Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 469: Black Gold Card

The news of the reopening of the zoo immediately attracted the attention of people from all walks of life.

In addition to the major television stations and Internet media, even those animal researchers and wildlife protection organizations all come to the zoo to visit and inspect.

Nowadays, the Wanjie Zoo in Fengshi has become famous not only in the whole country, but also abroad.

Some foreign tourist groups have also called in one after another to seek cooperation with the zoo and regard it as an attraction.

Naturally, the zoo will not refuse this kind of profitable and well-known business.

Therefore, Linda is responsible for contacting these foreign friends.

On the opening day, the zoo was crowded with tourists. When they saw the remodeled zoo, they all expressed their surprise.

Many people are seeing several newly added entertainment projects in the zoo, such as boats in the lake, aquariums, and platforms that can interact with pandas, alpacas, and silly gowns.

It has aroused the appreciation of many tourists. Even some children seem to have found their own paradise and have fun.

At noon, a car stopped at the foot of the mountain.

Ye Peng walked up the mountain with a little girl, who was his daughter Ye Qiu.

When the father and daughter saw the changed zoo, they were all a bit stunned.

Six or seven-year-old Ye Qiu, with a pair of big eyes with a surprised expression, looked at the place in front of him as if he were dreaming, and said, "Dad, is this still the zoo we came to before?"

Ye Peng was also surprised, but he nodded, "Yes, it's just that your Xiao Fan brother, redecorate the zoo. Does it look good?"

"Wow, Brother Xiaofan is amazing, Dad, I like this place so much!" Ye Qiu's innocent smile on his face made Ye Peng's slightly vicissitudes of life appear a smile.

At this moment, a person walked towards him, it was Lin Fan.

"Big Brother Ye, why come up the mountain without saying hello in advance? So that I can meet you!" Lin Fan walked over with a smile.

Seeing Ye Qiu next to him, he squatted down with a look of liking and said, "Qiuqiu, how is it, do you still like it here?"

Lin Fan liked Ye Qiu very much.

I still remember that the first visitor to the zoo was the little girl Ye Qiu. She even got the name of the giant panda.

Hearing this, Ye Qiu nodded repeatedly, blinked a pair of big eyes, and said, "Um, I like it so much!"

Lin Fan smiled and nodded: "If you like it, let's go, I'll take you in and have a look!"

"Great, great!"

Ever since, Ye Peng and Lin Fan led Ye Qiu into the zoo.

When the modified zoo fell into their eyes, they all looked very surprised.

Almost every place in the front mountain of the zoo has undergone changes, including every plant and tree here, which has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The lake has become a lot bigger, and there are dozens of cruise ships on it.

Large groups of tourists, walking in the park, can hear laughter and laughter from all around.

"Not bad, brother, I didn't expect that in just one month, you can transform the zoo into this way. It is really rare!" Ye Peng also appreciated it greatly.

"Hahaha, thanks to the Yang Gong sent by Brother Ye, without him, the process would not have been so fast!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

There is nothing wrong with this, although the person Yang Cheng has some flaws in his personality and behavior.

But in terms of his technical level, it is not bad at all.

The Bear Mountain, the Beast Zone, and other places that he helped design in Houshan are pretty good.

It is also with the lift that the construction of the back mountain will end in just one month.

And I heard from Li Qiang that even the construction on the Crescent Lake was a plan that Yang Cheng helped to come up with.

It can be said that his professional level and work ability are still very good.

Ye Peng nodded, but did not speak.

"Brother Xiao Fan, why is the giant panda Qiuqiu missing? Isn't it here?" Ye Qiu asked anxiously without seeing the panda after walking around.

Lin Fan smiled: "Of course it is. It's playing over there now, let's go, Xiao Fan's brother will take you over and have a look. I haven't seen each other for so long, I think Qiuqiu already misses Xiao Qiuqiu."

"Oh, great, Dad, let's go see Qiuqiu!" Ye Qiu smiled happily.

Ever since, the two took the children and went straight over there.

On the way, Ye Peng asked, "I heard that you are going to contract Dayang Island?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan was not surprised at all. The contract for Dayang Island might still be kept secret to ordinary people.

They just knew that Dayang Island was going to be developed, who developed it, and what the development plan was. They didn't know everything until it was officially announced.

But Ye Peng is different. He is the chairman of Pengcheng Group, and he is also the eldest son of Mr. Ye.

For such news, as long as he wants to know, someone can easily send it over.

Besides, Lin Fan didn’t have any need to hide from him, and nodded: “Yes, I want to take the contract right and build a water amusement park there. If possible, I plan to build it on the island. The second zoo!"

Hearing this, Ye Peng nodded: "Hahaha, your kid's ambition is not small, yes, I support your idea, although I can't help much, but as long as it is useful to me, I am absolutely obliged. Oh, right......"

While speaking, Ye Peng took out a black card from his body.

Upon closer inspection, it was a bank card.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan frowned. As soon as he wanted to refuse, he heard Ye Peng say: "I know your kid has money. This card has nothing to do with money. Have you heard of the black gold card?"

"Black gold card?" Lin Fan was startled.

This type of card is a limited-issue bank card in the world. To be precise, it is also a symbol of identity and status.

It is said that the circulation of black gold cards is only 500 in total.

Moreover, it is also a global supply. In this way, those who can have a black gold card are either rich or expensive, and their status cannot be underestimated.

"This card, as a gift to you for your opening, you kid, it's time to change your identity, don't learn anything low-key all day long, it's all done by old men, while still young, Should be crazy, should be arrogant, just come hard, what are you afraid of, come, take it!" Ye Peng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin Fan also smiled.

He didn't refuse, he took the card and said: "Then I'm welcome."