Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 431: Catching mice at night

The moon is sparse, and a crescent moon hangs from the horizon, exuding a faint silvery white.

The zoo became quiet.

From time to time, you can hear the sound of insects from all corners, and the snoring sound of some animals when they are sleeping.

At ten o'clock at night, because there were no entertainment projects in the zoo, Lin Fan and the little fox also went back to their rooms to sleep early.

However, for those animals, this is just the beginning of nightlife...

Especially the big yellow cat Yuanbao. Since the recent period, the fat on its body has obviously disappeared at an alarming speed, and its body has become slimmer.

It can be said that its weight loss plan is basically a success.

At this time in a small woods, the small woods looked dim because the light could not shine on this place.

However, with the cat's night vision ability, it does not constitute any difficulty for it.

Just when it lowered its head and gently stepped on the catwalk, it seemed to be looking for something on the ground, and on its head, there was a parrot with a cheap mouth.

It is strange to say that when Yuanbao first came to the zoo, it and the parrot had always been two antagonistic existences.

I don't know what's going on. When Lin Fan returned from the northeast, he was surprised to find that these two dudes had become good friends.

Almost all day and night, they are mixed together. If it weren't for their different races, I really didn't know what terrible things would happen.

"Front, front..." The parrot shouted in a sharp, hoarse voice on the tree.

Hearing this, Yuan Bao suddenly raised his head, staring at the parrot on the branch with bright eyes, meowing and saying, "You must be quiet!"

"I am happy, I am happy..." the parrot said dissatisfied.

"I really want to kill you, meow!" Yuan Bao said fiercely.

"You come, you come..."

Hearing this, Yuan Bao completely lost his temper.

Although it can also climb trees, when it really has to climb up, this cheap-mouthed parrot has already flown away.

And such a situation has not never happened.

In this regard, even if Yuanbao is depressed, he is helpless to the parrot.

However, although the two of them may have quarrels and disagreements, when doing anything, they will always work together...

Just like now, when the afternoon was approaching dusk, the parrot found a rat in this small wood.

Ever since, after dark at night, he quietly told Yuan Bao the news.

As a wild cat, catching mice is an entertainment item of Yuanbao. It does not like to eat something that looks black and disgusting.

I just like to torture the mouse to death after catching it.

It's just that there are very few mice in the zoo, which makes Yuan Bao always depressed.

As a result, even today, after hearing the parrot say that there were mice in the grove, Yuan Bao was immediately excited. It was not until Lin Fan and the little fox were all sleeping that they sneaked into the woods.

However, although the woods are not big, how easy is it to find a mouse? Moreover, in this neighborhood, there is no smell of mice, and the ingot is almost desperate.

Just when it was about to give up and go back to sleep well, it suddenly heard a rustling sound in front of it.

Suddenly, Yuan Bao raised his head, eyes flashing with weird rays, looking forward.

"Found it, meow!"

Yuan Bao gave a soft cry and ran in the direction of the sound.

Upon seeing this, the parrot on its head also spread its wings and flew over there.

However, just when they came to the front, all the light noises they had just made disappeared.

Except for the rustle of wind blowing leaves from time to time, there was nothing to hear.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Bao held his nose and tried to smell the rat-infested smell, but... still nothing.

"What's the matter, I heard a sound just now, why did it disappear? Meow!" Yuan Bao gave a soft cry to express its inner curiosity.

And the parrot on his head also watched every move around him with a dumbfounded look.

Just when the two of them were filled with weirdness, thinking that they had misheard them, and were about to go back, the rustling voice came again.

At this moment, Yuan Bao heard it very clearly, the voice did not come from the zoo.

To be precise, just behind the wall...

Thinking of this, Yuan Bao couldn't help but "cock" all of a sudden, is it possible that a thief is coming to steal something?

In the past, when wandering outside, Yuan Bao had seen the thief several times, and sneaked into the house in the middle of the night.

Among them, Yuan Bao was bumped into several times, and the thief was scared away.

Standing under the wall, waiting silently for a while, sure enough, the rustling sound just now rang from outside.

It seems to be much clearer than before.

"Go, find Beidou and Taishan, let them come and help, just say that the zoo is going to be a thief, meow!" Yuan Bao turned around and said with the parrot meowing.

Hearing this, the parrot trembled in terror.

Although it usually has a cheap mouth, it is actually very courageous, especially when it comes to meeting thieves, it runs faster than anyone else.

As soon as the call of the ingot fell, this guy didn't say a word, flapped a pair of wings, and ran out of the grove.

However, Yuan Bao stayed alone under the wall, observing the movement outside the wall.

Strangely, just after the parrot flew away, the outside became quiet again, as if nothing had appeared.

As time passed, Yuan Bao's heart became more and more strange.

My heart said, could it be that I heard it wrong? But just in the moment, I clearly smelled a strange smell.

Yuan Bao is still very confident about his sense of smell, why is there no movement at all now?

And even the strange smell disappeared.

When it was puzzled, it suddenly heard a ‘pop’ over its head.

Frightened Yuan Bao suddenly jumped out, looked up, and saw a rope. At one end of the rope, two bricks were tied...

Upon seeing this, Yuan Bao thought furiously, Nima, fortunately, Lao Tzu reacted quickly, or he would smash these two bricks to death.

At the same time, it also had a strange idea in its heart. Two bricks were tied to a rope. What did it want to do?

However, there is another fact that made Yuan Bao's heart "cock" suddenly and become extremely nervous.

That was in the zoo, it really was going to be a thief.

Meow! ,, ..