Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 313: curiosity kills the cat

In many cases, human beings are always full of endless curiosity about strange and unknown things.

It is often this kind of curiosity that will bring them unexpected gains, or even lose their lives, just like those who like to explore, and some who like to dig out new things.

However, in addition to humans, many animals with high IQs and spirituality are also very curious about strangers or things.

Lin Fan originally wanted to tell Yuan Bao that those places in the zoo were not allowed to go, for it was no different from the forbidden area.

You know, apart from the place where the wolf king lives near the clinic, there are wild beasts such as Bengal tigers, African lions, and leopards in the remaining forbidden areas.

In addition, foxes, wild boars, black bears, and dire wolves can also pose a considerable threat to ingots.

Don't look at it during the stray period, it can be mixed with stray dogs.

You should know that this is a zoo, where there are some large and fierce beasts. How can those stray dogs compare?

However, Yuan Bao did not believe in evil, and he was also deeply curious about the forbidden lands mentioned by Lin Fan, but it was not stupid. Although he was very interested in the forbidden lands in his heart, he did not directly attack them. I used to see what it was, but prepared to watch the changes, observe and observe first...

Ever since, it found a bench beside the flowers and lay on it, preparing to rest for a while.

I've been running around this big day, and I haven't had much rest. In addition, I've just been pinched by a small fish, and I've been pinched to play, and I feel a little tired physically and mentally.

As for weight loss, at the moment it got down, I didn't know where it left off.


However, just as it was about to sleep for a short while with its eyes closed, and to replenish the wasted energy, suddenly he heard a low roar from the direction of the aquarium.

The sound is not very loud, but in this quiet night, I can hear it very clearly.

Frightened Yuanbao Ji Lingling shivered, and quickly turned around to look at it. Although it was illuminated by the lights, he still couldn't see exactly what was there.

There was growing fear in my heart, and at the same time I recalled what Lin Fan had said before, that place must not be visited, otherwise the consequences would be unbearable...

"Meow, isn't there a tiger? The cry just now, meow..." Yuan Bao thought silently while lying on the bench.

Oooh! At this moment, another low roar came.

At this moment, Yuan Bao almost didn't jump directly from the chair. The shock brought by the low roar was something it hadn't heard in its entire life, as if it had a powerful deterrent.

In this way, it becomes even more curious. Where is there?

Ever since, it quietly jumped off the bench, stepped on small steps, collected all its nails into the meat, tried not to make too much noise, and walked towards the aquarium.

As a result of the second transformation in the zoo, Crescent Lake occupies almost half of the area here. If you want to go to the aquarium, you have to walk next to the lake.

However, I have just left a lot of shadows here before. Although it is on the other side of the lake, I still have an inexplicable fear of the lake. I am afraid that something will come out of it without any protection. Swallow yourself.

You know, it weighs more than 20 kilograms now. Among the cats, it is already a big fat man, with a serious figure exceeding the standard.

Maybe this physique of twenty jins can't satisfy the big guy who is more than two meters long, but it seems just right for a supper...

Thinking wildly, the ingot shivered and scared himself.

Slowly, when it walked forward along the lake for a distance of more than 100 meters, it vaguely saw a large green grassland in front of it.

On the grass, there seem to be many large animals, standing or lying down and sleeping.

What surprised Yuan Bao the most was that there were two big guys who were almost three stories tall, with two slender necks entangled with each other, and they didn't know if they were sleeping or what they were doing.

Yuan Bao looked dumbfounded. An animal like a giraffe had never seen it before. After all, most of its cats were dealing with stray dogs and garbage dumps.

How could I have seen these animals that can only be seen on TV or in a zoo?

Meow! Subconsciously, the ingot meowed to express its inner shock.

Oooh! Suddenly, just when the meow fell, the roar that made the cat terrifying, seemed to be a response, and came from the front.

As the Yuan Bao got closer and closer, the roaring voice became clearer.

Without any precautions, Yuan Bao was so frightened that he leaped back and immediately made a ready attack posture after landing.

Baring his teeth, his eyes were full of vigilance and looked at the surrounding situation, even the wind and grass could immediately arouse its alertness and attention.

However, after a few minutes, the surrounding area was still dark, and the roar just now did not sound, let alone any terrifying beasts haunting nearby.

Meow! Maybe it was because I thought too much and scared myself.

Ingots put the attacking posture away, and continued to walk forward with their tail cocked...From this we can see that this big fat cat is not only curious, but also stubborn.

If it were another animal, after experiencing such horrible things, there is no need to find out, I am afraid that I would have turned around and returned to the original place to hide.

But it is not the same. It seems courageous, but there is a kind of stubbornness that will never give up unless the goal is reached.

In this way, he walked a distance forward carefully.

Suddenly, a fishy wind hit the face, and just before the Yuan Bao hadn't realized what was going on, the roar just came from right in front again.


Accompanied by the roar, a large, sturdy man appeared imposingly less than fifty meters ahead.

Under the moonlight, although he couldn't clearly see the specific appearance of this big guy, the deterrence exuding from it made Yuan Bao shiver.

This is the Bengal tiger that has lived in the zoo since childhood.

At this time, in the moonlight, the Bengal tiger and the big yellow cat were facing each other fifty meters away, and it seemed that no one was convinced.

But in fact, at the moment of seeing the Bengal tiger, the legs of the big yellow cat are a little soft.

The tiger is originally the king of the beasts. Although the Bengal tiger has grown up in the zoo since he was a child, the deterrence from his bones has not been worn away, and it can also bring endless oppression.


After a long time, the big yellow cat gave a tentative call.

As a result, the Bengal Tiger responded immediately.

The wailing voice seemed as if the earth was shaking.

Seeing this, Yuan Bao jumped high on the spot, turned around and ran in the direction it came.

However, when he reached a certain distance, he subconsciously turned his head and looked back, and saw the Bengal tiger stepping on small broken steps, keeping a certain distance calmly, and trotting behind.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Bao was so scared that he screamed: "Oh my god, why is this guy chasing me behind..."

While meowing, Yuan Bao speeded up and ran straight ahead. ,, ..