Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 205: dinner!

For girls, shopping is the biggest recreational project.

Regardless of age or status.

As long as they talk about shopping, they can always be extremely excited.

The next morning, Lin Fan explained the things in the zoo to the little fox and Linda one by one, and then drove straight to Fengshi city.

Before leaving, I thought Xiaoyu would be as distressed as a child.

In the end, Xiaoyu smiled mysteriously, not meaningfully, but made Lin Fan a little dazed. What's the situation? But it didn't take it too seriously.

Forty minutes later, Lin Fan stopped the car at the agreed place.

On the side of the road, I saw Lu Yingxue wearing a relaxed casual outfit with a small bag slung on her body. With such a dress, she would never think she was just a girl who had just finished the college entrance examination.

Lu Yingxue's maturity and purity, standing there will always cause many people to look back, even some fashionable girls can't help but look jealous.

After the two met, Lin Fan parked the car and went straight to the nearby shopping malls.

Lu Yingxue's family is in good condition. His father is the secretary of the provincial party committee, which is equivalent to the number one leader, and his mother is also a director of Fengshi City Court.

In addition, I heard that the Lu family and the Kyoto side have a very simple relationship.

However, Lin Fan didn't know what kind of relationship it had, nor was he interested in inquiring about these news.

Entering the mall, Lu Yingxue is like a child in an amusement park. Seeing anything can arouse her strong curiosity.

However, whenever Lin Fan was about to buy clothes or pants with money, Lu Yingxue always shook her head with a look of disgust.

"Why, don't you like it very much?" Lin Fan asked a little puzzled.

Lu Yingxue smiled slightly: "No, I just like the style of the dress better, but the fabric is not so good, and it's not worth the money."

Hearing this, Lin Fan nodded depressedly.

Although Lu Yingxue's family conditions are good, it is precisely because of this that she grew up in a strict education environment.

Outside, Lu Yingxue never compares herself with anyone as her own family. In terms of the quality of life, she just thinks it's good to live.

Compared with those other girls, Lu Yingxue is really not easy to encounter in today's materialistic society.

After walking around for a whole morning, it will be over soon, and it is almost time for dinner.

Walking out of the department store, Lin Fan said with a smile: "You are hungry, why don't we go to a nearby restaurant and simply eat something first? Otherwise, you won't have the energy to go shopping in the afternoon."

Hearing this, Lu Yingxue raised her head and said with a little surprise in her eyes: "Don't you need to go back this afternoon?"

In her opinion, Lin Fan is already very satisfied with spending the whole morning with her.

After all, during the recent period of time, Lin Fan has been very busy with his work, and he is often invisible for a whole day.

Although Lu Yingxue felt a little regretful about this, she understood it well.

After all, the zoo is currently on the rise, and the front and back mountains are eager to fully open. It is normal for men to be busy.

But just when she heard that she would go shopping in the afternoon, Lu Yingxue's eyes flashed a surprised expression. In fact, in her heart, there was more joy.

Lin Fan smiled and nodded: "Of course, I didn't say that I belong to you today. Go wherever you want."

Upon hearing this, Lu Yingxue's face almost burst into laughter, especially when he heard that "Today I belong to you", a blush appeared on her face.

Such a shy appearance makes people look even more shocked.

"Then, okay, you stay with me today, and I will stay with you tomorrow..." Lu Yingxue said with a smile.

Lin Fan nodded, and the two of them held hands and went straight to a restaurant not far away.

This restaurant belongs to the more distinctive kind. It specializes in seafood specialties. It is famous in Feng City and is also loved by young men and women.

Since it is noon now, there are almost full seats in the small restaurant.

Standing at the door, Lin Fan and Lu Yingxue's faces were all a little helpless, they couldn't even sit down and eat quietly.

At this moment, Lu Yingxue's cell phone rang.

I took it out and found that the caller ID was indeed "Yingying" with a photo of her on it.

Upon seeing this, Lu Yingxue frowned slightly, muttering softly, and connected the phone: "Hey, Yingying, didn't you say you are going to travel? Why did you think of calling me at this time?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled and walked to the side, without deliberately listening to the content of the phone call between her and Yingying.

But just after he left, Lu Yingxue's call was over.

With a trace of embarrassment on her face, she walked over and said: "Xiao Fan, Yingying just called and she said she would like to invite us to have a meal, look..."

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled and nodded: "I have no problem. If you want to go, I will accompany you."

Lu Yingxue and Yingying are good friends, and they are good friends at school.

Moreover, Lin Fan and Yingying have seen each other a few times, and they have a very good impression of this girl. In a word, they are beautiful, from a good family background, with a carefree personality, a real female man.

The place to eat was a restaurant on the outskirts of the city.

Lin Fan has never been here before, and Lu Yingxue has never been here. I heard that the fish here are very special. The ingredients used are all freshwater fish that are specialty of Ninghe in the neighboring province.

And eating here is generally more expensive, and a meal is often more than a few thousand yuan.

For the salaried people, having a meal here can be considered a luxury.

Unexpectedly, Yingying would actually treat guests there for dinner. Lin Fan had some doubts in her heart along the way, but she didn't ask much.

It takes about an hour and a half from the city to the suburbs.

When Lin Fan drove here, it was already more than two o'clock in the afternoon, almost three o'clock.

As soon as I parked the car, I saw two girls coming out of an elegant wooden house. It was Lu Yingxue's two best friends, Yingying and Wang Panpan.

When they saw Lin Fan walking by together, their faces all showed bright smiles.

He took the initiative to step forward and said, "Oh, handsome Lin, I haven't seen you in a few days. Are you handsome again?"

Lin Fan smiled and said, "You two are getting more and more beautiful. It's really a big eighteen change."

Upon hearing this, Yingying laughed heartlessly.

Just as they were standing at the door and chatting, there were two more cars behind them, coming towards this side.

After a while, when the car stopped beside several people, several people walked out of the car.

Seeing them, Lu Yingxue's expression changed slightly, and she subconsciously turned her head and glared at both Yingying and Wang Panpan. ,, ..