Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 329: Dick the Mountain Dog

This half car is actually a pickup truck.

However, it has been a long time since the beginning of the year, a large piece of paint has fallen off, and the car behind is very dirty, and there is a smell of pig food.

Seeing such a god-level car, Captain Wang and Qin Xiyao living in a big city were a little dazed.

You must know that in the cab of the pickup truck, four people can be seated, including the driver, but now Lin Fan and the others have five, and one person needs to sit in the back compartment.

At this moment, how many people seemed a little embarrassed? Who is going to sit? This has become a problem.

As a result, at this moment, from the window of the co-pilot, a swarthy head came out, and his breath was open.

"I will go, no, there is still a big wolf dog?" Ma Da Pao said in surprise.

In the northeast, especially in the rural areas, almost every family does not have one or two dogs. They are used to visit the nursing home, most of which are mainly black shells and native dogs.

"Uh, hehe, I'm really sorry. This is the old man's mountain dog. The old man has disappeared recently, and Ishino is unconscious, so I will take care of this mountain dog for the time being. It is very good and very good. Obedient, this guy is spiritual." The cousin said with an embarrassed smile.

"Haha, it's okay, I am the owner of a zoo, and I have a natural affinity for animals. By the way, what do you think this is? A mountain dog?" Lin Fan said.

"Yes, mountain dog, it's called Dick, it's still the name that Ono helped to give it, what foreign style, I think it is better to call those rhubarbs in our village, Dick's name is weird. ....." Cousin murmured.

However, Lin Fan's attention was all on the guard dog.

The Mountain Dog is native to the Huaxia Mountains and is a loyal guard dog.

The appearance of the mountain dog looks a bit like a Tibetan mastiff, but it is not as long and thicker as the hair of the Tibetan mastiff. The mountain dog is grumpy and friendly to the owner and family members, but it is not small when seeing strangers and other dogs. .

Even in many cases, people often confess their mistakes to the mountain dog and the chow chow.

It's just that in this age, purebred guard dogs are rare, and like those wild animals, they are almost extinct.

The main thing is that a dog dealer is needed. In order to make money, the guardian mountain dog is used to bred with dogs of other breeds, and the puppies that are born in the end become increasingly impure.

Just a few years ago, in a piece of news, a purebred mountain dog was auctioned, and finally bought at a high price of 3 million.

Later, similar news appeared one after another, but no one can judge whether it is true or not.

However, Lin Fan knew that a true mountain dog was not measurable by money at all. It was a guardian of the mountain and a partner of mankind, and a hero who could really look after the home.

"A few years ago, Dick and my old man went to patrol the mountains and met a wild boar that rushed out. During the fight with the wild boar, he injured a leg. Later, it was very inconvenient to move. Now Dick is a bit older, I am pregnant, so..." Cousin said embarrassingly.

"Ah? Dick can still fight with wild boars? What was the end result? The wild boar was killed or ran away?" Ma Dapao asked curiously.

"Of course it was killed by Dick. It was a big wild boar weighing more than 500 kilograms. It was amazing. Fortunately, Dick was there. Otherwise, the father would not be able to come back alive after that visit." Said proudly.

While talking, he walked to the car window and patted Dick on the head lightly.

It can be seen that Dick is indeed quite old, his chin is a little drooping, his eyes are muddy, and the bags under his eyes are a little loose.

Despite this, Dick still kept a trace of vigilance and caution when he saw Lin Fan and a few strangers.

"Cousin, you said Dick is pregnant?" Lin Fan asked with a frown.

"Yeah, alas, I also blame the family now that there is no one in the house. I don’t care about it. Dick is in our house, just like a family member. I’m afraid it’s a bit wronged or wronged, otherwise I won’t be big. Brought it here all the way." The cousin nodded with a distressed look.

Hearing this, Captain Wang came over curiously. He had heard the name of the Mountain Dog before, but he was not very familiar with it.

In his opinion, Dick is no different from ordinary black shells, except that the hair is thicker and looks a bit thick, just like other dogs.

"Brother, cousin, let's say nothing, let's go back to the county to see the situation first?" Captain Wang said.

"Yes, yes, let's get in the car quickly, if I drive quickly, maybe we can get to the place before dark." The cousin nodded quickly.

Hearing this, several people opened the door one after another, but the space inside was limited. Four people could have been seated. Now there is one more mountain dog and only two seats are left.

When Captain Wang saw this situation, he immediately said: "The lady is limited, Miss Qin, just sit in the car, brother, you can also sit in, and I can sit in the back with Brother Da Pao and make do."

Ma Da Pao didn't make any sense to him. It was the same for him to sit there, and he was ready to sit in the back.

However, Lin Fan smiled and said, "I finally came to the Northeast. I still want to see the scenery around here. Brother Wang, it's better for you and Ms. Qin to get in the car. Let's sit back with Ma Dabao.

"Don't don't don't, brother, your identity is different, you have to..."

Captain Wang was trying to persuade a few words. In his opinion, Lin Fan's identity is extraordinary. He must be the master when he comes to this place.

However, he hadn't finished a sentence, but was stopped by Lin Fan.

An unquestionable look came over, even though Wang Jianmin, who was used to being a captain and accustomed to commanding others, saw it, he was slightly startled and he didn't dare to continue to say anything.

In fact, Lin Fan didn't care about who was sitting where, instead, he really wanted to sit behind for a while.

However, the most embarrassing of the few people is precisely the cousin who drove over.

Originally, he was driving over such an old pickup truck, and he was a bit sad, but now he is embarrassed by the lack of seats.

Fortunately, no one cared. After the seats were allocated, they boarded the bus separately.

When the car started, the cousin quickly turned around and drove straight to the direction of Wa County.

An hour later, when the car left the city and came to the outskirts, Lin Fan took out his mobile phone and opened the game warehouse directly, and saw that there was a sea Dongqing inside.

The next moment, listening to a crisp bird song, Costin spread his wings and soared in the blue sky.

Almost at the same time, the mountain dog Dick in the car also stuck his head out, and when it saw the Costin in the sky, it barked. ,, ..