Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 531: A ghost?


The sound is not loud, but to be precise it is very soft.

It is so light that only cats and dogs can hear with super strong hearing.

However, in this silent night, he was already nervous, and he was going to look at the strange figure's ingot. After hearing this sentence, Mao was so frightened that he exploded.

Looking back, he found that behind it, a little boy stood impressively.

Seven or eight years old, with a tender face.

But his brows were tightly locked together, and his face looked very solemn.

"Little White Wolf?" Yuan Bao was taken aback.

Normally, Little White Wolf is a lazy and delicious guy, and he can't be seen at all.

He usually likes to find a place where there is no one to sleep, from day to night, and after a simple meal, he continues to sleep.

Yuan Bao once asked him why he should sleep like this.

Little White Wolf's answer was... absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, which would help him cultivate better.

Although Yuan Bao knows nothing about cultivation, and it itself has not reached such a level, as a cat, I have watched TV and movies like this.

If you want to practice, how can you not work hard? I have never heard of anyone who only sleeps, can easily achieve a high level of cultivation.

To put it bluntly, the little white wolf is lazy.

Yuan Bao was still taken aback when he saw the little white wolf appearing abruptly behind him.

"Don't go there, that person is not in the zoo, he is murderous!" The little white wolf murmured in a very low voice.


Yuan Bao responded and called.

"You are waiting for me here. I will take a look. If I am not mistaken, that person may be the Rouzhirou that the master said!" Little White Wolf said in a low tone.

Around the finger soft? The big yellow cat ingot is a little dazed, is this a human or a ghost? What is Raozhirou?

However, just when it was full of doubts.

The little white wolf had already quietly walked towards the small forest.

The ingot itself is relatively courageous. Under such circumstances, and even the little white wolf must be treated with caution, how can it dare to act rashly?

Quietly hiding behind an obstacle on one side, watching from a distance what happened in the grove.

However, nothing was heard.

When the little white wolf walked out of the woods, he stood there, not knowing whether he had spoken or not, and he didn't know what he was doing.

Yuan Bao was very strange, could it be that Rao Zhi Rou was a ghost?

Otherwise, after the little white wolf passed, he didn't speak or act, but just stood there.

Could it be that he was controlled?

Ghosts obsessed with the heart? Yuan Bao kept guessing in his heart.

However, the more it thought about it, the more scared it became...Finally, it could clearly feel that its heart was beating violently, and it would jump out of its throat.

"No, I have to find rescue, Brother White Wolf, you have to hold on, I'll be back soon, meow!"

Thinking in his heart, Yuan Bao turned around and ran towards the back mountain.

In the current zoo, the front mountain is full of plants, scenery and some vegetarian animals.

Only in the back mountains can you find those ferocious beasts. If you want to deal with those terrible ghosts and gods, you can only find the beasts.

Ever since, Yuan Bao desperately ran towards the back mountain.

However, just when it was halfway through, it was about to pass the monkey forest, but a strong smell of wine floated out of the forest.

"Yuanbao, what are you doing in a hurry? Why don't you accompany me for a couple of drinks?" A sharp voice sounded in the silent night sky.

Yuan Bao turned his head in an agitated manner, and saw that on a tree, Sun Xiaosheng was sitting there leisurely, carrying a bottle of Laobaigan in his hand and sending it to his mouth from time to time.

Upon seeing this, the ingot had an idea.

"Sun Xiaosheng? It's great for you to be here, ghosts, ghosts...There are ghosts in the small forest in Qianshan..." Yuan Bao said quickly.

"A ghost?"

Hearing this, Sun Xiaosheng turned over and jumped directly from the nearly two-meter-high tree.

He came to the front all in a drunk, and asked, "Yuan Bao, what the hell? Where is the ghost from?"

"In the small woods on the front mountain, the little white wolf has passed, but...I think that ghost is a bit powerful, and the little white wolf is not an opponent!" Yuan Bao said.

"Little white wolf is not an opponent? What kind of ghost is this?" Sun Xiaosheng was a little confused.

As for the strength of the little white wolf, it is clear, even he may not have been able to beat the little white wolf, a ghost in a small area, even he is not an opponent?

If this is the case, the trouble will be great.

If the host is not at home tonight, if the ghost is allowed to make a fuss in the zoo, no one will think about getting better if the host comes back tomorrow.

What's more, Sun Xiaosheng himself knew that the master kept him here, not for him to drink here.

When necessary, he can do his best.

"Okay, Yuanbao, you are waiting here, I'll call Hu Lao Dao over, let's go to Qianshan to take a look!" Sun Xiaosheng answered quickly.

Yuan Bao nodded, feeling a little excited.

It also knows something about the strength of the two guys, Sun Xiaosheng and Hu Lao Dao.

Don't look at these two people hiding in the woods and drinking all day, but the fight is still very tough. Compared with those tigers and lions, they are definitely the king of the fight.

This time, the two of them went over together, believing that ghost was powerful, and neither was an opponent.

After a while, Sun Xiaosheng hurried out of the woods with Hu Laodao.

"Where is the ghost?" Hu Lao Dao asked in an annoying voice.

"It's over the grove of Qianshan..." Yuan Bao said.

Ever since, a monkey, a cat, and a tiger rushed straight to the front mountain.

Not long, when they ran here, they found nothing.

Not to mention ghosts, not even a single figure.

The little white wolf also disappeared without a trace.

"Yuanbao, where is the ghost you are talking about?" Sun Xiaosheng looked around, frowning and asked.

"Just... just still here, why... disappeared? Meow!" Yuan Bao was also a little dumbfounded.

"80% of you are wrong, right? I said, don't wander around at night, why don't you sleep and watch?" Hu Lao Dao complained.

You know, he was still in a sweet dream just now, so he directly asked Sun Xiaosheng to wake up.

I ran over now, but found nothing.

I still got up a little bit in my stomach, not all of it came out.

The ingot was also a bit speechless. It dared to swear that there was something there just now, and the little white wolf had actually appeared before, not by its own illusion.

But how did it disappear?

Could it be that the little white wolf let the ghost be caught?

Just thinking of this, suddenly, I heard a muffled sound coming from the direction of the monkey forest.

Hearing this voice, Sun Xiaosheng, Hu Lao Dao and Yuan Bao looked at each other.

Without a second word, I just rushed towards that side quickly..............