Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 439: What a big gas field

Han Dongxue is just like his name.

As soon as his face changed, the surrounding air was about to drop below zero.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan was also taken aback, saying that this girl has such a big aura.

As a result, at this moment, the black Labrador ran towards the three young wolves beside Lin Fan without anyone else.

And when these three young wolves saw Labrador, they didn't show any repulsion, and they didn't look like they treated the **** before, grinning and terrifying expressions.

Especially Hei Mei, even actively leaning forward, and Labrador sniffed each other.

It seems that in the eyes of their canines, this is a more friendly way of greeting...

Upon seeing this, not only Lin Fan was slightly startled, but even Han Dongxue was also a little surprised.

You know, when the three young wolves are by Lin Fan's side, they always show a respectful and affectionate look, but in fact, if other animals approach, they will immediately show a rejection. Come thousands of miles away.

If they see an animal they don't like, they will even attack, like that black shell.

What Lin Fan never expected was that after seeing Labrador, these three young wolves would actually accept them? This is a bit unexpected.

The same is true for Han Dongxue, who knows the character of her pet dog very well.

Maybe it's been a long time with her, always looks cold, whether you see the same kind or see other people, it's always the same.

In human terms, it has a high-cold personality and is usually withdrawn.

As a result, she did not expect that she would run over three puppies that were obviously not yet mature, which really surprised her.

Looking at a few little guys, they are having fun together.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Instructor Han, you Labrador, isn't it a bitch?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Han Dongxue was startled and said subconsciously.

Lin Fan wanted to laugh, but when the words came to his lips, he changed to another tone and shook his head: "It's okay, I just guessed. If it weren't a bitch, the three of my little guys would not take the initiative to approach. Does the opposite **** attract each other!"

Hearing this, Han Dongxue's face condensed slightly. She always felt that the words were a bit awkward, but she couldn't say anything about it.

At this moment, Zhang Dakui, who had originally reported to work, walked out of the small white building again.

When he saw Han Dongxue and Lin Fan from a distance, standing there chatting, he was really surprised.

Far away, he shouted: "Oh, isn't this beautiful Han Dabei? How come you have time to come over today?"

Hearing this, the rest of the soldiers looked back.

And Han Dongxue also Lin Fan, also subconsciously turned around.

Seeing Zhang Dakui, Han Dongxue's face changed, and she said coldly, "Why, can't I come and take a look?"

Zhang Dakui has already come to the front when speaking.

"Don't dare, you will come whenever you want to, Damei Han, how dare I have any objections!" Zhang Dakui said with a smile.

Hearing this, Han Dongxue snorted coldly, and subconsciously glanced at Lin Fan.

"Xiaomi, let's go!"

When the words fell, Han Dongxue went straight to Xiaobailou and walked over, and the black Labrador named Xiaomi seems to be reluctant to leave.

Every time I walk a few meters, I don’t forget to look back at the three young wolves standing behind...

It didn't take long. When Han Dongxue disappeared in Xiaobailou, Lin Fan turned around and asked with a smile: "Why, this instructor Han, has a good background? I think you are all afraid of her! "

In fact, Han Dongxue's military rank and status are about the same as Zhang Dakui's. In addition, he is relatively young, and it is estimated that he has just graduated from the military academy.

In terms of qualifications, she is far inferior to Zhang Dakui. After all, Zhang Dakui had just graduated from high school when he came to the army.

There is no academic qualifications and no background. It is really not easy to be able to get the rank of a lieutenant.

As a result, just as he said these words, Zhang Dakui nodded with a smile.

Lower her voice as much as possible, and said: "Xiao Fan, this Han Dongxue, you should try to provoke her as little as possible. She is a troublesome, she doesn't eat hard or soft. If anyone gets close to her, she will definitely be unlucky... ...And her family background is not simple, it's more powerful than you think. In short, it's good for you to be less provoked!"


Hearing Zhang Dakui's warning, Lin Fan also frowned.

But he didn't take it seriously. I came here by myself, which was just a few days later, to help train those few military dogs that were not yet mature.

Strictly speaking, he is not even half a soldier.

After more than a week, as soon as his mission was over, he naturally left here.

Therefore, he did not care about these.

"Okay, now I’m here to announce that I have just received an order from my superiors. Starting today, Lin Fan will become our company’s temporary trainer. In other words, in the next ten days, as long as it is related to training military dogs , Do you understand that all of them are based on Mr. Lin?" Zhang Dakui said.


Don't look at these fighters, they usually laugh, but at such a critical moment, all of them have serious and serious faces, and their answers are also sonorous and powerful.

In fact, there is another key here, and that is when Zhang Dakui went to find the leader to report to him, Lin Fan had already used his ability to completely conquer these fighters.

Otherwise, even if the trainer assigned by the superior does not have a real ability, it will be difficult for these soldiers to respect and be convinced.

Although Lin Fan had just arrived in the army, he was not very clear about many things.

According to the normal working procedures, he should first get familiar with the situation here, and take a day off after a little rectification before starting the training work.

However, time is limited now, with only a dozen days of training schedule.

One day without training is tantamount to waste.

What's more, Zhang Dakui and Lin Fan are still furious, so there is no need to say more about the relationship.

After introducing the situation a little bit, Lin Fan's training will begin.

It is said that it is a trainer, but in fact it is only assisting, and the real training of the army dogs is a few of them.

It is strange to say that when Lin Fan stood aside and his eyes fell on the army dogs, they all became very obedient.

Whether it is running or crawling, they are all done very well, and there is no such lazy mood at all.

Seeing this scene, many other soldiers were shocked.

"Master Lin does have a hand!",,..