Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 223: Battle behind the mountain!

Lin Fan was taken aback, frowning slightly.

In a small piece of wood not far ahead, more than a dozen bees flew around in a panic. From the emotions they radiated, they could clearly sense that they seemed to encounter some irresistible danger.

These bees all came from the front mountain, and they can be distinguished from the looming mental power of them.

Since placing them in the woods behind Qingyi Manor last time, Lin Fan has rarely passed by.

For a period of time, they are self-sufficient and live a comfortable life. From time to time, they will be seen collecting nectar in the flowers in front of the attic.

The weird thing is, how can they come to the back mountain?

Just as Lin Fan frowned and was puzzled, he saw one of the bees swaying and almost falling to the ground, flying towards Lin Fan.

Since Lin Fan had already established a spiritual connection with most of the bees in the last incident of the wasp attack, there was a weak intermittent message in his mind at this time.

The brain capacity of bees is not very large, the IQ is generally not high, and the information that can be conveyed is very limited.

This bee seemed to have been hurt, and the information became extremely weak. From the intermittent fluctuations, Lin Fan found that the bee was calling for help...

A few strides over, just when the bee was about to fall to the ground because it couldn't support its body, Lin Fan stretched out his hand to directly support it in his palm.

Looking closely, there were many wounds on this bee's body, and the bee sting on the tail was gone.

A bee is no better than a wasp. The sting of a wasp can be used indefinitely, and a new irony can be grown when one is used. But bees are different.

There is only one bee sting in a lifetime, and after using it, it means that its life is about to end.

The bee in front of me has several signs of being bitten by something on its body, several small gaps in its wings and abdomen, and the sting is gone.

The faintness it showed before was probably due to the bee sting.

Lin Fan is a bit strange, isn't the wasp colony that attacked the bees already conquered? The remaining hornet also acted as guards for the honeycomb, wandering around the edge of the woods, and the two sides should not violate each other.

What's more, today's bee colony, after undergoing a large-scale battle, its experience in concord warfare is probably much better than that of an ordinary bee colony.

A few hornet just want to rebel, it is not enough to cause any threat to the bee colony.

How is this going? And Lin Fan noticed that the injury on the bee in his hand did not seem to be a sign that the wasp had bitten it.

Just when Lin Fan was puzzled, the bee in his hand sent intermittent information fluctuations again.

"Yu... Enemy... stealing, stealing honey... honey..."

"Stealing honey?" Lin Fan frowned. This was what he could think of from the fluctuation of the information from the bee.

When he thinks of stealing honey, Lin Fan's first impression is the **** bear that ran away before.

However, the two black bears, one big and one small, have been honestly on the front side of the mountain since they were rescued by Lin Fan. Not to mention running out to eat honey, the concept of escape is now gone.

They have a very comfortable life every day. They will be given an hour of free time in the morning. During this hour, Lin Shu, Little Fox and the others will conduct all-round inspections on the black bear father and son.

In the daytime, they only need to be in cages to welcome a large number of tourists from all over the country. When they are in a good mood, they will take a photo with the tourists...

Run out and eat honey? This is simply impossible, not to mention that just before Lin Fan came out, he deliberately went to the black bear father and son to take a look.

The bee in his hand, after conveying this wave of spiritual information, completely died.

Lin Fan frowned and walked directly towards the place where the commotion occurred.

When he just came outside the woods, he found a buzzing sound from inside, and there were thirty or forty animals turning around a tree.

On that tree, there is obviously a new honeycomb that has just been erected.

Taking a closer look, Lin Fan noticed that on that tree trunk, there were a large number of black ants, leaning on the tree honey in groups.

These ants are all one centimeter in size, and they all look relatively strong.

This kind of ants is actually very common and can often be seen on the mountain. I remember that when I was in my hometown, I used to run up the mountain with my friends nearby.

This kind of big ant will always sneak on to the body without a person's attention, and it hurts to bite.

Although I don't know if this kind of ant is poisonous, it is always easy to cause infection for some people with sensitive skin.

In addition, Lin Fan also knows that ants have a special attraction for sweets, and ants are also natural enemies of bees. Compared with wasps, the forests of ants are larger and their attack power is more fierce.

The ability of ants to cooperate is very strong. This is definitely not comparable to bees and wasps. For beekeepers, ants are a group of headaches.

No wonder these bees were panicking. It turned out to be attacked by a colony of ants...Wait, Lin Fan frowned slightly. These bees lived well in the front mountain, how could they break through and run to the back mountain. Come?

While he was suspicious, a dozen bees were united together, and under the cover of some other bees, they launched a new wave of shock towards the ant colony that was about to approach the honeycomb.

A dozen bees flapped their wings quickly, and rushed towards the ant colony.

Bees who have already had combat experience have different methods to deal with these ants. When they charge up, a large number of ants will fall from above.

Similarly, two bees were directly controlled by ants, and they were covered by more ants in the next moment, and they were torn into pieces.

Such a situation is fatal to bees. Their numbers are not many, and there is no obvious effective means of attack. It is obviously difficult to kill these ant colonies.

Seeing what happened before him, Lin Fan frowned.

Unleashing the spiritual connection, a bee flew towards Lin Fan staggeringly, and landed directly on his fingertips.

"What's the matter, why did you come here to fight the ants?" Lin Fan asked suspiciously.

Hearing this, this bee that had established a spiritual connection did not hide anything from Lin Fan. Waves of information were all transmitted into Lin Fan's mind through mental power... ..