Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 250: Accident or murder?

In the evening, it was over nine o'clock.

Lin Fan led Lu Yingxue and the others out of the hotel, and a breeze blew through, bringing a bit of coolness at night.

The sky tonight is good, the moon is sparse, and the silver-white moonlight is pouring down, reflecting the darkness.

In a parking lot not far away, there are still many luxury cars parked.

After greeting Han Yu, Mr. Zheng, and Wei Wu, Lin Fan drove straight to the zoo.

For him today, there is a big gain.

With a revenue of 3.5 billion yuan, the zoo's rectification plan can be launched immediately. However, the specific content and matters still have to be planned.

In the car, Lu Yingxue and Lin Shu sat in the back, chatting non-stop.

The content of the conversation was all about what he saw and heard in the auction house today, especially the sea blue heart necklace that Lin Fan took for a price of 30 million yuan, which made Lin Shu quite envied.

"Boss, did you get the necklace back?" Lin Shu asked expectantly.

Lin Fan, who was driving, didn't see any movement from him, and as soon as he raised his hand, he took out the crystal box with the necklace.

Seeing the necklace in the crystal box, Lin Shu's eyes widened, and he took it carefully, even breathing carefully.

At the auction site before, due to the distance between them and the addition of light, I didn't see too clearly.

Although the light in the car is a bit dim now, every blue pearl on the necklace seems to be shining with a faint light.

Although it is not as good as the jewel of the night, it is enough to make Lin Shu and Lu Yingxue look obsessed.

If you really ask them whether this necklace is worth thirty million, I am afraid they will definitely nod their heads now. I am afraid there is only one such necklace in the world. Like the night pearl, it is unique. My heart will naturally become more and more precious.

"Yingxue, our boss is really generous, spending so much money to buy you a necklace is really enviable." Lin Shu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lu Yingxue's face turned red, and she nodded gently and said, "Well, I've always been happy!"

Lin Shu and the little fish next to them looked at each other, and they all smiled involuntarily.

Although it's only nine o'clock in the evening, the road is unusually quiet, only occasionally whizzing past cars, and the speed is very fast.

Not long after, a white BMW appeared in front of him.

The speed is not very fast, but behind the BMW car, the distance is about 30 meters, and there are two black cars, one left and one right.

Seeing these two cars, Lin Fan's brows were slightly frowned, and there was always a sense of picture often seen on TV, such as tracking...

Similarly, Lin Shu and Lu Yingxue sitting behind seemed to have noticed this weird scene.

"Boss, what are the cars in front of them doing? Why are they in the middle of the road?" Lin Shu frowned and asked.

Because the two black cars were driving side by side, Lin Fan's car had been stuck behind and couldn't get through. In addition, the speed of the two cars in front was very slow, so Lin Fan had to slow down.

But after so slow, when can I return to the zoo? You should know that there is still more than half an hour away from Tianshi Mountain, and Lin Shu and Lu Yingxue are already too tired, so they just want to go back to take a shower and take a good rest.

But now in this situation, let alone half an hour, even an hour can’t go back. This speed is almost catching up with the bullock cart.

"Why don't we walk around together, there are no cars anyway..." Lin Shu said.

Hearing this, Lu Yingxue said quickly: "No, that would be too dangerous, Xiao Fan, you should drive steadily, don't worry, we will be fine if we go back later, safety first!"

Lin Fan only smiled as the two girls made various suggestions.

He is not in a hurry to overtake it now, in his eyes there is definitely a problem with these two cars, and just now he has seen a loud bang in front of him.

Although the sound is not very loud, and the distance seems to be far away, Lin Fan's facial features have been strengthened, and he vaguely guessed that a large truck was driving on the opposite side.

If it were to be like Lin Shu said, if he went side by side next door, he would most likely collide with the truck head-on.

Instead of that, it's better to follow along and see what the two cars are trying to do.

It didn't take long, just about five minutes.

I saw a big truck coming from the opposite side, with two headlights on, brightening the front, so that I could hardly open my eyes.

This immediately caused Lu Yingxue and Lin Shu's strong dislike, and they kept complaining later.

Lin Fan squinted his eyes, getting used to his gaze as much as possible.

When the distance between the truck and the BMW in front was less than ten meters, all the normal trucks suddenly turned around and ran straight into the BMW car.

Such a change came suddenly, since it did not give the BMW too much time to react.

A harsh brake sound cut through the silent night sky.

The next moment, there was a loud bang, and without any accident, the front of the truck slammed directly on the body of the BMW.

Due to the huge rush, the BMW car slashed directly to the side of the road and plunged into the green belt.

At this time, everyone was shocked.

Lu Yingxue and Lin Shu in the car turned pale with fright. Such a huge traffic accident had only been seen in videos or news before.

But today, I have seen it with my own eyes. The shock of the scene made the expressions of the two girls freeze.

Lin Fan also frowned, but his heart was very calm.

In fact, when he noticed the two black cars trailing behind, he had already discovered that there was a problem.

Sure enough, I couldn't hold back the shot so soon.

Who is in a BMW car who is worthy of being such a **** hand?

At this moment, I saw the BMW car door, which was pushed open on the other side, and a woman staggered out of it, and she was still holding a small delicate wooden box in her hand.

Lin Fan was also startled when he saw this person.

Just listened to Lu Yingxue and Lin Shu behind, they all said in unison: "That person, no, isn't it that he bought Ye Mingzhu at a high price at the auction... Xiao Shiyu?"

As soon as the voice fell off, I saw Xiao Shiyu who had escaped from the car, and fell to the side of the road all of a sudden, knowing his life or death. ,, ..