Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 440: Just one word

The training of military dogs is very difficult, and the training method is mainly carried out by ‘induction’.

Induction is the use of food, objects, self-behaviour and other factors to induce military dogs to make some actions during training.

This method has a guiding effect and can cause excitement in military dogs.

Especially some foods that military dogs like to eat can make them more excited, so they can actively participate in training, and with the clever nature of the dog, they can learn a lot of movements and skills more easily, so that the training subjects can achieve a better Good results.

However, these military dogs are in a relatively young state.

It is still more difficult for them to complete all the training subjects smoothly and remember to comprehend all the essentials.

Otherwise, there is no need for the army to invite Lin Fan back from the zoo to become a training master.

However, what everyone can’t believe is that military dogs that are difficult to obey orders, even if they don’t need any conventional inducements, can do well with their owners, that is, soldiers who raise military dogs. Some routine actions come.

Although the movements look a bit jerky, they are not very skilled.

But this is a big improvement...Lin Fan was only on the first day, and he didn't even do anything, so that all the army dogs could do this.

It is estimated that it is far beyond the expectations of many people.

At this moment, Zhang Dakui, who was standing next to him, was full of joy.

At that time, he could think of asking Lin Fan to come and help, but he was just holding a try.

No one dared to be 100% sure that Lin Fan would be able to control these military dogs, but in fact, his approach obviously worked.

Looking at a few army dogs, they are training hard, I believe that in three or five days, they will quickly reach a tacit understanding with their owners.

After a week of training, you can sign up to participate in the Army Dog Competition.

The soldiers next to them all had surprised expressions.

"Company Captain Zhang, you are so young, you are really amazing. It is not easy to get those army dogs into training so quickly!" A little soldier said with envy.

"Nonsense, is my brother an ordinary person? If I don't know there is no way, I won't easily use my brother to help!" Zhang Dakui said triumphantly.

The facts are right now, and no one can tolerate others to argue.

The rest of the people were all convincing, and raised their thumbs in secret.

In training, time flies wasn't until noon that training ended.

People need rest, and military dogs also need rest.

Several soldiers who trained military dogs, the general stabbed them and brought them back to the kennel. One was to rest, they had to continue training in the afternoon, and the second was to add food.

On Lin Fan's side, Zhang Dakui took him and walked towards the temporary cafeteria.

The environment of the canteen is not so good, the food is average, but the taste is not bad.

"Xiao Fan, it seems that I am looking for you, and I am really looking for it, let alone anything else, come, I have all the meat here for you!" Zhang Dakui said with a smile.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan looked disgusted: "Yes, I rarely eat meat, you should keep it for yourself!"

"Hahaha...This is what you said, so I'm not welcome!" Zhang Dakui laughed loudly.

At this time, many people came in one after another in the canteen.

It’s lunch time, and soldiers also have rules for eating. It’s impossible to eat as much as you want, or as long as you want.

However, just when Lin Fan was eating while chatting with Zhang Dakui.

In the noisy cafeteria, it suddenly became quiet. Almost at the same time, all the soldiers became speechless, and they didn't even dare to show the atmosphere.

Seeing this weird scene, Lin Fan subconsciously looked towards the entrance of the cafeteria.

As a result, I saw Han Dongxue in a military uniform walking in.

Just beside her, there was a slender, handsome male officer with an arrogant look.

From the moment they entered, the dining hall became silent.

Everyone was eating the lunch in front of them silently, but no one dared to speak.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan frowned.

It seems that this Han Dongxue has a great shock here.

No wonder that when she first came here, the soldiers who were talking to herself looked like a mouse seeing a cat.

However, when the three young wolves around Lin Fan saw Han Dongxue and the strange male officer who had just walked in, they showed deep hostility.

All of them who were eating meat stopped moving and stared at them wildly.

"Huh? What's going on? Whose dog was brought back into the dining hall. Are there any rules?" When Han Dongxue and the others walked over.

The male officer following her said with a sudden change of expression.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes were all looking towards Lin Fan.

Zhang Dakui, who was eating, put down the chopsticks in his hand, turned around and said, "What's wrong with me?"

"Company Captain Zhang?"

The male officer looked startled when he heard Zhang Dakui's words.

Obviously, between the two of them, it seems a little bit difficult to deal with.

And Zhang Dakui didn't even look good at him, and from the tone of his tone, he was full of disdain and hostility.

"Company Commander Zhang, you are also a veteran soldier in the army. The cafeteria is where the soldiers eat. How can dogs come in casually, so that other soldiers can see them and follow suit. If they all follow suit, they won't be messed up? What style?" said the male officer.

There seemed to be a little brilliance between the lines.

Hearing this, Zhang Dakui sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Huh, dogs? They are comrades in the army like us, and how much blood and sweat have their predecessors made? And what did you Liu Song have? If nothing happens, I will move my pen and write a few broken characters. I really want to say who is the least qualified to come in for dinner. I think that person is you!"

As soon as he said this, he immediately received the cheers of the soldiers around him.

In fact, when the male officer uttered the word ‘dog’, many people were upset.

As Zhang Dakui said, these military dogs have a relationship with them as comrades-in-arms.

In certain tasks, they are also the most trustworthy partners and partners.

Now Zhang Dakui went straight up, making everyone secretly applauded, but on the surface he didn't dare to express too much.

When the male officer heard this, his face instantly changed, pointing to Zhang Dakui, hesitated for a long time without uttering a word...