Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 381: The dog barking in the village

This night was a sleepless night for the whole village.

After two o'clock in the middle of the night, the tangy scent drifted over the village, and immediately all the gluttons were hooked out.

Especially Lin Fan and the others, who have been in the mountains these past few days, have never eaten anything serious. They eat bread and mineral water every day.

If this continues for a few days, it is estimated that the appetite will protest.

Soon, the villagers brought their stewed chicken, duck, fish, and large pots of pork. One of them, a middle-aged woman in her forties or fifties, said with a smile, "Head Lin, Director Liang, please eat quickly. Try our own chickens and pigs. The taste is definitely better than what you eat outside."

A large pot of chicken stewed with mushrooms, braised pork with vermicelli, and some small stir-fries, it makes people drool at a glance.

However, despite this, Director Liang and the others still have to behave a little bit.

For example, after seeing these delicious foods, Lao Liang hurriedly stood up and said: "Oh, look at this in the middle of the night. I will trouble everyone who kills chickens and sheep to prepare meals for us. I really feel sorry for it, everyone. I've been busy all night, let's sit down and eat together!"

While speaking, he quickly brought the big pots full of various meats and put them on the table in front of him.

"Hehe, Director Liang, don't be polite. Come to our house and it's the same as coming to your own home. You eat quickly. The cold will not taste good. We have them there. No one is hungry. We have a share!" Respond.

In this way, Comrade Lao Liang nodded and sat down while saying thankful words.

When these enthusiastic villagers left the yard, everyone immediately picked up their chopsticks and ate them with great joy.

There is no expensive wine in the village, and Laoshi always likes to drink two sips. He deliberately took out a wine jar that has been sealed for many years from his house.

When he opened the beeswax on it, a strong smell of wine permeated the entire yard.

"This wine...Oh, it smells good, old man, isn't this the legendary daughter red or something?" Comrade Liang said with bright eyes.

This product has no other hobbies. He usually likes to eat and drink. He has long been tired of the delicacies of the mountains and seas. He likes to eat some local specialties, such as chicken stewed mushrooms and pork stewed vermicelli, both from the Northeast. Featured dishes.

And Lao Liang is also very particular about drinking. He doesn't drink ordinary wine, only those treasures that are hard to find outside.

It's just that in this age, where there are any treasures and good wines, even if there are, it is not his turn to go.

Now when I saw a jar of wine taken out by the old stone, my eyes almost didn't fall out, and I stared straight at the jar, chirping constantly.

Lin Fan nodded secretly when he saw this jar of old wine. Just smelling the taste, it seemed that it was not much worse than his Baiguo wine.

I want to come to Old Stone as a wine lover. This jar of wine has always been sealed in dust and not opened.

If it weren't for them to come here, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to take it out easily.

Lao Shiu smiled and said: "What kind of daughter red is this? Actually, it was all played on TV. The reason why daughter red was called daughter red was in ancient times. The family gave birth to a girl in her yard. I buried a jar of wine in it and took it out to drink on the day my daughter got married. That's why it was called this name!"

After a short pause, Old Stone continued: "To be precise, my jar of wine has been around for some years. I remember when I was buried, Yingzi was still very young and could not walk, hahaha!"

Hearing this, Shi Ying and Shi Ye were both startled. If it weren't for Grandpa to bring out the wine today, I'm afraid they would not even know that there is such a good thing in their yard.

Shi Ying is now in her twenties, no more, no less, and has been buried for about twenty years.

According to this, the taste of this jar of wine is definitely much stronger than that of Wuliangye and Moutai.

"That's Granddaughter Red!" Wang Jianmin said from the side.

Hearing this, everyone laughed subconsciously.

Everyone pours a little ‘Granddaughter’s Red’. You don’t need to drink it, just a little smell can make you intoxicated.

Even the little fox, who has never drunk, took a sip and said, "Brother Xiao Fan, this wine is a little sweet..."

In this way, a large group of people sat around the dining table, chatting while eating small farm dishes, and drinking the "Granddaughter Red" wine that had been hidden for 20 years.

Gradually, more than two hours have passed.

Seeing the sky light up a little bit, there was a hint of whiteness on the horizon.

Maybe everyone was happier. Everyone drank a little more alcohol. In addition to the night's running and exhaustion, Wang Jianmin and Ma Dapao were all lying on the table and sleeping.

Lin Fan's eyelids are also constantly fighting. In the mountains these past few days, he hasn't had a good rest. After drinking a little alcohol, he felt exhausted.

Just when they were ready to take a break, in the morning, they were leaving the village.

Suddenly, I heard crazy dog ​​barking from all over the village... Those dogs were just like crazy, barking desperately.

You know, in the rural areas of the northeast, almost every household raises one or two guard dogs, so-called native dogs.

These local dogs are different from those in the city. They are very temperamental, and they are no worse than the so-called fighting dogs in fighting.

When all the dogs in the village are barked out, the momentum cannot be underestimated.

Wang Jianmin and the others, who had just fallen asleep, all sat up, looked around in a daze, and asked, "This is...what's going on?"

"Why are all the dogs barking? Isn't something going to happen?" Ma Da Pao asked, frowning.

Old Stone also had a solemn expression: "No, I'm afraid that some wild beast is coming into the village. This happened before. When a lagging wolf broke into the village, all the dogs kept barking. Could it be that......"

At this moment, everyone's spirits were shocked.

They got up and walked towards the entrance of the courtyard, wanting to see what was going on outside.

As a result, at this moment, a twenty-five-six-year-old young man hurried in and said with a flustered expression: "No, no,, it’s not good, Lin Yuan, Old Stone, ...A big monster just came down from the mountain and has entered...coming into our village!"

"What? A big monster coming down from the mountain?"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and their expressions changed a little.

"Go, let's see what kind of monster it is!"

Director Liang was talking, and the first one walked outside.

When other people saw this, they were busy following...,,..