Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 306: Who leaked the news

When Lin Fan walked out of the warehouse with Xiao Shiyu, he heard screams of dogs and humans coming from inside.

The cry was loud at first, but after a few minutes, it gradually subsided.

Until the end, it became completely quiet inside.

Xiao Shiyu couldn't believe it now that he would escape from the warehouse, and the person who saved him was...

"Let's go, I think Liu Di and the others will be on the headlines tonight!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Ah? Why, why?" Xiao Shiyu was puzzled.

Lin Fan didn't explain much, got in the car, stepped on the accelerator, the car quickly turned the front of the car, and drove straight in the direction it came.

However, it was not long before Lin Fan left.

The dogs and the swarms of wasps in the warehouse ran out of the warehouse and dispersed directly, flying away quickly to different places.

It was just a blink of an eye, and it became extremely calm here, if it weren't for a lot of dog footprints on the ground.

The scene that just happened seemed to be just an illusion...

A little bit of time passed, when the sun gradually set to the west and a burning cloud was reflected in the sky.

A farmer who looked like he was in his fifties with a **** on his shoulder happened to pass by this warehouse and was about to go home.

However, when he came near the warehouse, he felt a little strange when he saw a few luxurious cars parked there.

It stands to reason that this warehouse has been abandoned for several years. No one has ever come here. What is going on today?

Is it because someone wants to re-run this venue? This is a great thing for him who lives by farming.

You must know that if a factory is to be established here, it will bring a job and a profit to the village, and those young people who go to work outside the city or go to work in the city can also come back to work in the factory.

In this way, family members can also be reunited.

Driven by curiosity, the old farmer carried the **** on his shoulders and walked towards the warehouse.

The probe looked inside, just to see what was going on.

As a result, when he just walked in, he found that there were seven or eight men and women lying on the ground, all of them unconscious.

The clothes on their bodies showed no signs of torn, but there was a lot of redness and swelling on their faces and hands.


Seeing this scene, the old farmer was frightened, turned around and ran out.

When he ran onto the highway, a truck came on the front, and stopped by the side of the road at the beckoning of the old farmer.

The truck driver is a nice guy and he seems to be very enthusiastic. He thought the old farmer wanted to hitchhiking, but he didn't refuse, so he rolled down the window and said, "My fellow, where are you? If you drop by, I'll take you for a while. ....."

However, the old farmer was pale, shook his head in horror, swallowed hard, and squatted: "Master...I, I want to take a taxi. Do you have a phone? Quick, quick Call the police, over there, something happened over there."

"Huh?" The truck driver was shocked when he heard this, and said quickly: "Don't worry, I'll call now!"

Half an hour later, the ambulance and the police drove from the highway towards the harsh siren.

When they stopped near the warehouse, neither the truck driver nor the old farmer left, and they still waited here.

In their opinion, the dead is a major event, and they were discovered by the two of them. If they leave, what should they do if they are considered to be absconding in fear of crime?

When they saw the police and doctors in white coats coming out of the car one after another, the truck driver and the old farmer rushed forward.

"Oh, comrade police, you can be regarded as coming." The old farmer said solemnly.

Ever since, they told the police about the scene they had seen, and at this time, the doctor of the ambulance and the forensic doctor of the police force had all entered the warehouse.

At this time, a silver-gray jeep arrived late, and as soon as the door opened, Captain Wang came out.

Today, he is very high-spirited in the police station.

With Lin Fan's ‘help’, the major and important cases that were solved were all praised by the province and beyond. At the end of this year, he was promoted to the deputy bureau of the provincial government. It seems that there is no major problem.

Captain Wang, whose real name is Wang Jianmin, is thirty-nine years old. At his age, it is really extraordinary that he can directly rise to the height of deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Bureau.

Moreover, in the eyes of insiders, as long as Wang Jianmin does not make any major mistakes and makes a few achievements, I am afraid that there will be hope for further promotion in the next three to five years.

Of course, some people will be jealous when they are envious, but this is not a big deal for Wang Jianmin.

"What's the situation?" Captain Wang walked over, and a small policeman hurriedly came closer.

"I don't know, the comrades in the hospital and the forensic doctors in the bureau have already gone to the scene to check. Those two people are the parties who discovered the situation and reported the case. Our comrades are taking notes for them."

Hearing this, Wang Jianmin nodded and walked directly to the warehouse.

At this time, the place has been pulled into a quarantine belt, and several policemen are guarding it here, although no one else is watching the bustle near the warehouse.

When I walked into the warehouse, it was extremely dim due to the sky. Vaguely, I saw several workers in white coats busy in an open space in the warehouse.

At this time, the 120 first-aid personnel who came together sighed and walked out.

"Comrade, what's the matter?" Wang Jianmin asked.

Seeing this Captain Wang, one of them shook his head and said, "Comrade police, those people are no longer saved. We have checked the wounds and injuries and found that this is not a murder case. The specific reasons are believed to be yours. The forensic doctor will give an explanation..."

"Oh?" Wang Jianmin frowned upon hearing this.

It's not a murder case, so how can seven or eight people die together in such a place where birds don't shit?

Stepping forward, one of the forensic doctors stood up and said, "Captain Wang, you are here just in time. I am looking for you to report on the situation here."

"Well, let's talk about it, what the **** is going on?" Captain Wang asked.

"That's it. These people were not murdered. They showed signs of poisoning, and the wounds were all small needles. There were also large areas of redness and swelling nearby. If I am not mistaken, this situation, maybe It was caused after being bitten by a bee, but for the specific reason, we need further testing to reach a conclusion!" The forensic doctor said.

"To be poisoned to death by a bee sting?" Captain Wang frowned.

As a result, at this moment, there was a commotion outside, and I don't know who leaked the news, and even provoke the reporters of those media. ,, ..