Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 197: pearl? Don't sell it!

Wang Xing's words immediately made Han Yu nervous.

You must know that although Wang Xing stayed here as an ‘disciple’, with his appraisal skills, he could have been a teacher and completed any appraisal alone.

It stands to reason that, under his appraisal, ordinary things are invariable.

However, now I heard that he actually offered to call his master, I'm afraid this bead...

While thinking about it, Wang Xing had put down the phone and said apologetically: "Manager Han, I'm really sorry, I'm too talented, and there is really no way to identify this bead. I can only wait for my master to come over and leave it to him. I took my hands personally."

Hearing this, Han Yu nodded in understanding, turned around and said to Lin Fan: "Mr. Lin, I'm really sorry, I'm afraid I will make you wait here a little longer."

Lin Fan smiled faintly, it was still early, and he was not in a hurry to go back, waiting for a while would not delay anything.

But the little white wolf and little fish next to them were sitting on the sofa a little bored, playing with their own clothes, passing the boring time.

About fifteen or six minutes passed, suddenly the door of the room was pushed open from the outside.

The next moment, an old man with gray hair and at least sixty years old, walked in anxiously, his eyes didn't look elsewhere, and he fell directly on the opposite Wang Xing.

"What's the matter, don't you know that I am resting? What is it that is so great that I have to go all the way to go in person? Brat, if you let me know that you blame me, don't blame me for being rude to you. ..." As soon as the old man came in, he scolded his apprentice.

Wang Xing's face was bitter, and he didn't know whether to cry or laugh now. He could only say depressedly: "Master, Manager Han is here."

After being reminded, the old man noticed Han Yu standing next to him.

Han Yu is the manager of this auction house. It stands to reason that he is already at the boss level. As long as the boss does not come, he is the emperor of the land here.

But when Han Yu saw the old man, he looked respectful and nodded slightly and said: "Master Zheng, I'm really sorry, the guest came in a hurry, otherwise he won't bother you to rest. Yes, I'll give it to you. Introduce, this is our employer, Mr. Lin Fanlin..."

Han Yu hurriedly helped introduce him. At this time, Lin Fan also stood up from the sofa, nodded politely at this Master Zheng, and chuckled.

Master Zheng looked back, but didn't say anything, just said coldly: "Where is the thing, let my old man take a look, what a baby it is!"

Hearing this, Wang Xing quickly brought the Ye Mingzhu over.

Master Zheng hadn't taken over, his eyes just fell on Ye Mingzhu, and he couldn't help but startled slightly.

The next moment, I saw him carefully holding the bead in his hand, feeling the faint coolness from it and the unknown liquid flowing in the bead.

Master Zheng's expression immediately became more exaggerated, seeming to be extremely excited.

"Quickly, get my equipment!" Master Zheng said with a trembling voice.

Looks like this, it seems that something terrific has happened baby.

Upon seeing this, Han Yu, who had been hanging a heart, also became nervous.

Lin Fan may not know the origin of Master Zheng's identity yet, but he just thought he was awesome.

But as the manager of the auction, Han Yu knew Master Zheng clearly.

Regardless of his age now, and what he is wearing looks a bit sloppy, in fact, in the antique industry, especially in this Delong market, he is a famous existence.

As long as it is an antique treasure that passes in front of his eyes, there is no need for special identification at all to distinguish the true from the false.

The means of identification is already second to none.

But when he saw this bead, he was so excited that he couldn't himself, and he had to take out the special identification equipment.

In such a situation, not only Han Yu, but also Wang Xing was taken aback.

It can be seen that this black bead is definitely not simple.

"Good, good...hahaha, I didn't expect to see such a baby in my lifetime, well, it is really good!" After the appraisal, Master Zheng laughed and said several'good' words. .

This made the few people around him all look dumbfounded.

"Master, what do you mean..." Wang Xing couldn't help but went up and asked.

Master Zheng ignored him, and turned around quickly, his eyes flashed and said, "Lin, Mr. Lin, right?"

Lin Fan nodded with a smile, but did not speak.

"Do you really intend to give this bead to our auction house to be responsible for the auction?" Master Zheng swallowed fiercely and asked with a look of disbelief.

Hearing this, Lin Fan frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "I don't plan to auction it. I just want your bank to help me verify the authenticity, so that someone will say that my bead is a fake, haha!"

"Who? Who said this bead is a fake? Wang Xing, isn't it your kid? What am I... I have taught you so many years, you actually told me it is a fake, look at me Do not......"

Master Zheng raised his hand in anger and was about to fight, which frightened Wang Xing.

He shook his head quickly and said, "Master, you are misunderstanding. I, I never said that this bead is a fake. At that time, I saw that this bead is not simple, so I immediately called you. If you don't believe... If you don’t believe me, just ask Manager Han, he can testify to me..."

Hearing this, Master Zheng turned around and glared at Manager Han. The posture seemed to make him give an explanation immediately, otherwise the slap that had not fallen would most likely fall on Han Yu's face.

Upon seeing this, Manager Han quickly said: "Yes, yes, it's actually said that this bead is a fake, it's Li Xiaoxiao at the front desk. She doesn't know whether it's true or not, so..."

"Li Xiaoxiao?" At this time, the old man's angry face calmed down a little bit.

Although he disliked the little girl at the front desk very much, Master Zheng also understood his identity. Otherwise, with his violent temper, Li Xiaoxiao would be expelled directly.

"It's a nonsense. This is obviously a deep-sea pearl. It has been rare for a hundred years. If it is missed like this, I am afraid that it will be difficult to have such a good product in the future. That Li Xiaoxiao... !" Master Zheng still couldn't bear to say anything too cruel.

Turning his head and looking at Lin Fan, who was standing on the side, smiling and not speaking, Master Zheng said: "Mr. Lin, the old man apologized to you for the previous misunderstanding. The little girl does not understand the truth, so don't take it to your heart... ...In this way, as long as you can keep this bead for auction with us, I, I will personally promote it to you, what do you think?"

Normally, based on Mr. Zheng's influence and qualifications in the antique industry, if he personally promotes an object, the credibility is very high, and many bigwigs in the industry will also rush over.

For many people, such treatment is undesirable.

Who ever thought that when Master Zheng said these words, Lin Fan shook his head: "Pearls? If that's the case, you don't need to sell them!"

"Huh?" Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Master Zheng was also taken aback. He looked up at Lin Fan, and then at the "black pearl" in his hand, but he felt a silly chuckle in his heart. Is it possible that he even missed his eyes? ,, ..