Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 221: Come again

Dozens of large boxes took more than 20 minutes to move over.

Even those big guys with strong physiques are already out of breath, and the sweat on their bodies pierces their clothes.

Lin Fan and the little fox all looked at each other with a box as high as a hill in front of them.

"President Lin, hehe, this is a little bit of my care, please don't dislike it. Regarding what happened last night..." Zhuang Zhengming walked forward and said with a smile.

"These are?" Lin Fan asked frowning.

"Oh, this is the food that our President Zhuang specially sent to people, which can be used as food for the zoo..." said Bald Cheng pale.

Dozens of boxes of ingredients? Zhuang Zhengming is really generous.

Lin Fan and Little Fox didn't have any expressions, but Lu Yingxue and Lin Shu were slightly surprised.

Seeing that Lin Fan hadn't spoken all the time, Zhuang Zhengming's face looked a little embarrassed, and he quickly turned his head and called his unsuspecting nephew.

At this time, Zhuang Qi looked depressed. Maybe he was tired from just carrying the box, or maybe because of what happened last night, the knot in his heart has not been opened yet.

When he saw Lu Yingxue next to Lin Fan, an unnatural expression flashed in his eyes.

"Lin Yuan, you see, these things are blamed on my nephew for being unworthy and inadvertently offending you. Regarding the unpleasant and misunderstandings that happened last night, I hope that the Lord Lin can have a lot of things to let this matter pass... ..." Zhuang Zhengming said with a smile.

He is very jealous of Lin Fan now, especially after hearing what Wei Wu said last night, he didn't dare to get tired of even a little kitten in his heart.

Before that, he had heard people say that there were a group of killers from Citigroup who had just arrived in Huaxiafeng City, as if the world had evaporated.

And in the hotel where they lived before, no one was seen, and there were no traces of fighting.

Later, someone had guessed that the sudden appearance of these killers in China, and the disappearance of the hotel near the zoo, might have a connection with the zoo that just reopened.

Of course, since there is no evidence, such a statement cannot be established at all. It only disappeared after being spread in a small circle for a few days.

Later, another wave of Fusang people came. Strangely, they also had an accident outside the People's Park one night and were burned alive in the car.

At this moment, things became weird.

If the first time was a coincidence, then the accident of the Fusang people was indescribably strange.

Although the official side has repeatedly emphasized that this is an accidental fire caused by the aging of the car, but a small number of people do not agree with this statement.

Especially last night, after Wei Wu's suggestion, Zhuang Zhengming clearly realized that these things might have something to do with the zoo's director Lin Fan.

You know, the gang who disappeared are the killer members of Citigroup J. The name of the J group has a high status in the world, and once they are on a mission, there is basically no time to miss.

In addition, the identities of those who came from Fusang became even more mysterious. On the surface, they were scholars, businessmen and even tourists visiting China.

In fact, only insiders know that these people are members of a mysterious organization in Fusang, and they are all not small. They dare not say that they are all masters, at least they can be called agents.

As a result, don’t accidents still happen here?

Want to understand this, how dare Zhuang Zhengming find someone to deal with Lin Fan secretly, even the several killers from Citigroup J have disappeared mysteriously.

And if he really spends money to find, in the morning, Zhuang Zhengming brought so many people to Tianshi Mountain with gongs and drums.

On the face of it, a large cart of food was delivered, but in reality, I wanted to eliminate the misunderstandings that occurred.

After all, a person who can't afford to offend is always worried about, this feeling is more uncomfortable than death.

To be on the safe side, Zhuang Zhengming also brought his troublesome nephew and bald-headed Cheng to plead guilty, hoping that Lin Fan could eliminate these feasts.

Although Zhuang Zhengming did not directly state his intentions, anyone with a discerning eye could see what he wanted to do.

And Lin Fan immediately thought of the pushing hand behind him, definitely Wei Wu.

Lin Fan smiled faintly: "Ms. Zhuang, it is not me that you offended. To be precise, you and I did not have any holidays. The person Zhuang Qi sins against is my girlfriend. Can I be forgiven? It was Yingxue who said it."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Zhuang Zhengming was startled, but his reaction was fast enough, and he quickly set his eyes on Lu Yingxue who was beside Lin Fan.

Regarding Lu Yingxue's identity and background, he also found someone to investigate secretly overnight.

However, the results of the investigation surprised him. This girl who looked like a fairy from the dust, her father was the secretary of the Jiangbei Provincial Party Committee, and her real origin was in the Lu family in Kyoto.

Zhuang Zhengming is very clear about the name of the Lu family, and its status and power are definitely not inferior to the Ye family, and both of them are family friends.

In this way, Zhuang Zhengming knew that his nephew was more than annoying the director of a zoo. Fortunately, he did not do any heinous things, otherwise the Secretary of Jiangbei Province and the Lu family in Kyoto might be offended.

At that time, let alone his little KTV boss, I am afraid that in front of the Lu family, she can be crushed to dust by moving her little finger...

Now hearing what Lin Fan said, Zhuang Zhengming naturally did not dare to be negligent, and quickly nodded and said yes, and said to Zhuang Qi next to him: "Hurry up and apologize to your classmates!"

Zhuang Qi's face was gloomy, he really couldn't understand where he was wrong, but he didn't dare not listen to what his uncle said.

Ever since, I saw Zhuang Qi with a cold face and said lowly: "Yingxue, what happened last night, I'm sorry, sorry, it caused you to have a bad birthday...if you can, I will invite you to dinner another day..."

Just when he said the word ‘fan’, Zhuang Zhengming’s expression changed and he slapped him viciously. It was crisp.

"Boy, are you apologizing?" Zhuang Zhengming scolded coldly.

In fact, when he said these words, he had been eyeing Lin Fan's face all the time.

This kid Zhuang Qi is really ignorant of current affairs. It's time for him to even want to invite someone to dinner, and he is still in front of Lin Fan.

If just because of this sentence, I was angering Lin Fan, wouldn't all of these things I did today be wasted?

However, Zhuang Qi turned around with a dazed expression and looked at Zhuang Zhengming.

Upon seeing this, Zhuang Zhengming was furious, and roared: "Look what to see, I'm doing it again!"

Zhuang Qi: "...", ...