Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 383: Fellow villagers meet fellow villagers

Lin Fan didn't know what happened outside.

When he walked into the small alley, he saw a huge object squatting in the innermost corner, covered in white hair, holding his head in his hands, looking scared.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Why, the king of the mountain is sometimes afraid?"

Hearing this, the white-haired gorilla suddenly looked up, and when it found that the person was the Lin Fan it was looking for, it almost didn't cry.

Others may not know that the white gorilla has experienced too many ups and downs on the way down the mountain.

Because the white-haired orangutans have lived in the mountains for a long time, they have not come outside, nor have they seen the world outside the mountains.

Seeing everything is full of excitement and curiosity, it takes a lot of time to stop and go.

As a result, walking around, it found itself lost.

The surrounding area was bare, not to mention trees, not even a very special piece of grass was seen, and it was immediately stunned.

What is this place? Is this the village?

The white-haired orangutan wandered around that place for a long time, but did not find any humans like Lin Fan, nor even any signs.

As a result, without knowing what was going on, it stepped into a puddle of mud.

The strange thing is that the silt is very sticky, and it is still pulling it down a little bit.

Seeing such a weird situation, the white-haired orangutan panicked at the time, and desperately broke free. However, the greater the extent it breaks away, the faster it sinks. Adding to its weight, the silt is about to swallow it completely in just two minutes.

For the first time, the white-haired orangutan had an inexplicable panic, which was a sign of threat to life.

Even when it was against the two bears before, it had never felt this way...The fear of death was suppressed in its heart, and it felt like it was about to suffocate.

A little bit, the mud covered its body, its neck, and its mouth.

Just when he thought that his life was going to be lost here, the white-haired orangutan suddenly found that under his toes, he had touched a hard object.

Ok? The white-haired orangutan was overjoyed, is it possible that this sludge is over?

Thinking like this in his heart, after calmly observing the surrounding situation, it didn't happen that it found that it was not sinking, but stopped.

Suddenly, I was overjoyed. I used my toes to test the surrounding terrain a little bit, trying to break free from the mud.

In the end, it took almost an hour before it ran out of the mud a little bit and sat on the solid ground, breathing fresh air.

There is a kind of joy for the rest of your life, but more of it is the uncontrollable fear.

If the bottom of the silt is deepened a little bit, its life will be completely lost here, and there will be no chance to break free.

In fact, this is it, with a height of more than two meters, so that it can earn a life in danger.

If it were to be replaced by a normal human, I am afraid that it would not be so lucky...This mud, which is the legendary swamp, has a depth of about two meters.

A normal man, about 1.8 meters tall, has no chance to run out. In the end, he can only be swallowed up and disappeared by the mud a little bit...

After regaining his life, the white-haired orangutan became more careful and no longer walked like before. Every few steps he would observe the surrounding terrain, for fear that he could directly attack people silently. And the place where the animal devours.

Fortunately, it did not meet the marshland, but after walking a distance, it encountered a clear water pool.

It's not very deep, it's only more than one meter. Seeing the clean water, the white-haired orangutan can't wait to plunge into it, and clean all the silt stuck on it.

Immediately, it felt its body weight, and it seemed to have been greatly reduced.

After that, it continued to look for its way down the mountain...Finally, it entered the village just when it was light.

However, it had just walked in and heard a scream of horror, so scared that she ran into this small alley without ever coming out.

When the white-haired orangutan finished the sad story of ‘yah ah ho’, tears were about to fall out.

Lin Fan laughed loudly and said, "You, I really don't know what to say. Since you will take the initiative to come down the mountain and come to me, it means you have already figured it out clearly?"

The white gorilla squatted on the ground and nodded vigorously, which meant that he had already thought it through.

"That's good, but before you return to the zoo, you have to feel wronged!" Lin Fan said.

The white-haired orangutan was startled, just before it had understood what it meant, it saw a golden light flashing in front of it, and when it opened its eyes, it suddenly discovered that it had appeared in a strange place.

There are icy black walls all around, no doors or windows, and nothing at all. Looking at this completely enclosed environment, a look of deja vu flashes in the eyes of the white-haired orangutan, always feeling as if he has seen it somewhere before.

Sitting in a corner, the white-haired orangutan scratched his head while trying to think about the place.

Suddenly, its inspiration flashed, and it seemed that when he was on the mountain before, Lin Fan had also locked the two bear brothers in this place.

Could this be the so-called zoo? If it is really here... Thinking of this, the white-haired orangutan regrets a bit, and always feels a little bit deceived.

Ever since, it slapped the wall next to it desperately, and shouted, "Brother Bear, are you all right next door?"

Because the place where they are located is only a warehouse in Lin Fan's game, temporarily used to carry them, it is also convenient for a long trip without being discovered.

Therefore, this warehouse is not completely soundproofed. After the white-haired orangutan yelled, the next door really made a response.

There seemed to be a bear who slapped the icy wall while crying in a low voice.

Hearing this voice, the white-haired orangutan felt like a fellow villager meets fellow villagers...If it were on the mountain, it would never feel that way, and instead would fight if it didn't agree.

But in this unfamiliar place of life, the term ‘hometown’ seems extremely cordial.

Yeah oh oh oh!

The white-haired orangutan also responded quickly, which meant that he was talking about who he was, it would be nice to meet them here.

As a result, after this wave of sound passed, the next room was completely silent.

The white gorilla is very strange, is it possible that the two bears still hate themselves? Or is it really scaring them both?

I don't know how long it has been, just when the white-haired orangutan was a little bit down, the next door finally responded.

A low-pitched roar came faintly. Hearing the voice, I wanted to tear it into pieces, and it was hard to stop my heart and hate...