Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 382: A monster coming down from the mountai

At more than five o'clock in the morning, a white belly lit up in the sky.

Perhaps the village is at the foot of the mountain, looking from a distance, as if misty and unclear.

Amidst the barking of dogs in every household, Lin Fan and Director Liang and his party hurriedly ran toward the open space of the village committee.

A few minutes later, when they came to the front, they found that hundreds of villagers had gathered in this clearing.

Many people of all ages, men and women are standing here with shovels, pickaxes, and iron bars in their hands.

In front of these villagers, more than a hundred policemen were also fully armed and guarded, and the whole scene felt like a big enemy.

"What's the matter?" Deputy Director Zhao walked into the crowd and asked.

At this moment, a policeman turned his head and came to the front of Deputy Director Zhao and Director Liang a few steps. First, he saluted and said: "Director Zhao, a monster just came down in the mountain. What is it? I didn't see it clearly, but it seems to hide in that place..."

While talking, the man turned his head and pointed at a dim and narrow corner.

Lin Fan and the others looked over there and found that it was like a small alley, which looked a little gloomy and could only accommodate one person in it.

What monster will run down from the mountain? And after being discovered by someone, he didn't turn around and ran back up the mountain, but got into that small alley?

At this time, the old stone behind him frowned and said, "Oh, that alley is a dead end. Usually the village committee is used to accumulate some waste..."

As soon as the words fell, everyone subconsciously glanced over there again.

"President Lin, here you come!" At this moment, Liu Chuang walked out of the crowd and said to Lin Fan sneakily in the lowest voice.

Lin Fan was startled, then turned and walked out "What's the matter?"

Liu Chuang looked around and made sure that no one was eavesdropping on their speech, then he said in a low voice: "President Lin, I suspect that the monster is the white-haired orangutan we saw in the mountains... .In fact, when I first discovered it, I was there. The sky was still a bit dark, not as bright as it is now. I drank some alcohol and didn’t see it clearly. Looking back on it carefully, it is indeed the white head. Orangutan."

"Oh?" Hearing these words, Lin Fan didn't show much surprise.

In fact, when he heard that a monster came down the mountain and broke into the village, Lin Fan had already faintly guessed that it might be the white-haired orangutan.

Before leaving, Lin Fan had given it a time limit. If you want to go to the zoo with him, come and find yourself before dawn.

It now appears that there is a high possibility that it is the white-haired orangutan, but most people have never seen it. The figure is really tall, more than two meters.

In addition to the dimness of the sky at that time, it is possible to be misunderstood by any behemoth.

If that is the case, then things are much simpler.

Lin Fan nodded: "Okay, trouble you, this information is very important to me, remember not to mention it with other people."

Liu Chuang frowned. He didn't know why Lin Fan said this, but he didn't ask any questions, just nodded dullly.

As for Captain Lao Liang, after inquiring about the ‘monster’, he knew it in his heart, and quickly gave the police officers an order to change into anesthesia bombs and prepare to capture the so-called monster alive.

All the preparations are being carried out in an orderly manner. As long as Director Zhao gives an order, the police will rush straight to the alley.

As a result, at this moment, Lin Fan came over and said with a smile: "Director Liang, Director Zhao, don't have to fight so hard, let me go and see!"

"Huh? Chief Lin..." Comrade Liang was taken aback.

But Lin Fan waved his hand and said, "It's okay. I like to be in contact with animals, and I have some research on the language of animals. Maybe I have a look in the past and I can get any big gains."

"This..." Deputy Director Zhao was a little embarrassed, Comrade Lao Liang was also beside him with a calm face, not knowing what to say.

At this time, the little fox stepped forward and said, "Brother Xiaofan can also train wild animals, so there is no problem for him to go!"

Hearing this, Director Liang was silent for a few minutes before he nodded: "Well then, Director Lin, you must be careful. Although you have extensive experience in contact with wild animals, they are all from the zoo. , The wildness has long been worn out, and this monster does not know what it is, if..."

Lin Fan didn't bother to listen to his nonsense. When this went on, he was forced to talk endlessly. When will he be the head?

Ever since, he turned around and walked towards the alley.

And behind him, he followed the little fox... Comrade Lao Liang originally wanted several policemen to follow behind him quietly to ensure the safety of Lin Fan's life.

As a result, all the little foxes were sent away.

Others didn't know, but she knew exactly what was going on here. The white gorilla ran out of the mountain to look for Lin Fan.

If it is an ordinary orangutan, it's okay to say, but the white-haired orangutan is really too big and too scary. Once someone else sees it, I don't know what trouble it will cause.

Moreover, the existence of the white-haired orangutan is different from the nature of the several Costumes. It is possible that the former will be taken away for some research...

He watched Lin Fan walk into the alley, while the little fox stood alone at the entrance of the alley, as if he was taking care of him.

Comrade Lao Liang and Deputy Director Zhao looked at each other, and there was a trace of worry in each other's eyes.

As for Wang Jianmin and Ma Dapao, you look at me, and I look at you again.

Finally, Wang Jianmin said strangely: "It won't be the white-haired orangutan. At that time, I saw that the big guy had a good relationship with my brother. Did you know that we were leaving, so he went down the mountain to see him off?"

" is possible!" Ma Da Pao also nodded solemnly.

"What white-haired orangutan? What are you talking about?" Comrade Lao Liang, who was standing in front, frowned upon hearing this, and walked over to ask.

However, just as Wang Jianmin, the second person, was about to explain, he heard a violent cough.

Old Stone calmed his face, covered his mouth with his hand, and after a few coughs, he said: "Captain Wang, have you not sobered up yet? Talking is messy, why don't you go back and rest first?"

"Ah? I don't..." Wang Jianmin didn't understand yet. Just as he was about to refuse, Ma Da Pao grabbed his arm and said with a smile: "Yes, Director Liang, Master Shi, if there is nothing here For other things, let’s go back and rest for a while. Oh, my head hurts..."

While speaking, Ma Da Pao pulled Wang Jianmin, turned and walked towards the courtyard.

Upon seeing this, Comrade Lao Liang and Deputy Director Zhao were a little confused, what and what? It's still in the mist when you say something, play with your brain teaser?

Obviously he didn't care about their abnormality, turned his head and continued to look towards the alley. ,, ..