Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 296: Hesitate to speak and stop

As for the situation inside, neither Little Fox nor Ma Cannon knew.

At this moment, the two of them stood at the door of the clinic with an anxious look.

"Little Fox, do you say that Brother Lin is a vet? Why haven't I heard of it before?" Ma Da Pao asked with a frown.

The time he spent with Lin Fan was not too short.

In Ma Dapao's eyes, although his own boss is mysterious and possesses many secrets that ordinary people can't understand, he has never heard that his boss has certain attainments in veterinary medicine.

Hearing this, the little fox smiled slightly: "Brother Xiaofan knows a lot. You can’t even imagine that there are so many things. Look, no matter what the injuries of the wolf king and the dire wolf, there is brother Xiaofan. , None of them are in any danger anymore."

"Really?" Ma Da Pao was startled.

When he checked the two wolves just now, he also found that the vital signs of the two wolves were shrinking at an unimaginable speed.

In Ma Dapao's view, their injuries were too serious and they bleed a little. Even though they were sent to a large pet hospital, it was too late to receive the best treatment.

It was a miracle to survive tonight.

But when he heard what the little fox said, Ma Dapao was a little bit dubious. Although he had confidence in his boss, the zoo clinic had limited conditions. There was no way to treat such injuries. Even with the high medical skills, I'm afraid it would be helpless.

At this moment, there was a slight sound of footsteps.

Then, I saw Lin Fan walk out haggardly, his face was sallow, very ugly.

"Ma Cannon, the wolf king and the dire wolves have stabilized their injuries, but you have to do more checks for them. The wounds have not healed yet, so that they can be cleaned up in time in case of infection. I am a little too tired. Now, go back and rest for a while, come to me directly if you have any questions." Lin Fan said in a very soft voice.

Hearing this, Ma Dapao nodded with a dazed expression.

The little fox hurried up, helped Lin Fan who was weak, turned and walked towards Qingyi Manor.

At this time, Ma Da Pao returned to the clinic. When he saw the two wolves lying there, his breathing became more and more stable, and he seemed to be asleep.

After checking with various tools and instruments, Ma Da Pao was completely stunned.

Just like what Lin Fan said, the vital signs of the two wolves have been completely stabilized, and there is no major problem. Not only that, they seem to be healthy now.

And looking at their wounds, although they have not completely healed, new meat has grown. This situation also shows that it will not take long for the wound to scab and then heal...

"I'm a good boy, the boss is such a strange person. In a few minutes, he even let these two wolves who are dying, not only have their dangers turned to end, but their wounds are about to heal?" Ma Da Pao muttered in shock.

At this moment, he admired Lin Fan's methods more and more, and also felt more and more mysterious and curious about the identity of the boss.

But he also knew that curiosity killed the cat. In front of his own boss, he should do more and talk less, otherwise he would not know how he died.

Since then, he was not idle, and quickly took the tools over, and while the two wolves were not awake, cleaned and disinfected their wounds, so as not to become infected, it would be finished... ..

On the way back to Qingyi Manor, Lin Fan got another message from the little fox.

In the morning, Liu Di actually came to the door.

Although the little fox has not had contact with Liu Di and the others, it seems that the person who came is not good depending on your posture.

Hearing these words, Lin Fan chuckled slightly. It was only a morning when he went out, and so many things happened in the zoo.

Similarly, it also shows that the news that Xiao Shiyu stayed in the zoo seems to be no secret.

"What did Xiao Shiyu say?" Lin Fan asked.

"I didn't say anything, I was just a little angry, Brother Xiao Fan, what's the matter?" Little Fox frowned and asked.

Lin Fan smiled pale and shook his head, and said, "That Liu Di came to the door. I’m afraid I’ve guessed that Xiao Shiyu is in the zoo. Let Mount Tai and the others stare. If someone dared to break in, You don’t have to be merciful!"

"Yeah, I have already talked to Tarzan, and I also told Beidou to watch the surveillance 24 hours a day to prevent someone sneaking into the zoo before it happens," said the little fox.

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled and nodded, feeling very relieved of the little fox doing things.

It didn't take long. When Lin Fan and Little Fox arrived at Qingyi Manor, they saw Lu Yingxue taking Xiaoyu, Xiao Shiyu and Little White Wolf, all waiting here.

When they saw Lin Fan, they were all shocked.

Now Lin Fan's complexion looked very bad, and his body seemed very weak.

Especially Lu Yingxue, her expression changed, she hurried forward and asked worriedly, "Xiao Fan, what are you..."

Lin Fan smiled and shook his head: "It's okay. I just helped the Wolf King and Dire Wolf treat the injuries. The physical exhaustion was a bit heavy. You can recover after a sleep. Don't worry!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yingxue's expression eased a little, and she hurriedly walked to the other side, supporting Lin Fan with the little fox, for fear that he was falling.

At this moment, Xiaoyu came over with a bird cage, and Costin inside was still drooping, looking listless.

"Brother Xiaofan, how are you, are you okay?" Xiaoyu said worriedly.

"It's okay, by the way, Xiaoyu, you wait to send this Hai Dongqing to Ma Da Pao, let him treat the wound, and you must tame it as soon as possible, taking advantage of it is not an adult. As a falcon, it's not a good thing to always be locked in a cage!" Lin Fan said softly.

"Yeah, I'll go to Uncle Ma Dapao right away!" Xiaoyu nodded seriously.

It can be seen that she likes this Costin very much and has already regarded it as her beloved pet.

On the other side, Xiao Shiyu frowned slightly, and wanted to come over several times, as if there was something to say.

However, seeing Lin Fan's situation, he stopped talking, and swallowed the words abruptly.

This slight change naturally didn't escape Lin Fan's eyes, but he didn't say anything. With the support of the little fox and Linda, he walked directly into the attic.

To him, there is nothing more important than sleeping. ,, ..