Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 368: One more person was lost

After the ‘Brother Shan’ was dealt with, the mountain returned to its original calm.

Lin Fan turned around and saw a simple look of old stone. He smiled and said, "You are Mr. Shi, right? Hello, my name is Lin Fan, the director of Fengshi Zoo!"

"Zoo? Lin Fan?" Old Stone frowned, apparently he had never heard of these keywords.

In fact, this is not surprising. They originally lived at the foot of this mountain. Even in this age of advanced technology and communications, the Internet is still a luxury for them.

What's more, Old Stone is too old to be like a young man, sitting in front of a computer all day long, or holding a mobile phone as a group of people bowing their heads.

Naturally, he had never heard of Lin Fan's name, let alone Fengshi had a zoo...

At this moment, I saw Heizi on one side of the tree, hugged by the white-haired gorilla, and jumped down from the tree. Heizi came to the old stone with excitement, with blurred tears in his eyes.

He yelled, yelled, and made some messy gestures.

Lin Fan couldn't understand, nor could he understand what Heizi wanted to express, but Old Stone seemed to be able to understand it.

Nodded with a smile, rubbed the head of Heizi, and said, "It turns out that this is the case, Director Lin, this trip is really troublesome for you. Coming all the way to rescue me, this bad old man, oh, I'm really ashamed."

It seems that the sunspot just now told Old Stone what happened on the road in another language.

Lin Fan felt a little strange, but smiled on his face, and said, "Nothing. I have a relationship with Ishiye. I am very happy to be able to help. In addition, I have another identity, the director of the zoo, protecting wild animals. It is also my duty..."

"Ishiye? By the way, why is Ishiye not here? Where did he go?"

It's okay not to mention Ishiye. Now Lin Fan realized that although the old stone was saved, he still didn't see Ishiye. What happened?

Old Stone also looked strange: "Isn't Ishino supposed to be with you?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan's heart suddenly ‘chuckled’, but Old Stone didn’t even know it. It seemed that Ishiye was not taken away by the ‘Brother Shan’ group.

In this way...It was at this time that nearly a hundred bees flapped their wings and made a buzzing sound, turning out of the nearby woods.

These bees were the wave that wanted to report to Lin Fan in the morning, but did not find a chance.

It can be seen how persistent they are, and they have never wanted to give up.

Lin Fan glanced back, one of the bees left the team and came to Lin Fan alone. It landed on his finger. A wave of weak mental fluctuations gathered and conveyed a complete message to Lin Fan.

When he got the information, his brows couldn't help but slowly flocked together: "What? Didn't you find these people?"

Looking at Lin Fan's self-talk, Old Stone and Heizi were a little confused.

Especially Old Stone, why didn't he think that the head of the forest in front of him could even have a conversation with a bee? This is too amazing, too incredible, right?

Lin Fan didn't have time to explain to Old Stone. After receiving the information from the bees, he quickly said: "Heizi, stay here and don't move, that white-haired orangutan, you are responsible for protecting their safety. When I come back In the future, if I find them injured or in danger, I will definitely not spare you."

Hearing this, Heizi and the white gorilla nodded at the same time.

The white-haired orangutan now worships Lin Fan to the extreme.

To say that I was still a bit dissatisfied before, now I am absolutely convinced. Lin Fan's ability to receive bullets empty-handed just now is enough for the white-haired orangutan to practice for a lifetime.

Ever since, under the leadership of the bee swarm, Lin Fan ran straight in the other direction.

On the other hand, Hai Dongqing uttered a clear cry, hovering in the low altitude, following Lin Fan's back, unwilling to leave for a long time.

The information Lin Fan just got from the bee actually has nothing to do with Brother Shan and Old Stone. Although there are signs of unfamiliar human activities, it is not the group of Brother Shan and the others.

From this perspective, besides Lin Fan, Heizi, and Old Stone, there are other people in this big mountain?

And at this moment, Lin Fan felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart that if he didn't guess wrong, the person the bee colony found was probably the lost Ishiye.

Fortunately, it was not far from where the bee colony found the stranger, and a large number of bee teams were all watching near the stranger.

After running fast, about twenty minutes later, a bare hill appeared in front of him, surrounded by rocks of all sizes.

Among these rocks, there was a man sitting there looking up at the sky. In the sky, thousands of bees gathered into a small cloud, and the blackness enveloped the man's head.


When Lin Fan came to the front, he suddenly recognized the man, he was indeed Shiye who had not been seen from the hospital.

Hearing his name, Ishi Ye turned around. When he saw Lin Fan, he was obviously shocked and his expression was obviously startled.

After a long time, he murmured: "Lin, Park Chief Lin?"

"Why are you here?" Lin Fan frowned and asked.

Ishino smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Chief Lin, why are you here too?"

"Let's go, go find your grandpa with me first, he and Heizi are waiting for us not far from there." Lin Fan said directly without answering.

"Grandpa? Chief Lin, you mean, my grandpa..." Hearing this, Ishiye became more excited.

Lin Fan smiled: "Yes, what's the matter? After reuniting with your grandfather, we are saying, how is your health?"

The current Ishino was embarrassed. His clothes had been torn, and he had been cut out with several cuts of different sizes, one by one, which looked very eye-catching.

Perhaps the previous injury has not improved, his face is also blue and purple, and his lips have been chapped because of not drinking water for a long time. How miserable it is.

Lin Fan took out a bottle of water from the game warehouse and threw it to Ishiye. His situation is still unclear, but one thing is certain, that is, Ishiye has not eaten a serious meal in the recent period.

If you just give him food rashly, it will cause a lot of harm to the body and stomach.

After getting the mineral water, Ishino hurriedly opened the lid and drank it all in one breath.

"Head Lin, I'm much better already, let's go!"

Lin Fan smiled and nodded. After drinking the water, Ishiye's mental state seemed to be much stronger than before.

Ever since, the two of them walked towards the old stone together. ,, ..