Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 438: Self introduction

Under Lin Fan's call, a few army dogs came over honestly.

As if seeing his own master, they were sitting side by side in front of Lin Fan, with their tongues sticking out, with an obedient look.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers around were all surprised.

You know, these military dogs are all in the rebellious period, and it is difficult to obey anyone's orders.

Where can there be such an honest call? Otherwise, it won't be so difficult to train, and you have to find someone back from outside.

Just this one, let the soldiers, one by one, convinced.

He also became convinced of the identity of Lin Fan's training master.

Looking at these army dogs, Lin Fan smiled and nodded...Just before others knew it, he had quietly established a spiritual connection with them all.

"Come and introduce yourself. My name is Lin Fan. I will be your temporary trainer in the next few days. Well, that is to say, you will be in charge of me in this half month. Guys, the same is true, they will join you and receive my training!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

Hearing this, the soldiers had strange expressions, but they didn't interrupt.

As a result, an even stranger scene happened.

Starting with the three young wolves, they all cried in turn.

Barking voices sounded one after another, as if wolves and dogs were having a meeting here.

Coupled with Lin Fan's self-introduction just now, it gave the soldiers an illusion that they were also introducing themselves as a few young wolves and a few army dogs.

In fact, they are indeed introducing themselves...

The three young wolves all have their own names. The boss is called Datou, the second is Black Mei, and the third is Hammer!

Well, the name is a bit vulgar, a bit earthy, but it really fits their characteristics.

Take the boss as an example. Among the three young wolves, the head is the biggest. He looks a little silly and stupid, and his personality is relatively low-key.

The old two is different. He completely inherits his mother's blood and has a cheerful personality. Among the three brothers, he is the one who likes to cause trouble the most. He runs around all day, slaps everywhere...

As for the third child, he is simply a dull gourd, following the second child all the time.

As long as there is a fight, it always rushes first, just like a hammer.

Together, these three brothers can be said to have three different personalities, set off and make up for each other.

After the three young wolves introduced themselves, they talked about the introduction of the military dogs.

In the army, there is a characteristic, and most of the names are inseparable from the army. Except for the black shell called Dahei, these army dogs really belong to the army.

The first named Junsab was a Labrador, only one year old this year, and next to him was a German Shepherd, one and a half years old, whose name was Sabre.

The other two are also German animal husbandry breeds, one is called Poison Wolf and the other is Fenghuo.

Among the four army dogs, the oldest is only one and a half years old, and the youngest is just over one year old.

To be precise, they are just grown up and have not yet reached adulthood in the true sense. Dogs at this time, no matter what breed they are, are the most troublesome, naughty, and least heard stage.

"Very well, starting from today, we are comrades in the trenches. In the next ten days, I hope everyone can strictly abide by my training plan, understand?" Lin Fan nodded and said.


There was a bark of dogs, one after another on the playground.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers next to them were all dumbfounded.

"I'm going, it's a god!"

"Master Lin really has a set, just a few words to make them so honest?"

"Mr. Lin, don't you understand their language? What are they saying?"

Several soldiers talked and talked, their faces full of disbelief.

Lin Fan smiled, "It's nothing, just made a self-introduction, they told me all their names!"

"Huh?" The soldiers were all taken aback when they heard this.

A few of them did not believe in evil, and dared to ask: "Mr. Lin, what are their names?"

You know, before this, no one had called those military dogs by their names.

Naturally, he wouldn't let Lin Fan hear it accidentally.

Lin Fan smiled slightly: "The army stab, the saber, the poisonous wolf, and the beacon. The army has just turned one year old this year, and the saber is one and a half years old. Among them, the oldest one, and the beacon and the poisonous wolf, there is only one. How old is it?"

When the voice fell, all the soldiers were dumbfounded.

It is not uncommon to see the age of these military dogs. As long as people who have studied the dogs, they can analyze some of the characteristics of the system.

But being able to call out their names accurately is not easy.

Right now, even if you don't believe it, you can't do it. The facts are right in front of you and they won't tolerate denial.

Suddenly, the image of Lin Fan became taller and taller in the hearts of these fighters, and they surrounded them one by one, asking if Lin Fan could understand animal language.

Among them, a few young soldiers who were not very old, who seemed to have just arrived in the army, kept asking about related matters.

At this moment, from the gate, an Audi car came in.

The car stopped in the parking lot and walked out of the car with a brave girl in military uniform. By her side, she was also following a pure black Labrador.

"Oh, what are you all doing here? Why, don't you want to train? Believe it or not, I'll give you a brief report to the company commander?" The girl said while walking here with a smile.

Hearing this, the soldiers all shuddered in Lingling.

Don't look at the girl's smile, but the soldiers seemed to be very afraid of her.

"Han, Instructor Han!"

All of the soldiers' expressions suddenly became serious.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan was a little strange. When he turned around, he saw a girl in military uniform with a military dog ​​beside her, smiling and walking over.

The girl's age is not very big, she looks only in her early twenties.

When their eyes met each other, they all were slightly startled.

"You are the trainer that Company Commander Zhang invited back? Hello, I am their instructor, my name is Han Dongxue!" The girl said with a smile.

"Bitter Winter Snow? This name is cold enough, how many instructors does your company have?" Lin Fan joked curiously.

"Hehe, I think you have misunderstood. I am the Han whose surname is Han, not the cold one. As for how many instructors you said, is it important?" Han Dongxue said with a smile.

As a result, at this moment, the soldier did not know who said: "It is more terrifying than the cold and cold!"

"Who? Who was talking just now? Stand up for me!"

Huh! Han Dongxue, who was still smiling, suddenly changed her face. At the same time, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop rapidly.

Everyone, including Lin Fan, couldn't help but shiver.

This Nima's, if you change your face, you change your face? ,, ..