Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 430: Unfamiliar with the new environment


Hearing this, the man on the opposite stared, but he didn't say the rest.

To a few people around him, he said lowly: "Let's go!"

After the words fell, those few people, although unwilling, still did not dare to disobey the order, turned and walked down the mountain.

At this time, Zhang Dakui was dumbfounded.

Looking at Lin Fan with a look of disbelief, he said in surprise for a long time: "Fuck, Xiao Fan, you guys are good, how come I don't know when to practice Kung Fu?"

"Hehe, there are so many things you don't know, let's find out slowly!"

Leaving this sentence aside, Lin Fan turned and walked into the zoo without looking back.

"Xiaofan, you have to tell me today, what has happened to you in the past two years? Wouldn't you be like what you did on TV? Have you gotten any secrets?" Zhang Dakui He followed closely and kept asking questions.

Lin Fan never answered, and hurried to the restaurant...

At this moment, the man who was beaten back by Lin Fan took his few men and hurried down the mountain.

At the gate of People's Park, there was also a Land Rover parked, and in the car was also a man in his early thirties.

When he saw a few people walking down hurriedly, his face suddenly changed.

"What about people?"

Hearing this, the faces of several people changed slightly.

Ever since, I will tell all the things that happened just now on the mountain.

After listening, the man in the car glanced in the direction of the zoo subconsciously, as if he was talking to himself: "Zhang Dakui also came here? It's a bit interesting. I didn't expect this Lin Fan to be a deep Hidden master... OK, then let's play slowly."

With a kick of the accelerator, the Land Rover headed straight to the street and drove away quickly, leaving only the few people who had just come down from the mountain.

"Boss, this is..." one of them asked, frowning.

"Let's go back too!"


After the words fell, a few people quickly came to a car parked nearby. Just before the car left, the headed man also subconsciously glanced in the direction of the zoo.

No one noticed it at this time, only one of his arms had fallen weakly, and it seemed that he had suffered a lot of damage under the punch that Lin Fan had just hit.

This morning, the two groups of people who came to the door one after another made Lin Fan have to treat it with caution.

What is certain is that the backgrounds of these two groups have military elements.

There is no need to say more about Zhang Dakui, because of his temper and character, he would naturally not calculate everything to himself, not to mention that the two of them are still small...

It's just that the few people who came later made Lin Fan have to be more on guard.

After sending away Zhang Dakui and the others, the zoo finally calmed down. In front of the mountain, Li Qiang, Niu Dazhuang, Little Fox, and Lin Shu were all busy with their own affairs.

Especially Li Qiang and Niu are big and strong, because many places need a reasonable plan and improvement to develop a cruise project on Yueya Lake.

The head of the original mission completion has never left, but accompanied Li Qiang to walk around the Moon Lake, taking notes of changes to be made from time to time.

Time passed quickly. In the afternoon, Lin Fan came to the aquarium.

After a few days of development, there are more and more deep-sea creatures in the aquarium.

When you walk in, you can see the strangely unnamed deep-sea fish in the huge tempered glass slowly swimming in it.

It seems to be relatively new to the surrounding environment, and the mood is not particularly high.

When Lin Fan walked over, they would be scared to turn around and run away, very vigilant.

Passing through a submarine tunnel, a wide open space appeared, surrounded by many small pond-like structures, and in the middle of each pond, there was a glass barrier.

The baby fish, snapping turtles, and green crocodiles that originally lived in Crescent Lake have all been moved to this new place.

When they saw Lin Fan, they immediately exuded a wave of excitement.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan smiled and said, "Are you still used to your new home?"

The snapping turtle showed its head, green bean-big eyes, spinning around, secretly looking at Lin Fan, but beside it was the little snapping turtle.

After two months of growth, the baby snapping turtle has grown to adulthood, but it looks much smaller than the big snapping turtle.

"Wow wow wow..." Wawayu made a strange cry like a baby crying.

Lin Fan nodded and said, "Yes, this is where you will live in the future. It's better than being out in the wind and rain!"

Hearing this, the baby fish lay down on the shore in a depressed mood.

Although the environment here seems to be better than Crescent Lake, and it is still well decorated... But the baby fish and snapping turtles are used to being free.

It was a little unacceptable for a while to restrict them to an indoor pool.

And the reason why Lin Fan let them move here is mainly because he wants to enrich the aquatic life in the aquarium. In one case, Crescent Lake will be transformed into a cruise project.

Although he is not worried that baby fish and snapping turtles will injure tourists, if tourists see such a few horrible big guys in the lake, they will inevitably feel a little fearful in his heart.

Therefore, this is no alternative.

After a few words of comfort, the baby fish and the snapping turtle can finally barely accept the fact of living here.

On the contrary, compared with the baby fish, the performance of the green crocodile is very calm.

It didn't even have any idea about where.

It's still the same as before, as long as you give it some water and give it a shore to rest, it can lie there without moving.

Today's aquarium has become much richer than before.

And there are still many materials captured from the deep sea, which have not yet been derived.

I believe that at the beginning of its opening, this aquarium will become extremely lively and will greatly attract the attention and attention of more tourists.

After checking all the places, Lin Fan walked out of the aquarium.

At this time, the sky was completely dark.

Lights of various colors shined in every corner of the zoo, which looked very beautiful.

A patrol team led by Taishan came across.

When passing by Lin Fan, several chimpanzees bowed their heads to their boss to show their surrender to the boss.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan walked towards the attic and prepared to rest in the meeting room. ,, ..