Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 488: A civet cat with a family of four

Lin Fan did not pay attention to Bald and Tie's taking turns to run on the island.

He is now led by the big yellow cat Yuanbao, walking towards the depths of the island.

Not long after, I came to a clearing. In the middle was a big tree that needed three people to hug it together, and there was a dark tree hole in the middle of the tree.

At this moment, in the tree hole, there were a few pairs of weird blue eyes flashing, and they were staring out vigilantly.

If it weren't for the three little wolves outside the tree hole, and there were still a few Proteas lying on the tree above them, I am afraid that these "ghosts" would have escaped after the nest was discovered.

When Lin Fan came to the front and saw these ‘ghosts’, there was no overwhelming expression on his face.

It seems that before that, he already knew what the real murderer behind the ‘ghost’ was on the island.

Seeing it now, it really is.

Meow meow meow! ! !

In the tree hole, there will be meows from time to time!

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan came to the front, knelt down and took a look inside, and saw four cats looking at him with hostile and vigilant eyes.

There was a trace of caution and caution in their eyes.

Of the four cats, three have just given birth to cubs less than two months old, and beside them, there is a female cat.

Seeing this family of four, Lin Fan felt clear.

The so-called ghosts are nothing more than these little wild cats. Well, to be precise, they are a kind of civet cat.

Since the resources on the island are relatively scarce, there is not so much food to feed them, so whenever a fishing boat docks here, the female cat will quietly run out to steal some food.

Over time, although not many things were lost, it was not even a loss for the fishermen, but because there had been no thieves who had stolen things, so this was a little bit of this matter, and the more it was spread, the more exaggerated it was. The more extraordinary.

In the end, add rumors of shipwreck under the sea.

Let this matter be covered with a layer of mystery.

Looking at these tabby cats, Lin Fan smiled: "Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you!"

Meow! The female cat in the tree hole, meowing, stepped back a little.

Even though Lin Fan said so, they still filled him with a deep hostility and vigilance.

Lin Fan didn't say much. Although he could understand the language of animals, it was obviously too absurd to want to reason with an animal whose IQ was not fully civilized.

Ever since, I saw him take out the phone, a light golden light flashed, and some bread and other food appeared in his hand.

Open the packaging bag and put it in the tree hole.


The voice fell, before the female cat could react.

I saw the three little cubs around him, but they were so hungry that they couldn't wait to eat.

Seeing their enjoyment look, the female cat next to them also let go of their vigilance and hostility a little bit.

He got close to a piece of bread, sniffed it with his nose, then raised his head to take a deep look at Lin Fan, suddenly opened his mouth, and swallowed the bread directly, even omitting the process of chewing.

This shows that during this period of time, they have probably been starved.

Ever since, Lin Fan broke off a few small pieces of bread and sent them to the tree hole while saying: "Eat slowly, don't worry, I have a lot more here!"

Several small wild cats uttered a burst of meows, and gobbled up the pieces of bread they brought over.

Until this time, those little wild cats showed a friendly attitude towards Lin Fan.

"I am the director of the zoo. Well, so you may not understand it. To put it simply, there are many, many animals in my place, and some of them are wild animals that are like you... "

Slowly, Lin Fan explained his identity and origin.

Finally, the female cat seemed to understand a little bit.

Although it still doesn't know exactly what kind of place the zoo is, its heart tells itself that this human being is not bad.

Meow! While barking, the mother cat peeked out a furry head from the tree hole.

Lin Fan smiled and patted his head with his hand.

"Now I will develop and construct this small island. Well, maybe in a few months, this place will become a different one. At that time, you will live on this small island forever!" Lin Fan Said with a smile.

Meow! The mother cat whispered softly.

"But before that, you are not allowed to run out to scare people, and you are not allowed to steal anyone's things. I will arrange people every day to give you food here!"


Lin Fan nodded when the mother cat agreed.

In the game warehouse again, take out two breads that have always been there.

"You can save these two breads to eat first. Tomorrow I will leave something for you. Let's do this for now. I have something to do. Remember our agreement!" Lin Fan said.

Meow! The female cat nodded very psychically and agreed.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan stood up with a smile, and walked directly in the direction he came.

Before leaving, the big yellow cat Yuanbao looked back from time to time, but kept muttering in his heart: "So in this world, there are stray cats that are worse than me? There is no food, it is true. It's so pathetic, meow!"

In fact, it's just that they are in different environments.

If a family of four civet cats are not trapped on a small island with no supplies, no food, and no human life, but in a large mountain on land.

Their living conditions are probably much more nourishing than the ingots that have been stray cats for many years.

But then again, normally speaking, Beizhen does not belong to the south, and civet cats are used to living in the climate and environment of the south.

How could you come to this island for no reason?

As Lin Fan walked back, he was wondering, maybe it was a fishing boat that had passed by here and left them here?

It is no longer possible to trace back what is going on, whether it is man-made or natural, and there is no need to go to the bottom of the investigation.

The problem now is that the so-called "ghost" has been found and resolved.

In other words, starting from tomorrow, the island can be officially designed and started.

If the speed is fast, it can be completed in a few months or half a year...Of course, this is the case with game assistance.

If it is slower, it will take at least a year.

But how long it takes is not important to Lin Fan, anyway, the right to develop the island is already in his own hands.

However, when he just returned to the warehouse, he suddenly heard a scream near the beach in front of him.

From a distance, it seems that there are still many dark shadows, in the small woods, fast shuttle...