Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 328: How does Nima sit?

After getting out of the car, Wang Jianmin collected the ID cards of Lin Fan and the others, and ran to the ticket office alone to collect the tickets.

Due to the conversation in the car just now, Qin Xiyao's current emotions still seem a bit awkward.

For Lin Fan, there was also an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Especially after Lin Fan said those words just now, his eyes were very uncomfortable. It is no exaggeration to say that it was like being stared at by a bloodthirsty beast, which made people feel frustrated.

What kind of person is this? Qin Xiyao's heart became more and more strange, and she was also full of endless curiosity about Lin Fan himself.

After a short time, Captain Wang returned after collecting the tickets and sent his colleague to drive back. Only then did a few people walk straight to the entrance.

The departure time is more than nine o'clock, and the time is relatively sufficient, but it is not in a hurry.

However, at this moment, Lin Fan received a call with the words'Northeast Shiying' on the caller ID.

"Hey, Shi Ying, I am going to get on the bus here. I expect to go to Donglin Province in the afternoon and Wa County in the evening..." Lin Fan said.

But when he was only halfway through the conversation, he heard a girl cry on the phone.

Hearing this cry, Lin Fan frowned slightly, and ‘cuckled’ for no reason, saying in his heart that something might happen.

Sure enough, I soon heard Shi Ying say intermittently: "President Lin, my brother...he is missing."

"What?" Lin Fan was taken aback.

Ever since, Shi Ying will tell about what happened this morning.

Since Ishino has been in a coma, he has been in the hospital for several days and has not recovered.

In addition, at night in the county hospital, no one was allowed to accompany him. Besides, Shi Ying was still a girl, so she didn't ask too much about it.

But every morning around six o'clock, she will come to the hospital on time, staying for a whole day.

The same is true today. She came to the hospital with breakfast and expectations in the morning, but when she walked into the ward, she found that the bed was empty and there was a half-person figure.

For the first time, Shi Ying thought it was her brother who woke up, or the doctor in the hospital took her brother away for examination.

She hurried to the nurse's station to ask, but the nurse on duty didn't know what was going on.

Ever since, Shi Ying and the nurses on duty that night searched the hospital up and down, but they didn't find Ishiye.

I ran to the security room and took out the monitoring in the hospital. Because the equipment in the county hospital was a bit old, many monitoring systems were damaged and it was impossible to monitor all directions.

However, in the limited surveillance video, Ishino did not appear either. A big living person just disappeared silently.

"President Lin, what should I do, my brother, he wouldn't be..." Shi Ying murmured while crying.

Lin Fan frowned when he heard this, but still comforted: "Don't worry, don't mess around. Did you call the police? Did you let the police intervene in this matter?"

"Yeah, Director Lin, I have already called the police, but... just now, two policemen came to the police and left after asking about the incident. They said it was not enough... "Shi Ying cried again.

Hearing this, Lin Fan also frowned, but there was no good way, just a few words of comfort, and said that they could go to Donglin Province in the afternoon, and then hung up the phone.

Although I didn't hear the content of the conversation just now, Captain Wang and Qin Xiyao who were next to him also heard a general idea.

"Brother, what's the situation over there, who is missing?" Captain Wang asked.

Lin Fan shook his head: "The situation is a bit complicated, let's talk about it in the car."

"Brother Lin, check the ticket soon, let's go over." Ma Dapao also reminded him quickly.

A few people took a look at the entrance, and they saw that the people in the car were all standing in a long line at the door, and the electronic reminder for ticket checking was also displayed on it.

Maybe it was the wrong time for this call. After getting in the car, all of them looked a little dull, with a trace of concealment on their faces, and they were worried.

During this period, Lin Fan called the little fox and Lu Yingxue separately to report that he was safe, and at the same time he told him to be guarded at home if he was away for a few days.

Especially those animals that like to find things, pay special attention to them. Among them, Lin Fan named the big yellow cat ingot, the parrot with a cheap mouth, and the wine-smoked monkey Sun Xiaosheng who is also pregnant and about to give birth.

These are all the objects to be cared for. It is impossible to imagine what they will be like in the zoo these days when Lin Fan is absent.

Fortunately, the little fox and Linda are very experienced in these, and the little fish and the little white wolf are two powerful beings, and they can't be measured.

On Lu Yingxue's side, he has also left the zoo, and on the way to the school, he will not go back to the zoo these days. There are still some things that need to be handled at the school.

In today's developed era, transportation has become very convenient.

It originally took more than ten hours to drive, but the high-speed rail cuts the time by half, and it took only six or seven hours.

In the afternoon, when the car stopped in Donglin Province and Qi City, Lin Fan and Captain Wang walked out of the station with their salutes.

However, just as they had just walked out of the exit, a man walked towards him, holding a sign in his hand that read the words "Welcome Fengshi friends to Donglin Province".

Seeing these words, Lin Fan and Captain Wang were almost all startled. Looking at each other, they could see a trace of daunting expressions in each other's eyes.

Qin Xiyao frowned slightly, but was silent beside her without speaking.

You know, they came back here, but they did it in secret, and Fengshi would not secretly contact their colleagues here to pick up people.

And Lin Fan didn't even know it. Originally, it was a private matter for him to come here. What's more, he didn't have any friends in Donglin Province, so where would someone come to pick him up.

Just when a few people were all at a loss, not knowing whether the so-called "Fengshi Friends" refers to a few of them or others.

When I saw the person holding the card, he walked over with a smile, looked at Lin Fan and Captain Wang, and asked, "Excuse me, who is the Lin director of Fengshi Zoo?"

"I am!" Lin Fan said with a frown.

"Hey, I'm finally looking forward to coming for you. It's like this. I'm Ishiye's cousin. I know you are coming over today, so Shi Ying called in the morning and asked me to drive you to pick you up. I didn't expect to meet you. Right, my car is outside." The man said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin Fan nodded, winked with Captain Wang, and walked straight outside.

In the parking lot outside the train station, various private cars were parked... However, when they came to an agricultural half, the man smiled and stopped and said, "Hey, this is my car. Director Lin, everyone get in the car."

Upon seeing this, Captain Wang and Qin Xiyao almost didn't cry, this do you sit? ,, ..