Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 331: Angry Cousin

After staying in the yard for a while, his cousin let Lin Fan and his party into the house.

It's not so much a house, as it is a small warehouse, in the corner inside, there are still a lot of boxes stacked.

The furnishings in the warehouse are also very simple, with only a single bed, a small square table, and a few wooden chairs. It seems that it has been a few years.

"Hehe, I'm really sorry, I usually watch the night here, the conditions are a bit rudimentary, please make do with it." Cousin said apologetically.

Lin Fan was not picky about such an environment, and said with a smile, "It's okay, it's good."

Ma Dapao and Wang Jianmin, who were nearby, also nodded nonstop. Only Qin Xiyao, who was sent by the research institute, frowned slightly, unable to adapt to the environment here.

Sitting on several chairs, Dick and Costin, the guard dog, were playing around in the yard.

For a while in the room, the atmosphere seemed a bit solemn.

Seeing that Shi Ying's face was a little unsightly, Lin Fan asked, "How is your brother's situation there? Haven't anyone been found yet?"

Hearing this, Shi Ying shook her head, her eyes were red and she almost didn't cry, and murmured: "No, I have searched many places in the county, but have not found him. I doubt... I doubt him. Like Grandpa, he was taken away by that group..."

Speaking of this, I saw Shi Ying lower her head, her tears falling to the ground.

"Hey, I don't know who Ono and the old man have offended. How come they met such a group of people, it's really a crime." The cousin sighed and said.

Wang Jianmin didn't know the specifics of the matter. Although Lin Fan had talked to him a bit, he was not very clear.

Frowning his brows, Wang Jianmin said: "What the **** is going on, cousin, the group of people you are talking about is just a dealer who wants to buy Costin?"

"It's not who they can be. These people are fierce, and they have guns. They are just a fierce group of people. I heard that there is a very powerful boss behind them, even the police stations in the county. I dare not care about these things, it's lawless..." the cousin said angrily.

Hearing this, Wang Jianmin's expression was also startled, and he looked a bit unsightly.

In any case, he is also a policeman. The meaning of his cousin's words is obviously a bit of cursing the local police for inaction, which makes Wang Jianmin feel a little uncomfortable.

He smiled awkwardly and said, "Uh, cousin, if you don't mind, can you tell us the specific situation?"

Since my cousin personally picked up Lin Fan from the train station, there was no sense of strangeness. Hearing Wang Jianmin's question, he sorted out his emotions, and then began to speak quietly.

There is not much difference between the process mentioned by Shi Ying, and it was also a year ago when a big boss from other places approached the old man Shi and wanted to buy a few Proteas from him.

Since the country now strictly manages protected wild animals, it would be illegal to sell Costin privately.

The old man Shi guarded the mountain all his life. Although living conditions were limited, he would never do this kind of thing. He refused on the spot.

As for the boss from outside, from where did he learn the news that the old man is raising a few Costumes, but no one has ever guessed or doubted.

The days just pass by day by day, and there is no difference in peace.

Until a few months ago, a group of people who looked very ugly came to the door, and the menacingly wanted to buy the several Costin.

Therefore, there was almost a conflict.

"Later, the old man disappeared. Until now, no one has been found. The people in our village have guessed that it may be that the group who came to buy Costin a few months ago was arrested." The cousin shook. He sighed while holding his head.

Hearing this, Qin Xiyao, who was sitting next to him, frowned and asked: "Then you didn't call the police? If the group were to be taken away, it would have constituted kidnapping."

"Call the police? Humph, how could there be no call? On the morning after the old man disappeared, the villagers went to the police station in the town to call the police together. What did the police say at that time...not forty-eight hours, no I filed the case and said why we were waiting for us to go home. Maybe the old man will come back by himself in two days. Is this really something to say?" The cousin became more and more angry when he spoke, and finally started cursing directly.

On one side, Wang Jianmin's face was blue and red, and it was as embarrassing as it was.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan smiled and asked, "I heard Shi Ying said that when the old man was going to visit the mountain, he suddenly disappeared. Could it be that he was lost in the mountain, or was he injured by an attack by a wild animal? Didn't go to the mountains to see?"

Hearing what Lin Fan said, the anger on his cousin's face faded a little bit, and his tone became calm. He shook his head and said, "President Lin, you don't know anything, the old man is on that mountain and has already left. It’s been almost a lifetime. It’s not an exaggeration to say that there are plants and trees, where there are hillsides, and where there are beasts. He knows better than anyone else. Even if he really meets a beast running out of the mountain, he can handle it himself. , How could it disappear?"

"Yeah, grandpa is very familiar with the mountains, and just that night, when we saw that grandpa hadn't come back, the village chief organized everyone to go into the mountains to look for them, but after looking for one night, no one was found... Shi Ying nodded repeatedly beside her.

At this time, whether it was Lin Fan or Wang Jianmin, even Ma Da Pao didn't know what to say.

What's more, it has been more than half a month since things happened, but people have never come back. This is definitely an accident.

If nothing unexpected happened, the eight achievements were made by that group. The real purpose of their kidnapping the old man was probably to get the old man to sell Costin to them, or... just forcibly come over.

Regarding these, Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin understood, but they didn't say anything.

At this moment, a fragrant smell floated in from outside the house.

After a while, I saw a little boy holding a large aluminum basin with his hands full of noodles and a few green leaves on it.

Upon seeing this, my cousin and Shi Ying also hurriedly got up to meet them, put the noodles on the table, and said with a smile: "President Lin, our conditions here are really limited, and there is nothing very good to entertain you. I'll make do with it tonight. When I enter the village tomorrow, I will treat you all by killing pigs and sheep. Come and eat noodles..."

Next to him, Shi Ying also brought a few bowls and chopsticks, and placed them in front of Lin Fan.

Not to mention, the few people who had been in the car for a day after smelling the scent of the noodles, who hadn't eaten much, suddenly had an appetite.

There was also a grunting protest in his stomach...