Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 467: Special meaning

Drink from six o'clock in the afternoon until ten o'clock in the evening.

At this time, almost everyone's face was already red.

Especially Li Qiang and Ma Dapao, their eyes were blurred, they were walking swaying, obviously they were all dumbfounded.

Lin Fan stood up and waved to them at Mount Tai not far away.

After a while, a few chimpanzees rushed over.

"Go, send them back to rest!" Lin Fan said.

Taishan nodded, squeaking to the brothers in the security team behind him.

Immediately, ten or so chimpanzees rushed up with hula, holding a few people who had been drunk without a word, and walked towards where they lived...

As they walked, they heard Li Qiang shouting: "Brother Fan, I'm...not drunk, huh, this, this is still floating, floating? Brother Fan...come. Come, brother is here, to toast you..."

While speaking, Li Qiang stretched out his hand and grabbed it randomly, grabbing a chimpanzee by the head.

As a result, he saw him pulling up hard, and the chimpanzee screamed in pain.

After a while, I heard a soft bang.

The chimpanzee slapped Li Qiang's head fiercely. In that way, Li Qiang lowered his head and fell asleep completely...

"Brother Xiaofan, you all drink a lot tonight, Xiaoyu, let me take it home, you and Yingxue have a good rest!" Little Fox said.

At this time, the little fish was already asleep on the little fox, while the little white wolf was standing on the side.

Although Lu Yingxue was not as drunk as Li Qiang and the others, there was still a blush on her face, and her eyes became more blurred.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan nodded.

Among these people, the little fox and Linda were relatively sober, and even Lin Shu fell asleep.

Not to mention, Sun Xiaosheng and Huli Taoist who had already got under the table and snore.

"Alright, let Xiaoyu stay with you all night!" Lin Fan nodded and said.

Lin Fan now feels a little hesitant on his head as well, and he is not quite sober.

In this state, no one can take care of her when she is brought back to Xiaoyu. In the eyes of everyone, Xiaoyu is not a little purple dragon, just a six or seven-year-old child.

The rest of the job is to clean up these leftovers. Of course, with the security brigade like Taishan, everything is not a problem.

In addition, a dozen chimpanzees walked out from the restaurant to take care of these things.

Back in the room, Lu Yingxue put Lu Yingxue on the bed, but Lin Fan took out a set of quilts and prepared to lay them on the floor for sleep.

As a result, just as he was about to turn around, Lu Yingxue grabbed his arm.

A pair of seductive eyes stared at Lin Fan, muttering: "Don't go!"

The voice was very soft, and there was a faint fragrance in the breath of alcohol, sprayed on Lin Fan's face, and suddenly there was an indescribable feeling.

"Don't make trouble, sleep well!" Lin Fan suppressed the impulse in his heart and said with a smile.

"Don't go, stay with me..." Lu Yingxue was still muttering.

It can be seen that she is a little bit up now, her face is becoming more and more ruddy, and even her breathing becomes a little quick.

Lu Yingxue like this, I believe that every man who sees it can hardly suppress the fire in his heart.

The same was true for Lin Fan, especially when the fragrance in Lu Yingxue's mouth was sprayed on his face, he could clearly feel his heart beating.

This is because he was so close to Lu Yingxue first time, and still...

Just in Lin Fan's mind, he was a little dizzy and confused by this kind of confusion, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, two thin lips gently pressed against his mouth.

A touch of warmth immediately made the blood surging and rushed into his brain.

At this moment, Lin Fan's impulse completely defeated his reason.

Turning over to press Lu Yingxue down, between the two people, a frenzied throbbing instantly filled...

This night was a special night for Lin Fan and Lu Yingxue.

After tossing to the middle of the night, the two people slowly fell asleep in exhaustion.

The next morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone through the window, Lin Fan opened his eyes and looked at Lu Yingxue lying beside him.

But there is an unspeakable feeling in my heart, maybe this is the so-called responsibility?

Anyway, after this night, Lu Yingxue was finally regarded as Lin Fan's real woman.

Raising his hand and gently pulling the hair away from Lu Yingxue's face, a fair and delicate face appeared before his eyes.

At this moment, Lin Fan was thinking in his heart that starting from today, even if someone dares to hit Lu Yingxue's idea, he will disappear from this world forever...

"Xiao Fan!"

At this moment, Lu Yingxue slowly opened her eyes.

There was an indescribable charm flashing in her eyes, and she didn't know if she hadn't slept all night or just woke up.

Looking at Lu Yingxue in front of him, Lin Fan smiled and said, "Awake?"

Lu Yingxue nodded: "Well, last night..."

Lu Yingxue who wanted to speak but stopped, her face suddenly turned red.

Obviously, she herself knew exactly what happened last night.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan felt inexplicably commotion in his heart.

One turned over and pressed it up, and said with a smile: "Why don't we try it?"


Lu Yingxue lightly hit Lin Fan's body with a small fist.

As a result, something indescribable was staged again in this bright morning...

It was already more than eight o'clock in the morning after two people tossed.

Getting up from the bed, Lin Fan and Lu Yingxue walked directly to the bathroom.

However, just on the battlefield, a little red was left.

It seems that it is this touch of red that proves what happened here just now.

This morning also has a special meaning for Lin Fan and Lu Yingxue.

"Oh, Yingxue, how do I look at you today, it seems you have become beautiful again? Could it be last night..."

When the two people came out of the room, Little Fox and Lin Shu were all sitting outside, eating breakfast.

Xiaoyu also turned around, looking at Lin Fan and Lu Yingxue curiously.

Hearing this, the two people who were a bit guilty of being a guilty conscience became a bit unnatural.

Especially Lu Yingxue, her face turned red all of a sudden, and said lowly: "Don't talk nonsense, there are children here!"

"Sister Yingxue, are you talking about me? It doesn't matter, I also want to know what Sister Little Fox means?" Xiaoyu asked curiously, blinking a pair of big eyes.

Hearing this, everyone immediately couldn't help laughing. ,, ..