Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 240: You are crazy

"5.5 million!"

"6.1 million!"

"I pay 6.6 million!"

The auction of Seablue Heart had just begun, and the bidders became crazy.

Although the magnitude of each increase is not large, there is no broken link in the middle. As long as someone bids, someone will definitely increase it immediately.

As a result, many people became blushing, holding signs with scarlet eyes, and constantly increasing prices.

Despite this, there are also some people who are standing there watching the excitement with a smile, or are chatting and laughing with people around them while holding a wine glass, and have no interest in this so-called sea-blue heart.

"Ten million, huh, let me see who else wants to grab this necklace with me, I have to order this necklace!" At this moment, a middle-aged man's voice came from the back of the hall.

All of a sudden, from just over seven million, directly shouted to 10 million, which made many people's hearts tremble.

Although the meaning of the sea blue heart is very good, and every pearl is extremely precious, but if you really spend tens of millions to buy such a necklace, it is really not worth it.

For a while, most of the people who were still asking the price just turned off.

However, there are also a small group of people who hold the mentality of being inevitable about the heart of Hailan.

Seeing someone shouting 10 million directly, they also frowned and gritted their teeth. One of them, a man in his thirties, said: "Eleven million, I want this necklace too!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man who had just bid ten million was also slightly startled, but a look of disdain flashed across his face.

This person was about forty-seven or eighteen years old, with a big bald head, a five-and-three-thin appearance, a face of flesh, and a coquettish woman beside him.

"President Du, do people want that necklace..." Seeing someone shouting for an offer, the woman also acted a little unhappy and said coquettishly.

Although the sound was not loud, it made the people around him hear clearly.

Unexpectedly, they all shuddered, and a piece of goose bumps arose on their body, and they stepped a little away from both sides. It was a bit unbearable for that woman's appearance.

Hearing this, the bald head smiled on the woman's face and laughed: "Hahaha, baby, don't worry, I will **** this necklace for you, twelve million..."

Hearing the bald head shouting again, the man just frowned and his eyes were a little red.

"My friend, I want this necklace because I want to give it to my wife. My wife is seriously ill and is currently in the hospital. If I can photograph this necklace and bring it back to her, I might be in a good mood. , The condition can be alleviated, how about giving this necklace to me?" The man said a little excitedly.

Hearing this, the people around, whether men and women, all gave thumbs up and praised him, thinking that this is a real man with affection and righteousness.

However, when the bald heard this, he looked disdainful and snorted coldly: "Dude, it's not that I don't give you this face. This is an auction. What you want depends on your ability. If you really want to be rich If you do, you can buy it back at a higher price."

"You..." Hearing this, the man gritted his teeth with anger, but he was unable to argue.

As the bald said, this is an auction, and if you want to get something, you can only use your own ability and work hard.

Ever since, I saw him red eyes and said: "I'm out of thirteen million!"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard the bald head at the back said calmly: "15 million..."

At this moment, the man's face became a bit ugly.

Is this bald head aimed at himself? A very special necklace is called a high price of 15 million yuan. Why is the cost of picking up girls a bit too big?

For a time, many people around were also aggrieved about this. They said that everyone can come here, and they are not ordinary people. Why should they cause a necklace to earn a life and death? How will they meet in the future?

"Why, no price increase? Hehe, I'm sorry, this necklace belongs to me, hahaha..." The bald head didn't care about the eyes of those around him, and said with a big smile.

"Mr. Du, you are a real man, people love you to death..." the woman beside her bald head said with a coquettish appearance.

At this moment, many people shuddered in Lingling, some of them reacted a bit more, and almost didn't vomit it directly.

Upon seeing this, the man frowned and said with a green face: "18 million!"

"Hey, interesting, I'll pay 20 million!" The bald head said coldly again.

The price of the necklace suddenly reached 20 million, which has exceeded many people's expectations. Even the host on the stage was pleased.

You know, the higher the auction price, the larger the red envelope she can get. Originally, the auction house set her necklace for about 15 million.

As a result, it has far exceeded expectations. As a result, the fee the host gets is not a small amount.

The man gritted his teeth, his eyes were about to breathe fire, but he didn't continue to shout for a long time, as if he really planned to give up.

Upon seeing the opportunity, the host quickly said, "Mr. Du has bid 20 million for Hailan Heart. Is there any higher bid?"

Silence, the auction started for so long, still this kind of silence appeared for the first time.

It seems that everyone is a little bit upset about getting this necklace with a bald head, but they all know in their hearts that this is not a joke. Even though they sympathize with the man, it is impossible to say that they spent tens of millions of dollars to shoot the necklace. Come down and give it to his wife.

"Okay, the first time with twenty million..." At this time, the host saw that no one was bidding, and finally picked up the hammer a little unwillingly.

After a few minutes, the host shouted again: "Twenty million for the second time..."

Still no one shouted, and the man who had just competed with the bald head for the necklace had a flash of despair in his eyes, turned his head and walked outside the hotel, as if he didn't want to watch the necklace being taken away by others, and left directly.

Upon seeing this, many people shook their heads and sighed, showing contempt for that domineering bald head.

Lin Fan smiled, glanced across the hall, and finally said lowly to Lu Yingxue next to him: "Do you like this necklace?"

Hearing this, Lu Yingxue was startled slightly, and nodded subconsciously: "Well, I like it, it's just a pity..."

Obviously, she was also very upset about the tyranny of the bald head.

Just when she had just finished speaking, and the host on the stage was about to drop the hammer.

Suddenly, I listened to a lazy voice in the hall, and said unhurriedly: "I will pay 30 million!"


Hearing this new offer, everyone was shocked.

They looked around one after another, trying to find out the people who had just shouted.

But Lu Yingxue turned her head back in horror, looked at Lin Fan beside her, and said in surprise: "Are you crazy?"