Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 441: The villain is hard to defend

The male officer's face flushed with anger, and he stood there speechless.

Han Dongxue, who was next to him, smiled and went straight to Lin Fan's side and sat down directly.

This scene fell in the eyes of the surrounding soldiers, and their jaws were about to fall.

Have they ever seen Han Dongxue, who would take the initiative to sit next to a strange man? This is something that I didn't even think about.

Especially that Liu Song, his face was pale with anger.

As soon as he saw Han Dongxue sit down, his face instantly turned pale again.

"Dong Xue, what are you doing sitting here? There are a few dogs there. It's unhygienic. Let's go and sit there? What do you want to eat, I'll fight for you!" Liu Song came over and said.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Han Dongxue coldly saying, "No, I will sit here and eat. Compared with the three little guys, it is better than looking at you and making me nauseous. Also, this is the army. , It's not your compound, don't call my name directly!"


After being stunned, Liu Song's expression was as ugly as it was.

Even Liu Song could clearly feel that the soldiers around seemed to be looking at him with a mocking look.

His face turned into a neon light, gorgeous and dazzling...

After hesitating for a long time, he finally came over and stood beside Lin Fan and said, "This...sir, can you let me go, I want to sit here."

This person was too shameless. Seeing that Han Dongxue didn't go to sit with him somewhere else, he actually ran over and wanted to drive Lin Fan away.

If it were ordinary little fighters, I am afraid they would all have a mentality of not wanting to offend him, so they would leave quietly.

Moreover, Liu Song really thinks so.

Lin Fan in front of him looked very face-to-face, and he didn't wear a military uniform. Maybe he was not a member of the army.

He had always been used to pretending to be in the army, and he didn't look at Lin Fan.

Most importantly, he couldn't accept any man sitting next to Han Dongxue, which made him very uncomfortable.

However, Lin Fan didn't even look at him, and said coldly: "Go away, don't disturb me eating!"

"What did you say?" Liu Song was startled, obviously unable to believe his ears.

In this place, someone would say the word ‘go away’ to yourself? Let alone an outsider, even the squadron leader here would not dare to talk to himself so bluntly.

Seeing that I have to be polite, this Nima is going to rebel?

And Han Dongxue, who was next to him, was also taken aback. Even she did not expect that the handsome and gentle man sitting next to him would scold Liu Song.

Zhang Dakui was not surprised at all. If he had been before, he might have been surprised by Lin Fan's domineering.

But at the zoo, after seeing Lin Fan's ability, this can already be accepted calmly.

Not to mention a little Liu Song, who was from the army next door, Lin Fan didn't pay attention to it, and in front of Zhang Dakui, he directly beat the guys who went up to make trouble.

What is Liu Song now?

"You, are you telling me again, what did you just tell me?" Liu Song said with staring eyes.

As a result, as soon as his voice fell, he heard a whining sound from under his feet. When he lowered his head, he saw three young wolves, all staring at him with scarlet eyes, grinning at him, making a low roar.

Seeing this scene, Liu Song made a weird cry, and quickly stepped aside.

At the very moment, a terrifying thought came to him. If he was still standing there, the three, things that looked more like wolves would definitely pounce on him.

You know, although the big heads have not yet completed their development, their physique and shape are no longer the kind of cubs that have just learned to walk just after the full moon.

Strictly speaking, they are a lap bigger than those native dogs, and if they really want to pounce, Liu Song will definitely not get the slightest benefit.

Especially seeing their pairs of scarlet eyes, with a bloodthirsty wild nature, makes people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.

"I said, don't bother me eating, no matter what you do, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you." Lin Fan said coldly.

The voice was not very loud, but it came into Liu Song's ears clearly.

Suddenly, his heart felt like falling into an ice kiln, and his whole body was stiff and weak.

"Okay, okay, you're great, you wait for me!" Liu Song nodded with a look of fear, pressed a cruel word, turned and ran outside the cafeteria.

"Hahaha, Xiao Fan, domineering enough, to deal with people like Liu Song who are bullying and afraid of hardship, you have to be cruel!" Zhang Dakui said with a smile on the other side.

At this time, Han Dongxue, who was sitting next to him, was also looking at Lin Fan with a curious look.

In his eyes, there was an unspeakable feeling.

It seemed that he was very interested in and had a good impression of Lin Fan, and a gentle smile slowly appeared in his eyes.

Just like Han Dongxue's tender scene, if it is seen by the little soldiers around, it is estimated that the jaw will be dislocated.

This is simply great news from the ages. Who has ever seen that Han Dongxue will show such a tender side?

"But you still have to be careful, Captain Zhang, you also know Liu Song's background, with his small belly and chicken intestines character, it will never be so easy, just let it go... This is my fault, if anyone comes to trouble you If you do, just tell me..." Han Dongxue said apologetically on her face.

In fact, she was sitting here and didn't mean anything else, she just wanted to sit down.

When Lin Fan was training the military dogs in the morning, she could see clearly in the office, even she did not expect that the military dogs would become so obedient.

Ever since, when I was eating at noon, I walked towards the cafeteria, mainly because I wanted to know about Lin Fan.

I didn't expect to meet Liu Song on the way.

Han Dongxue has never had a good impression of Liu Song, and she doesn't speak anyway.

As a result, she did not expect that there would be such a disturbance.

I was a little bit ashamed in my heart, but with her indifferent character, it was really difficult to say such a thing.

Hearing this, Zhang Dakui reacted, his face changed slightly, and he said, "Uh, Xiaofan, or you should take a good rest in the afternoon. After all, you have just come to the army, and by the way, let’s get familiar with the situation. We will be officially tomorrow. ....."

What he meant by what he said was that he wanted Lin Fan to hide. If those Liu Songs really took down this matter, they would definitely find someone to trouble Lin Fan. After all, a villain is hard to prevent.

As a result, his words were only general, and Lin Fan waved his hand with a smile.

"Training can't be delayed, and you don't have to worry about me. No matter who he finds, I can handle it myself. By the way, instructor Han hasn't eaten yet. If you want something to eat, let Da Kui give you a meal!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Dakui's expression condensed, and he was not trying to persuade him.

But Han Dongxue smiled ‘pouch’, and looked at Lin Fan more and more curiously.

It took a long time to say: "I will eat the same thing as you!"