Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 429: Whose fate shall I fight?

Seeing Lin Fan and Taishan interacting, Zhang Dakui and the little soldiers he brought were all dumbfounded.

Just as Taishan creaked and made gestures, most people would never know what it meant to express, but Lin Fan was able to talk to it freely.

This made several people all stupid.

At this moment, Lin Fan stood up and said, "A visitor is coming from outside, so please sit here first, I'll take a look!"

"Guest? Okay, then I'll accompany you over there!" Zhang Dakui also got up quickly.

Although Zhang Dakui looked a bit naive, he was very shrewd.

From Lin Fan's words and deeds just now, it seems that the "guest" in his mouth is not good.

Lin Fan didn't say much, but walked out directly with the little fox and Taishan.

At this moment, right here at the gate, a few more people stood there.

But Li Qiang and Niu Dazhuang stood at the door, facing each other.

There were a total of seven or eight people in the other party, all of them gloomy, without a trace of smile. Compared with the little **** who came to the zoo to make trouble, they were very surprised.

At this time, Lin Fan and Zhang Dakui came over.

As soon as he saw these people, Zhang Dakui frowned, and said, "These people are a bit unkind, Xiao Fan, are they friends with you?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled: "Friend? Ha ha, what kind of person do you think is worthy to be my friend?"

"Hahaha...Happy!" Zhang Dakui laughed.

While they were talking, they came to the gate and met the uninvited guests.

"What day is this today? Before the zoo opened, there were waves of people...a little surprised me!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

Hearing this, I saw the few people, their eyes turned on Lin Fan.

And Li Qiang and Niu Dazhuang quickly turned around: "Brother Fan!"

Lin Fan nodded and came to the front, before he was waiting to speak, the other party asked.

"You are the principal here?" asked a man in his thirties with a small flat head.

If you change to someone else, I'm afraid that after seeing a few people in military uniforms, you will feel a squab in your heart, but these people in front of you seem to have not seen them.

"Yes!" Lin Fan nodded.

"Very well, that means we didn't find the wrong person, let's go, we have something we want to check with you!" As he said, two people walked up to Lin Fan to take it away.

The occurrence of this scene surprised many people.

No one thought that they didn't even bother to speak, so they would lead people directly?

Especially Li Qiang and Niu strengthened them, their expressions changed.

As the captain of the security brigade, Tai Shan expresses his dissatisfaction directly with actions, dare to take away his boss?

With a wave of hands, suddenly, a dozen strong chimpanzees rushed to the few people.

In addition, there was also a rustle of light from the surrounding trees.

After a while, another twenty or thirty chimpanzees poked their heads around, staring at them eagerly.

Looking at this posture, it seems that as long as they dare to act rashly, these orangutans will attack in groups, regardless of who you are and what background you have.

"President Lin, what do you mean? Is it possible that you still want to resist your orders?" the man asked coldly.

"Rebellious? I resisted whose fate? Who are you? The red-mouthed and white-toothed people want to take me away, and you don't weigh how capable you are?" Lin Fan asked calmly.

"You..." Hearing this, the headed person was speechless for a while.

"Boy, if you are acquainted, please get rid of Laozi quickly, while I am in a good mood, otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite." Zhang Dakui also said with his arms around.

Don't look at how he smiled at Lin Fan before, if there is a fight, he won't accept anyone.

"Well, Lin Fan, tell you the truth, don’t you know what happened to Tang Hao? You know everything you’ve done yourself. We are here for this. Let’s go with us. , Solve this matter.” The leader said that there was really no way.

Sure enough, Lin Fan's heart moved, it was indeed related to that Tang Hao.

But what surprised Lin Fan was that they could find themselves so quickly.

And looking at their appearance, their words and deeds, they are definitely not ordinary punks, if you guessed correctly...

"Da Kui, it seems that these people are walking with you!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Hmph, a group of shrimps, when I saw you for the first time, I saw it, let's say, which unit are you from?" Zhang Dakui asked.

All soldiers who have been trained in the army, even if they wear a piece of casual clothes, can detect a breath that is different from ordinary people in them.

What's more, these few people in front of them are expressionless, they are definitely well-trained existences.

After checking it a little, Zhang Dakui could feel it, but he never said it.

If Lin Fan hadn't mentioned it suddenly, he would also like to see what these people wanted to do.

Hearing this, the headed man smiled coldly: "Huh, Lin Fan, if you are acquainted, just walk with us, our chief wants to see you, otherwise...there is that, Zhang Dakui Right? I've heard about it a long time ago, and I have always wanted to learn from you, but I have never found a chance. If you really want to forcefully intervene, let's try now!"

"Oh, boy, are you scaring me? Try and try, your grandfather Kui is still afraid that you won't make it?" Zhang Dakui said as he took off his coat, looking at this posture, he wanted to do it.

And the man on the opposite side, after hearing this, his eyes were dazzled.

Suddenly, he rushed forward, punched Zhang Dakui's face, and slammed it over.

Vaguely, he could still hear the wind breaking through the air on his fist. The power was so powerful that people couldn't help but tremble.

This cliff is a practicing family, and the strength is not weak.

Zhang Dakui's expression condensed, and he yelled: "You little bastard, how dare you attack Lao Tzu? It's not special to me..."

While shouting and cursing, while preparing to go up to fight.

Suddenly, I saw a black shadow flashing in front of me, and then I heard a muffled bang, exploding in front of me.

The next moment, I saw the man opposite, and he couldn't help backing a few meters away before he could stabilize his body.

Raising his head suddenly, he saw Lin Fan standing there like a okay person.

Sweeping his gaze coldly, he said, "No matter who you are or what status you have, in my place, you want to do it without my permission. This is bad my rules. Go back. Whoever wants to see me, let him personally Come here, otherwise when something like this happens, it won't be so simple and can be solved.",,...