Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 304: Bee Killer

In an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Feng City.

Xiao Shiyu stood there with frowning brows, but opposite her were a few hideous bodyguards. Among these bodyguards, I saw Liu Di sitting on a single sofa with a cigarette in his hand. The face is smiling and not smiling.

There was a enchanting woman sitting on his lap, turning her head and closing her eyes from time to time.

"Beauty Xiao, how do you want to understand? Where is Ye Mingzhu, as long as you take it out, you can leave here today, and I will personally send you back to Xiao's house, otherwise..." Liu Di He took a deep breath and said with a sneer.

Hearing this, Xiao Shiyu also smiled.

Regardless of her age, she was not afraid of such a situation.

"Ye Mingzhu? Hahaha..." Suddenly, Xiao Shiyu laughed aloud, as if he heard the funniest joke in the world.

Upon seeing this, Liu Di's face changed, and the enchanting woman on her body was retreated forcefully, and the half-burning smoke was thrown on the ground, saying: "Xiao Shiyu, I don't have time to spend with you here, I believe Are you not willing? As long as you say it, we will be fine, everything is easy to discuss, don't show your face, you will not look good at that time..."

Hearing this, Xiao Shiyu snorted coldly, not caring about Liu Di's threat at all, turned his head aside, and didn't even bother to speak.

"Good, good!" Liu Di was furious, he never thought that Xiao Shiyu would not eat hard.

Although he and Xiao Shiyu had known each other before this, and had met several times on some occasions, they didn't know the character and temper of each other.

I thought it was a wealthy daughter, but with a little bit of tricks, she could scare everything out.

Looking at it now, that's not the case at all.

While Liu Di was angry, a greedy look flashed in his eyes, and there seemed to be a voice deep in his heart that kept telling him. must conquer the woman in front of you.

"Go, tear me off the clothes of this woman who toasts and punishes the wine. Today I don't believe that she will not tell me the whereabouts of Ye Mingzhu!" Liu Di said with a grim look.

Hearing this, I saw the bodyguards behind him suddenly turned into a smirk, rubbing their palms, smiling and walking towards Xiao Shiyu.

Xiao Shiyu's face changed drastically. She thought that Liu Di was a cruel character, which could be seen from the car accident he had caused when the auction ended.

Therefore, she thought of all the consequences, including that she would be killed, otherwise she would not give Ye Mingzhu to Lin Fan for safekeeping before leaving.

However, Xiao Shiyu never expected that Liu Di would have such courage, that he would want to treat himself...

For a time, despite the strong temperament Xiao Shiyu, she became extremely frightened.

"Young Master Liu, you are not tempted by her? Don't forget, I am your girlfriend now. Do you do such a thing in front of me and put me in your eyes?" The enchanting woman said angrily.

"Girlfriend?" Liu Di smiled coldly, and slapped his backhand. There was a crisp sound from the warehouse, which caused the enchanting woman to scream and fell directly to the ground, looking at the man in front of him in disbelief. .

"What kind of thing are you worthy to say to me?" Liu Di said coldly.

And at this moment, several bodyguards came to Xiao Shiyu's front with smiles, reaching out to tear Xiao Shiyu's clothes.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Shiyu's face instantly became extremely pale.

She may not be afraid of death or torture, but if she really wants to ruin her innocence, it will be more painful than death.

Besides, she is still...

Hehehe, hahaha...

A burst of sneers that permeated the bones of the bone sounded in Xiao Shiyu's ear.

Seeing that the bodyguards were about to approach her, but at this time, I didn't know where there was a buzzing sound.

The sound is not very loud, it sounds as if it is flying from a long distance.

As a result, when Xiao Shiyu and those bodyguards were taken aback, they saw four or five bees appearing in front of them abruptly.

Without any sign, he flew directly towards the bodyguards.

The next moment, I heard a miserable scream from one of them, and he stepped back frequently and covered his eyes with his hands.

The rest of the people, who did not escape the attack of these bees, also screamed and ran away in the barn.

Upon seeing this, Liu Di's nose almost crooked.

He yelled, "Fuck Nima, it's a bunch of trash. Even a few bees are scared of this virtue. Hurry up and beat those bees to death..."

But just when his voice fell, two bees appeared silently in front of Liu Di.

For a moment, Liu Di seemed to be able to see their eyes, with a icy chill, and full of indescribable anger at him.

For a moment of stunnedness, the two bees showed up the stings on their buttocks one after another, went straight to Liu Di and rushed forward.

A screaming scream resounded in this huge warehouse.

Liu Di was so frightened that he turned around and ran. Whenever he saw a person, he would directly pull him over to act as his shield, hoping to divert the attention of the bees.

However, the two bees, who were chasing after him, seemed determined to deal with him, and kept chasing them.

For a time, waves of screams sounded in the warehouse, as if they were killing a pig.

I don't know when, when I heard the door rumbling and being pushed open from the outside, I saw a figure standing there alone.

When he saw what happened in the warehouse, he sneered and said: "What kind of person I am, I dare to cut my financial path. I didn't expect a few bees to scare you into this virtue."


Hearing this, Liu Di and a few bodyguards in panic turned back quickly.

Because the light in the warehouse is too dark, and the light outside is strong, only a figure standing at the door can be seen for a while, but the clothes and looks are not clearly visible.

However, subconsciously, Liu Di had a cold chill in his heart, and this person gave him a chill from the bottom of his heart.

Could it be that this is the so-called killing intent?

But this person didn't answer a word at all, and walked straight to Xiao Shiyu.

Before that, Xiao Shiyu was also frightened by this scene, but when she saw the people who came, a strange look flashed across her face, and she subconsciously asked, "Why are you here?"

"Don't forget, you still owe me the money and haven't paid it back. Before that, how could I let you have a little accident!"

Xiao Shiyu "...", ...