Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 380: Aftermath

At this moment, it was midnight, but the village was still very lively.

Every household lights up the lights to illuminate the village as bright as day. Some children also do not go home to sleep because of this joy, and play in groups in groups.

Just in the courtyard of the old stone house, Lin Fan, Wang Jianmin, Lin Shu, Little Fox, and Ma Dapao were all sitting in the courtyard. Comrade Lao Liang and Director Zhao naturally also sat in it.

"Oh, this is Costin? Tsk tsk tsk, it's rare that I saw it alive the first time, it's really rare!" As the office director of the Provincial Sports Association, Comrade Lao Liang was also eager.

There were six sea Dongqings, one no more than one no less, all were here, and the one Lin Fan brought back from the zoo was also among them.

Today, these six prefectures, although not the only ones left in the country, there are really not many prefectures protected by the state.

"Director Lin, Director Liang, alas, I'm ashamed to say, old man I thought I could raise them well, let them live freely in the mountains, unfettered... It's a pity that I didn't expect to attract them. To the attention of those who are deliberately unpredictable, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid..." Old Stone sighed as he said.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "It's nothing. In the words of their civil servants, this is what we should do. I believe that other people will not stand by when they hear about this!"

"Yes, what my brother said is exactly what we want to say, old man, you have made a great contribution to our country. If it weren't for you, how could we see six such beautiful Costines? It was your persistence that didn't let the animal dealers take them away. You have done your merits!" Wang Jianmin said solemnly beside him.

As a result, just as he said this, Comrade Lao Liang and Director Zhao gave him a stern look.

Xin said that you are pretending to be a good person here, and you have snatched all your lines. What will you say later?

Upon seeing this, Wang Jianmin reacted, scratching his head in embarrassment, and the others couldn't help laughing.

After the laughter and laughter, Lao Shitou said earnestly: "President Lin, I am getting older. After experiencing this incident, I realized the seriousness of the matter. I am afraid I will not be able to take care of these Hai Dongqing anymore. It’s the best thing to take it back and keep it in your zoo."

"Yeah, I have discussed with my grandfather and my brother. Only by keeping them in Brother Lin's zoo can we all be at ease, and grandpa said, if he wants those Costumes, he can also let my brother bring them. He went to Fengshi to take a look, it's a sightseeing tour!" Shi Ying said with a smile beside her.

However, when they were talking, the face of Comrade Lao Liang next to him looked a little unnatural.

Normally, if a national-level rare wild animal like Costin is discovered, it must be handed in, and detailed registration is required.

If they are to be transferred to the zoo for breeding, the relevant departments of the city where the zoo is located must first declare it layer by layer. After obtaining the final approval, they can be qualified for breeding.

Moreover, even if they have this qualification, they will not give them all to support, at most they can be divided into about one or two.

However, the person that Comrade Lao Liang is facing now is Lin Fan.

If Lin Fan really wanted to nod his head to accept these Costumes, even he would not dare to stop anything.

You know, a person's background and personal connections can make him suffer a lot with just one sentence, and he might offend some senior officials.

Lin Fan lowered his head, fell silent for a moment, and said, "Also, since the old man believes in me, I will not be hypocritical. Let me raise all these Costumes. I believe they are in the zoo. Live better!"

Hearing this, Director Liang’s expression was awkward, but he soon returned to normal, and said with a smile: "Director Lin, congratulations, you have added a few more proteas to your zoo. Wait until it reopens. When it comes, it will definitely attract more tourists!"

Hearing his compliment, Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin felt a little funny.

This old comrade Liang broke his teeth and swallowed in his stomach.

The question of Costin’s attribution was decided after a few words... and the rest were other questions.

Especially the things that animal dealers made in the village, as long as they are not fools, they can tell, they think there is a big background.

At least in this village or small county, the relationship has been bought.

Otherwise, Ishino wouldn't go anywhere, regardless of these things, and tried all kinds of ways and excuses to push away.

"Director Zhao, Director Liang, how do you solve this matter?" Lin Fan frowned and asked.

"This... Normally, we are not in the same province as here. We do not have the qualifications to intervene in the problems that occur here. However, we can report to the higher-level departments and the comrades of the Disciplinary Inspection Commission so that they can Do some processing and arrangements!" Director Zhao said.

However, after Lin Fan heard this, he frowned.

Wang Jianmin and Yang Xin glanced at each other, both eyes with a look of helplessness.

As long as people who have a good understanding of their work procedures, they can fully hear that Director Zhao's remarks are simply shirking their responsibilities.

Although the provinces are different, their positions are there. If they can personally intervene in this matter, they will definitely attract the attention of the upper echelons.

However, Director Zhao shot a gun.

Hearing this, Comrade Liang said with a smile: "Director Lin, Director Zhao, what he does, I have no right to interfere or ask. After all, the position is different and the department belongs to different departments, but I will go to the county town in person tomorrow Animal Protection Association..."

The meaning in this sentence is obvious, that is, to come to the door to ask the crime in person.

As a result, Deputy Director Zhao, who had just said that he would go back and report, and was about to shirk responsibility, suddenly looked a little ugly.

Comrade Lao Liang is simply a villain who knows the truth, too special to flatter him.

When he said this, didn't he push himself into the fire pit?

If Lin Fan is a prudent person, why don't you think that he doesn't want to care about these things at all and don't give him this face?

This is simply a face slap, or the kind of crackling.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan smiled: "Well, let's do it this way, but I won't accompany Director Liang and Deputy Director Zhao in the work process behind. We are going to leave for Fengshi early tomorrow morning."


Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and didn't expect Lin Fan to leave so soon.

Especially Shi Ying, a look of hesitation clearly flashed in her eyes, she lowered her head and bit her lip lightly, as if hesitated but stopped. ,, ..