Although there is no spiritual power in the Ye Mingzhu, and it has no value for cultivators like them, but for these ordinary mortals, it is a rare treasure for a century or even a thousand years.

The result fell in the eyes of the front desk receptionist, and it turned into a synthetic and worthless thing.

This made him feel extremely funny.

And Xiaoyu even more dismissively, frowned slightly, and didn't bother to look at the girl.

You know, this Ye Mingzhu was transformed after she killed the shark. Except for Lin Fan and Xiaoyu, there is no third person, and she really knows where it came from.

Dare to say that it is artificially synthesized? If Xiaoyu had a better temper, I'm afraid he would have slapped it.

Lin Fan nodded. Instead of talking nonsense with this kind of people who don't have any insight or vision, it's better to find other places for identification.

As long as it is a good thing, there is no need to worry about people who don't really know the goods.

Just when he put Ye Mingzhu back in his pocket and turned to leave, a man's voice came from the rest area next door.

"Sir, please wait a moment!"

Lin Fan turned around, but happened to see the man who had been sitting there with tea.

This person is also very handsome in a suit and leather shoes. With a height of over 1.8 meters, walking on the road will definitely become the male **** in the eyes of millions of girls.

It's just that when he stood with Lin Fan, he still looked a little bit inferior. After all, Lin Fan had taken Zhuyan Pill, and now he has been reborn, and he still has an illusory temperament.

Stopped, Lin Fan turned around and asked strangely: "Excuse me, what's the matter with you?"

The man walked up and said with a smile: "Hello, my name is Han Yu, the person in charge here, can you let me take a look at your pearl just now?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan frowned and said, "You heard it all just now. The beauty said that my bead is synthetic, so there is no need to look at it, right?"

As soon as the voice fell, whether it was Han Yu or the female receptionist, both looked embarrassed.

In fact, the female receptionist has always held the same opinion as before. She has never seen Pearl, but it is a lap bigger than table tennis. How could there be?

Even if they did, they were all artificially synthesized. Like the bead that Lin Fan just took out, it was radiant and round without any flaws.

If it is a natural pearl, its value is astronomical.

In the few years she worked here, she had seen the largest black pearl, only the size of a glass ball, and it was not very smooth. It had to be polished and processed manually before it could be sold on the market.

And anyone who has a little bit of common sense about natural pearls will know that pearls that have not been artificially polished are often not very round, and only those synthesized in the later stage will have no flaws.

What's more, this bead of Lin Fan is not only big, but also flawless. Let alone a receptionist with a little eye, I am afraid that it is a master with rich appraisal experience here. I am afraid that it will be impossible for the first impression.

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Han Yu also looked embarrassed, and said quickly: "Sir, it is like this. She is just a receptionist. If there is any offense, please forgive me... Of course, if If you can trust our auction house, we can also help Mr. to identify the pearl for free, and don’t take a cent!"

"Oh?" Lin Fan frowned upon hearing this.

Taking a deep look at this man named Han Yu, he said that this man is not easy.

In fact, just when Lin Fan took out the bead, it had already attracted Han Yu's attention, and his first impression was like the female receptionist, thinking it was just a synthetic fake pearl.

But I don't know why, but there is a feeling that I can't express the beads in my heart, it seems that it is not as simple as I thought.

Han Yu, who has been here for many years, has a clear understanding of things like antiques. Unlike others, he is more reliant on the information fed back by the sixth sense.

And the sixth sense just told him that the bead might far exceed what he could see, and if he missed it, he would have to lose a great opportunity to become famous.

As for free appraisals, it is a trivial matter for an auction house.

If it is identified at that time, the bead is just an ordinary synthetic pearl, and nothing is lost, but if it is truly identified as a rare treasure, it will undoubtedly be a big profit.

Ever since, he took the initiative to chase after Lin Fan before he left.

As far as Lin Fan is concerned, he is definitely a fool if there is no advantage. Since he can help with identification for free, it is better than paying for it.

Nodded, and said: "Yes, then please help Guixing to identify it!"

Hearing this, Han Yu said again and again: "Well, sir, please come with me!"

Ever since, under the leadership of Han Yu, he went straight behind and walked over.

Behind the shop, there are several tightly closed dark rooms. This is where they are responsible for identifying various auction items. In each dark room, an appraiser is sitting.

Perhaps there was something in it. Han Yu didn't stop at the first few dark rooms, but went directly to the door of a larger dark room inside and stopped.

Knocked the door lightly, and then led Lin Fan in.

As a result, there was only one man in his 30s. Han Yu frowned and asked, "Wang Xing, why is your master not here?"

The man named Wang Xing heard this and quickly explained: "Brother Han, my master has not been in good health these past few days, so let me stare here for help."

Hearing this, although Han Yu's face was a little unsatisfied, he didn't say anything, just said, "In this case, then you can help this gentleman to identify it."

When the voice fell, Lin Fan also took out the night pearl.

When Wang Xing saw this black pearl that was a circle larger than a ping pong ball, his brows were also slightly frowned, and the meaning was already obvious.

Despite this, he didn't say much. He sat down and used various identification methods to detect this artificially synthesized bead.

A little bit of time passed, but Wang Xing's face changed little by little.

Until the end, he raised his head with a complicated look in his eyes flashing.

"How about this bead..." Han Yu asked quickly.

Wang Xing shook his head, "Brother Han, wait a moment, I, I'll still make a call, ask my master, his old man, to come over and appraise himself.", ....