Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 530: The past can only be remembered

For a while, the atmosphere became a little frozen.

Xiao Shiyu, who had a sunny and cheerful face, was staring at the distant sky, with tears flashing in his eyes.

Lin Fan didn't know if it was his own problem, but when he encountered Xiao Shiyu's sadness inadvertently, he couldn't help frowning.

In fact, this is normal. If you change to anyone, you will have such questions.

As the eldest lady of the Xiao family, she should have existed with a golden key from the day she was born.

How can the most basic tasks such as cooking, washing clothes, and tidying up, be done by a daughter?

Not to mention the dignified Xiao family, who is the richest man in China, is a girl from a lot of ordinary families. I am afraid that not many will take the initiative to wash clothes and cook.

And such a situation is not uncommon in today's society.

Girls who don’t know how to cook can get a lot of them on the street.

Therefore, Lin Fan felt a little surprised.

At this moment, Jason and his team, who had just eaten something, left quietly.

Although they are engaged in design, this does not mean that they are dead brains without emotional intelligence.

Just when Xiao Shiyu's mood turned into silence, they could see that there was something wrong with it.

Citigroups respect the privacy of others, and they will never ask for things they shouldn't know.

Therefore, just after eating.

He left in a hurry just because he wanted to go back to design.

For a time, in this open space, apart from a dozen vicious dogs, resting not far away, there were only two people, Lin Fan and Xiao Shiyu.

The dots of stars converge into a Milky Way in the sky.

I don't know why, when you look at the starry sky on the island, there is always a kind of inexplicable unreality than when you look at other places.

It's as if everything is illusory.

The sea breeze blows through with a salty smell, hitting the face, but it brings a hint of refreshment.

After a long time, Xiao Shiyu turned around, and the emotion in his eyes seemed to have adjusted.

"Hehe, do you really want to know my past?" Xiao Shiyu said with a smile, seeming to be back to the cheerful and lively girl before.

Lin Fan shrugged, drank the fish soup in the bowl, and said, "I am not a gossip. If you don’t want to say it, I won’t force you. If you want to say it, I will also be a Loyal audience!"

Hearing this, Xiao Shiyu's eyes moved, and a gleam of light flashed.

"Actually...Actually, my mother left me when I was very young. I remember that day when I was still in school. Suddenly my father sent someone to the school to pick me up. And took it directly to the hospital...In the ward, my mother was lying there with scars on her face, looking at me dying..." Xiao Shiyu told her past events in a very light voice. .

Moreover, these memories buried in the bottom of her heart, she never told anyone else from beginning to end.

This is also why she opened her heart in front of an outsider for the first time in nearly two decades.

It turned out that Xiao Shiyu's mother left when she was in elementary school in a car accident. At that time, the Xiao family was already a well-known big family in China and a leader in the business field.

And Xiao Shiyu's father had just taken over the power of the Xiao family at that time.

Normally, Xiao Shiyu's life should be carefree... However, the death of her mother has changed her life.

In the years after his mother left, Xiao Shiyu's father was busy with company affairs all day.

It's not an exaggeration to say that seeing the last three or four times a month is pretty good.

However, as Xiao Shiyu grew up day by day, she really understood the real reason why her mother left.

It sounds terrible to say, but it is also the plot of this terrible blood that took her mother's life.

Xiao Shiyu's father, the eldest son of the Xiao family, is in charge of the company.

I have to work all kinds of overtime and entertainment all day and night, which is very busy.

And Xiao Shiyu's mother, who took care of her at home, was a typical housewife.

Until that day, Xiao Shiyu's mother received a call from an unfamiliar woman...It was this call that made a huge change in Xiao Shiyu's life.

"My mother was very excited at the time. The nanny at home said that after receiving the call, she drove out angrily. That's how it happened. On the road, a large truck came oncoming, so... ..." Xiao Shiyu's tears flowed disobediently.

Intermittently, it is no longer possible to continue.

Lin Fan frowned, "So since then, you rarely go back to Xiao's house, and would rather live outside alone, even if you are taking care of yourself?"

Xiao Shiyu nodded: "Yes, I hate him. If it weren't for him, how could my mother have such an accident?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan could only nod silently.

It's just that he didn't expect that a girl who usually looks very cheerful would suffer such pain.

No wonder she would choose to live outside by herself, and she was unwilling to return to the already broken home.

"If it weren't for him to be sick now, and there are so many people coveting his property, I would rather find an ordinary job outside and be an ordinary girl than to go back to that cold place. There...I can't feel any warmth anymore!" Xiao Shiyu murmured.

Hearing these words, Lin Fan frowned: "I can understand you!"

"Thank you!"

Xiao Shiyu squeezed out a smile on his face.

The next moment, neither of them was talking, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little silent.

Sitting in an empty place, while the sea breeze is blowing, while looking at the dreamlike starry sky, remembering their own past...

At the same time, in the zoo.

The big yellow cat ingot is definitely the most active one at night.

When the sky is completely dark, its spiritual head will become extremely vigorous.

Stepping on catwalks, wandering aimlessly around in the zoo.

However, at this time.

A strange figure fell directly into Yuan Bao's sight.

I saw a human-shaped shadow standing on the edge of the small forest in the dark, motionless.


Yuan Bao gave a soft cry and walked quietly towards the small forest.

Normally, at night, there are no tourists in the zoo, and apart from those foreign tourist groups, there are no other tourist groups who have stayed in the hotel.

And the little fox and Linda and the others are very familiar with Yuan Bao. If they were standing in the woods, it would be able to distinguish them clearly even by the taste.

However, this figure has a strange aura on his body.

Just when it was about to approach quietly, it heard someone from behind speak: "Don't go there!"