Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 307: I owe you all my life

In many cases, I have to admit that these reporters are just like flies that smell bad.

Where something happens, they will always swarm over.

It's just like this. The police force just received a call to the police at the front, and even the scene was not completed. The reporters had already appeared on the back.

Walking out of the dim warehouse door, looking at the road not far away, five or six media interview cars lined up, as if they were in a rally race, rushing toward the crime scene one by one.

When the interview car just stopped on the side of the road, a large group of reporters and media staff carrying cameras and microphones rushed towards the warehouse.

There is no need for Captain Wang to say anything. There will naturally be police officers outside the cordon and stop them all.

Nevertheless, some reporters and videographers still pointed the camera in the direction of the warehouse, and the flashing spot was also creaking.

Captain Wang frowned and said to the people around him: "Before the case is cleared, these reporters are not allowed to get any news, let alone break into the scene of the crime, so as not to destroy the clues... ."

"Yes, Captain!"

A young policeman said with a stern expression, this task is not easy for him, and he has to deal with so many media and reporters...

Back in the warehouse, several forensic doctors in white coats still squatted on the ground looking for relevant clues.

A lot of bees' corpses were also found near the corpses. The tail pins of these corpses were all gone. If they didn't guess wrong, it is estimated that they were all stuck on Liu Di and the others.

The strange thing is that the size of these bees is a bit bigger than the common bees.

If you are unfamiliar with bees and hornet, when you first see it, you will definitely subconsciously think that these bees are hornet.

However, it was actually true. When they saw the swarms of bees pounce into the warehouse, Liu Di's bodyguards did mistake them for the hornet attack.

Looking at these corpses, Captain Wang's face couldn't be said to be ugly or pretty.

"What is it that caused so many bees to attack them?"

One of the forensic doctors stood up, pushed the spectacle frame on the bridge of the nose with his hand, and said: "This is still unclear. It needs to be returned to the bureau for further testing and analysis. But for now, the location is in the suburbs. It is normal to have honeycombs, maybe they accidentally...Of course, these are just guesses..."

Although they didn't say it directly, the people present could also hear clearly.

These young people ran here without any problems, maybe they stabbed a beehive inadvertently.

Although bees will not actively attack people, they will not worry too much when their honeycomb or queen bee encounters a threat.

Of course, as a forensic doctor, it is not easy to make a conclusion, not to mention that there are still large groups of media reporters flocking to the outside.

If one is accidentally passed on, the consequences are beyond their reach.

Captain Wang nodded, his eyes were on the corpses, and he slowly swept across them. There were large red spots all over their bodies, and the red spots were already swollen.

However, despite this, when Captain Wang saw Liu Di, his brow furrowed, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

I always feel that this person looks a bit familiar, I always feel as if I have seen it somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while.

"Wait... this person..." Captain Wang stepped forward and looked at the corpse carefully.

Because the bite on the face is more serious, in the case of redness and swelling, the facial features are also greatly distorted, and the expression is extremely scared.

Although he looked familiar, he couldn't recognize this person or who it was.

Several forensic doctors looked at each other, and they were all confused.

Captain Wang also shook his head and sighed: "Maybe I think too much, Forensic Doctor Zhang, then I will trouble you to work harder. Within 24 hours, you will have a result."

"No problem, tonight we will test these corpses overnight, and I believe we will come up with a result tomorrow..." Forensic Zhang wearing a pair of myopia nodded and said.

Hearing this, Captain Wang didn't say anything, turned around and walked outside the warehouse.

However, just as he walked to the gate, the foot he had just raised stopped in midair.

His face changed drastically in an instant, and he quickly looked back at the corpses.

It took a long time to say: "Could it be... him?"

After the words fell, several police officers in uniform around looked at each other, and they all said they were a little baffling, and they didn't know what the captain was talking about.

At this moment, Captain Wang quickly turned over and walked back, came to one of the corpses, and after a closer look, the look on his face had become a bit ugly.

"This time things are a bit of a mess!" Captain Wang seemed to be talking to himself.

"What?" The several forensic doctors were all startled, and they didn't catch what Captain Wang was saying.

Captain Wang did not give any explanation. He quickly turned around and said to the policemen who were guarding the door: "Take good care of the door. No reporter is allowed to break in at any time, otherwise the consequences will be yours. bear......"

"Yes!" Hearing this, several policemen did not dare to neglect, and their eyes fell on the reporters outside, becoming more serious.

However, at the same time, Lin Fan already drove Xiao Shiyu to the passenger terminal.

He had no knowledge of what was happening in the warehouse, and had no interest in knowing what was going on there.

Along the way, Xiao Shiyu's face didn't get better.

In any case, she is also a eldest daughter. She has lived a life of fine clothes and food since she was a child. Where did she encounter such a situation?

Although she didn't suffer any harm, the shock also frightened her.

It wasn't until the car stopped outside the passenger terminal that her face improved slightly.

Looking back, he tried to squeeze a smile on his face and said, "Thank you, if you are not there today, I am afraid I will..."

Thinking of what had happened in the warehouse before, and Liu Di's grim smile, Xiao Shiyu still had a lingering fear.

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "No thanks, as your creditor, it is necessary to ensure your safety, otherwise, if something happens to you, who will pay me back?"

Hearing this, Xiao Shiyu laughed out of nowhere.

The originally beautiful face became more and more sultry after an extra smile.

After a long time, Xiao Shiyu said in a low voice: "Then in this life, I owe you..."

"What?" Lin Fan was startled, obviously a little bit unaware.

Xiao Shiyu didn't say it a second time, he opened the door and walked towards the passenger terminal. ,, ..