Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 330: Wa County

The value of the Shoushan Dog is incalculable in the eyes of the dog breeders. Compared with the Tibetan mastiff that has been fired up at high prices these years, it is much higher.

However, in the eyes of ordinary people, the mountain dog is nothing more than an ordinary dog ​​that is used to come to the nursing home.

However, the value of a Costin is completely different.

Not only is it protected by national laws, but the value of Costin itself is very high.

When Costin circled the pickup truck, circling non-stop.

The barking of the guard dog in the car caught the attention of Captain Wang and Qin Xiyao. When they came out and saw Costin above their heads, they were all shocked.

Especially Qin Xiyao, although she exclusively provided for Costin these years, she had never really seen a living one in front of her eyes.

I was so excited when I saw one.

Quickly took out the phone and took a photo facing the sky.

But at this moment, I listened to the mountain dog Dick sitting in the co-pilot, making a low whine, as if threatening.

Upon seeing this, Qin Xiyao quickly put down the phone.

"Haha, don't mind, this Costin is the one that Ono sold to the Chief Lin, right? We know Dick, so there will be a mentality of wanting to protect, alas, it's also not peaceful in the mountains these past two days. , There are often people who want to hit Costin’s idea. Just a few months ago, there was a group of people who simply took shotguns into the mountains and wanted to hunt Costin directly..." Brother, said with a sigh.

"What? Hunting Hai Dongqing? They don't know that private arrest will violate the law. If they really want to kill, will they face heavy punishment?" Qin Xiyao frowned.

Hearing this, the cousin looked back through the rearview mirror, with a hint of sarcasm and disdain in his eyes.

But he didn't say much, and didn't seem to agree with what Qin Xiyao said.

And Captain Wang next to him said with a smile: "Miss Qin, it seems that you really grew up in a greenhouse, the law? For those animal dealers, what is the law? It is just a way to restrain ordinary people. Means, for these people, ha ha!"

Obviously, there was a hint of sarcasm in the words.

Qin Xiyao frowned and couldn't help but look back at Captain Wang next to him. He said that you are the law enforcer and the captain of the police station. How can you say such a thing?

In fact, it is precisely because Captain Wang works in this environment all year round, he has already seen very thoroughly about some things.

What is the law? As Captain Wang said, it is a tool used to restrain ordinary people. For ordinary people who have no power, it is a shackle, but for those who are rich and powerful, it can’t be a tool. It's just a joke.

For a moment, the car became a little silent.

The cousin didn't say anything, Captain Wang would naturally not understand these words, he said too clearly, let Qin Xiyao understand everything by himself.

Hai Dongqing, who hovered above his head, seemed to be a little tired after calling for a while, and fell directly behind the pickup truck, standing on Lin Fan's shoulder to rest.

The horse cannon next to him was surprised, but it disappeared in a moment.

He seems to have been accustomed to the mystery and magic of his boss. It seems that this kind of means of summoning a sea Dongqing with a shake of his hand is a piece of cake...

The car drove for more than two hours in the bumps along the way, and finally drove into Wa County just before the sky was completely dark.

Wa County is small, with a resident population of about 200,000.

As soon as I entered, I saw the streets on both sides, but it was very lively, with various barbecue stalls and food stalls lined up on both sides of the road.

Under some street lights, you can see older people from time to time, sitting together while fanning, chattering there.

As you walk inside, you can also see many small restaurants on both sides of the street. Although they are not very large, almost every restaurant has a lot of guests.

Upon seeing this, Wang Jianmin subconsciously said: "I didn't expect it to be lively enough here."

Hearing this, my cousin smiled and nodded: "Brother, are you coming back to our northeast? We don’t have any other hobbies here. We just like to have a good couple. I hear that many young people now say that, no What can't be solved by a barbecue, ha ha."

"Yes, if one meal doesn't work, then make two more meals." Wang Jianmin quickly added.

For a while, there were bursts of laughter in the car.

After a short while, the car came to the gate of a large courtyard under swaying.

The courtyard occupies a large area, the two dark gates are tightly closed, and the voice of someone inside can be heard from time to time.

The cousin parked the car in front of the door, did not turn off the engine, but blew the horn several times.

The next moment, I heard a loud noise, the **** iron door was opened from inside, and a little boy of 17 or 18, and a girl in her early twenties came out of the door.

When she saw the car, the girl hurriedly ran up and asked, "Cousin, are they going to pick it up?"

"Hey, Yingzi, when did our cousin get off the chain when doing errands? I picked them up and were in the car. Let's go in and talk." Cousin smiled and nodded.

Hearing this, the girl quickly turned aside with interest, and the boy quickly hid behind the door.

The cousin drove the car, went straight into the yard, and finally stopped in a spacious place.

"Several people, this is where I usually work. Alas, I’m just a big boss. I don’t have much skill and don’t know any words. I usually look at things here. This is a factory. If you don’t If you mind, I'll do it here tonight." The cousin said apologetically before getting off the car.

Wang Jianmin shook his head nonchalantly: "It's okay, cousin, let's get out of the car and say."

"Hmm!" Nodding, my cousin opened the door and got out of the car.

At this time, Lin Fan jumped directly from the rear compartment, still lying on his shoulders with the Costin.

When the girl saw Lin Fan, she hurried forward with a look of excitement.

"Excuse me, you, you are the head of Lin Yuan? I called you, I am Shi Ying!" The girl whimpered with tears, and almost did not cry.

Lin Fan nodded, but was not surprised.

From the first glance he saw the girl, he guessed who the girl was.

As a result, at this moment, when the mountain dog Dick saw Shi Ying, he was like a family member he hadn't seen for a long time, and that called an excited rush.

The next moment, when Dick plunged into the girl's arms, it caused the girl to scream and laugh.

When Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin saw the warm picture in front of them, they all couldn't help but smile, especially Costin on their shoulders, who uttered a crisp tweet, flapping their wings and hovering on their heads, seeming to cheer them up. .....、、..