Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 198: Negotiation!

Lin Fan's idea is very simple. You can sell your own bead or not. It doesn't matter if you keep it in your own hands anyway. It's better to exchange money for more real.

But despite this, you have to find someone who really knows the goods for this bead.

I thought Master Zheng was really a glaring existence... As a result, it was nothing more than that.

Lin Fan wasn't joking, he was really ready to leave.

Upon seeing this, Han Yu was anxious, Wang Xing was also anxious, and Master Zheng was even more anxious than anyone else.

It’s been 40 years since I did this business myself.

From when he was only a teenager, he has been in this business with his master, until now, he really hasn't looked away.

Speaking of the origin of Master Zheng, it is indeed very awesome.

When he was sixteen or seventeen years old, some modern antiques can be seen at a glance.

Until at the age of twenty-five or sixteen, his master passed away due to illness, and he inherited the mantle alone, and he was also in the antique world.

No matter where you are in any city, as long as you mention Master Zheng, almost no one does not know him. He is also famous in the antique world.

Many large auction houses once paid a lot of money and wanted to invite him to sit there, but this old man has not been moved.

I don't know why, but I prefer to take root in the Wanxiang auction on Delong Street in Fengshi.

Later, there were also many TV programs related to antiques. I wanted to invite him to sit in and become a master appraisal. Although his salary was not higher than that offered by the big auction houses, it was a great opportunity to improve his reputation, but he still did not agree. .

Gradually, in the eyes of many people, Mr. Zheng became a weird person who didn't like money and was not famous.

In this materialistic age, such weird people are rare.

However, today, Master Zheng found out that he would have missed his eyes. This was an unbearable mistake for him.

But he is also an old river and lake. After Lin Fan reminded him, he seemed to realize something immediately.

Turning around, he said to Wang Xing, "Turn off the lights!"

The dark room itself is completely enclosed, and once the light is extinguished, it immediately becomes dark.

As a result, at this time, a strange scene happened.

I saw that the night pearl that Master Zheng held in his hand was emitting a faint light.

And this is not the most surprising, but the light emitted by the beads is getting stronger a little bit, until a few seconds later, the room can be illuminated.

Seeing this scene, Master Zheng was shocked.

And Wang Xing and Han Yu who were beside him were completely dumbfounded.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became weird. I don’t know how long it has been. Maybe it’s just a few seconds, maybe a few minutes, or maybe...

"Ye, Ye Mingzhu?"

I didn't know who it was, so he shouted abruptly.

At this time, Master Zheng and Han Yu were awakened from shock.

"Yes, yes, it is Ye Mingzhu, the legendary treasure Ye Mingzhu, this is a rare treasure..." Master Zheng's voice was trembling.

If it weren't for the light in the room, it was really dim, I'm afraid he could see the scene of his tears.

"Cut, a group of countryboys who have never seen the world, a mere night pearl, can also be excited like this!" Suddenly, the little white wolf who had been sitting on the sofa said in his childish voice.

If this is changed to normal, Master Zheng will definitely be thunderous, what happened to the child? Say who has never seen the world? Since learning crafts from a master, what kind of peerless antiques have not been seen?

Not to mention Master Zheng, even his apprentice and Han Yu could not help but come up with a few words.

But now...there is only a wry smile on their faces.

This is really Ye Mingzhu. I have only seen it in martial arts novels or on TV. The real Ye Mingzhu is a legend. Who can see it?

Now that you can see the real Ye Mingzhu in this legend, you can't even think about it.

"Quick, turn on the lights!" At this time, Master Zheng said quickly.


The light turned on again to restore the brightness of the room, but Ye Mingzhu dimmed a little as a result.

"Rare treasure, this is a real rare treasure. I, I have been doing appraisal in this life. If I can see this rare treasure in my lifetime, it is worth death..." Master Zheng said with red eyes.

It can be seen how excited he is now.

Looking at Han Yu and Wang Xing next to him, not only did not say a word of refutation, but they all nodded in agreement, as if they were thinking the same as Master Zheng.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan smiled slightly and said: "Master Zheng, then look at this bead. How much is it worth?"

At this time, Lin Fan had already looked at Master Zheng differently.

Although it was not directly identified at the beginning, after a word of his own, he immediately reflected it and made an effective solution, which shows that Master Zheng is definitely not an ordinary person.

Otherwise, an ordinary appraiser would not use such a method to appraise a so-called pearl.

After all, things like Ye Mingzhu exist in legends, and no one can prove that they have seen it with their own eyes, and don't mention whether there is any news in this world.

"How much is it worth?"

Hearing this, Master Zheng frequently shook his head with excitement.

A peerless treasure, can it be compared with money? This is simply an insult to Ye Mingzhu.

However, he hasn't been in this business for a day or two. Of course, he doesn't get angry, let alone say such things that offend people.

Even things that are priceless in the market will have a similar price.

After thinking about it carefully, he exchanged a look with Han Yu.

After a long time, Master Zheng murmured: "Mr. Lin, with all due respect, I really want me to tell the price of the Pearl of the Night. I can't be sure, but Mr. Lin really wants to agree to auction this Pearl of the Night at our auction house , The starting price can be set at more than 100 million yuan, and the final price will never be less than 1.5 billion yuan."

"Five hundred million?"

Even if Lin Fan heard about the price, he couldn't help but squat.

Originally, he just thought that as long as he could sell a few tens of millions, he would have made a lot of money. If he could sell a hundred million, it would be great luck and wealth.

As a result, how could he not be shocked when he heard that at least one and a half billion dollars can be photographed?

"Mr. Lin, in addition, as the manager of the auction, I can also assure you that the commission we charge you will definitely be at the lowest price, and in terms of publicity, all channels and resources will be exhausted to ensure The news about this pearl of the night will attract collectors from all over the country and even abroad. I think if this is the case, the final price will probably far exceed ours. budget......"

Hearing this, Lin Fan felt even more settled.

After thinking about it, he nodded and said with a smile: "If this is the case, please trouble Manager Han and Master Zheng."

"Hahaha, no trouble, no trouble, but Mr. Lin, if you are willing to entrust our auction house, you have to sign a contract first..." Manager Han said carefully.

Lin Fan nodded: "This is natural. Bring the contract."