Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 352: clue

Heizi looked at the side with a dazed expression, and when Lin Fan said the phrase ‘orangutans will also bargain’, he became even more puzzled.

Although he could understand what Lin Fan said, he could not understand the language of animals.

It has nothing to do with whether he has lived in the mountains since he was a child... Strictly speaking, it is an impossible miracle that Sunspot can survive in this mountain.

He is different from Taishan in novels or movies. Taishan was separated from his parents when he was a child, and was picked up by a female orangutan, and he was raised up a little bit like a baby orangutan, and finally became a half-human and half-ape. , Master a variety of climbing, jumping, and survival skills.

Heizi didn't have such good luck. He didn't meet the mother orangutan, nor did he meet any beasts in the mountains.

This is also the biggest miracle he can survive in this rare place.

No one could tell what was going on. Even Heizi himself and Master Shi didn't know what happened when he couldn't speak.

Therefore, Sunspot has been living alone for more than ten years.

Avoid all kinds of poisonous snakes and insects, find all the food that can be eaten in this mountain, fight with wolves, fight with foxes, play hide and seek with bears, and stage jungle parkour with rabbits in the moonlight...

As for how to communicate with these animals, Heizi did not master the skills, and naturally he could not understand the language between them.

Therefore, he could understand what Lin Fan said, but he couldn't understand the language of the white gorilla at all.

Maybe this is because as a human being, he is born with the biggest difference from animals.

"What conditions do you want? Come and listen!" Lin Fan said.

Hearing this, the white-haired gorilla bowed his head, and didn't know if he was shy or thinking about the condition.

After more than ten seconds of silence, he uttered a few soft whispers. According to human understanding, he felt a little lack of confidence.

"I want to learn from you... I, I want revenge on those two **** bears."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Lin Fan raised his brow, making him a little surprised.

This has completely exceeded his expectations. A white-haired orangutan wants to learn from his teacher? This is the first time I have met.

It can be seen that the IQ of this orangutan has far exceeded that of many other animals.

In fact, it is not difficult to teach it a few fighting skills. If it can find out the whereabouts of Old Man Shi and the others, it will save a lot of trouble.

Nodding, Lin Fan said: "Yes, but the premise is that you must help me find other humans, otherwise you don't want to learn anything from me."

Hearing this, the white-haired orangutan was startled at first, then nodded again and again, very happy to see that.

It seems that this matter is already in its eyes.

The next moment, without waiting for Lin Fan to speak, the white-haired orangutan ran out of the cave, and after crossing the water curtain, stood on the shore of the pool and glanced around.

Lin Fan and Heizi also hurriedly followed. At this moment, they saw the white gorilla raising their heads and making a loud whistle.

The whistle was sharp and piercing, and it kept going all the way.

In this mountain, echoes echoed in waves.

As a result, in the next second, there was a rustling sound in the surrounding grass.

Lin Fan and Heizi glanced at each other, and both frowned slightly. Could it be that they were summoning their companions?

However, in the next moment, a large mess of animals all ran out of the grass.

There were snakes, pheasants, wild ducks, weasels, foxes, and hares... a lot of messy little animals appeared here, and there was no scene of attacking each other.

Instead, they all gathered around the white-haired orangutan, looking at it with admiration.

Dozens of animals stood here, like soldiers waiting for orders, without making any strange noises.

Upon seeing this, the white-haired gorilla nodded, squeaking and making gestures.

As a result, those animals also made a commotion.

It took a long time for the white-haired gorilla to wave his hand at them, and after all the summoned animals were dispersed, did they return to Lin Fan's side.

With a puff, he knelt on the ground again, squeaking gestures.

"Those are all my neighbors. I just asked them about two rabbits. Not long ago, I saw some strange humans. They all had weapons that could breathe fire. There was one who came here to patrol. The old man of the mountain is with them too, I don't know if you are the one you are looking for!" said the white gorilla.

Hearing this, Lin Fan's eyes flashed.

Unexpectedly, the white-haired orangutan really had a way, and said with a smile: "Yes, I just want to find them, do your neighbors know where they are going?"

The white-haired gorilla nodded, pointing in a certain direction, "They went there."

Lin Fan was overjoyed, and as expected, that direction was exactly where he and Heizi were going before, that is, on the way to find the bonfire.

Is there a nest of Costin there? But these are not important, the important thing is to find the old man.

Lin Fan said: "Very well, if I can find someone, I will teach you some skills when I come back, and I can definitely defeat the two bears."

Then, Lin Fan turned around and said to Heizi: "Go, let's go find the old man now."

Heizi's eyes were delighted, a smile appeared on his face, and he nodded heavily.

Just when they were about to turn around and leave, the white-haired orangutan jumped suddenly, stopped in front of them, and said creakingly, "I, I want to go with you, I, too, can help... ..."

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled inwardly. This orangutan is so cunning and said that it can help. It is estimated that this guy is afraid that he will not return after he leaves, so he wants to follow.

In this case, Lin Fan did not refuse, nodded and said: "Okay, you can follow along if you want, but you have to act as a mount along the way."

"Huh?" The white-haired orangutan was startled, unclearly.

As a result, at this moment, Lin Fan grabbed Sunspot and jumped upward.

The white-haired gorilla felt his shoulders sink, and when he looked back quickly, he saw one side, and Lin Fan and Heizi were all sitting on it.

Upon seeing this, the white-haired orangutan had a fire in his heart.

How dare you sit on your head? You must know that there are no beasts in this mountain. The white-haired orangutan with a stature of more than two meters in this big mountain is equivalent to the existence of the mountain king.

Who would dare to sit on himself so boldly? Dignity at this moment is like being provoked.

There were heavy breaths in the nose, which was obviously a bit angry. ,, ..