Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 533: How can love

Early in the morning, when the sun pours on the island.

When the sea breeze with a strong smell of fishy and salty blows over.

Lin Fan opened his eyes in a daze, but he was surprised to find that Xiao Shiyu was lying on his shoulders.

Last night, the two people chatted about their experiences and past events.

I kept talking for a long time, before I knew it, I fell asleep, and I just sat here and slept all night.

Rubbing his stiff neck, Lin Fan carefully took off his coat and put it on Xiao Shiyu.

The morning on the island is no better than other places.

When the sea breeze blew, there was still a little coolness, and the air was relatively wet and heavy, and it felt a little cold.

However, just when he just put his clothes on Xiao Shiyu.

Xiao Shiyu moved slightly and opened his eyes.

"Huh? Heaven... is it bright?" Xiao Shiyu said sleepily.

"Haha, are you sleeping well?" Lin Fan said with a smile beside him.

"Huh?" Xiao Shiyu was shocked when she heard this, she realized that she was still leaning on Lin Fan's shoulder.

The moment she sat up quickly, she felt a faint coolness across her mouth, and when she looked at Lin Fan's shoulder, a large part of her saliva had already been penetrated.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I, I..."

Xiao Shiyu blushed and was a little at a loss.

A girl who slept on a man for a whole night was nothing, but she still ran her saliva on her shoulders. It was a ruined image. Why is this so human?

Lin Fan didn't care much, he didn't even glance at his shoulder, and said, "Let's go, say hello to Jason, if nothing happens, we will go back soon!"

Xiao Shiyu's face flushed and nodded: "Hmm!"

Ever since, the two of them went straight into the studio.

Although they slept outside all night, but Jason and the others did not close their eyes overnight.

When I walked into the room, I saw messy design paper everywhere, and a large part of it had been discarded, even twisted into a ball and thrown on the ground.

"Jason!" Lin Fan shouted.

Hearing this, Jason turned around and saw him with a mess of hair.

There is also a pair of glasses on the bridge of the nose, and dark circles appear on the bags under the eyes, looking very haggard!

"Lin, are you awake? Wait, I almost finished this part, wait a moment!" Jason said quickly.

Hearing this, Lin Fan was also a bit speechless.

This Jason is simply a workaholic. Whenever he is working, he doesn't care about anything.

And the whole team around him was the same. When Lin Fan and Xiao Shiyu came in, they didn't even lift their heads, and they still painted their designs intently.

At this moment, Lin Fan finally understood what it means to gather things together, and people are divided into groups.

Only people like Jason can attract a large group of the same workaholics.

If you are not a workaholic, I am afraid that no one would be willing to join Jason's team. A lot of energy is spent on work every day, and no one can bear such high-intensity work.

Half an hour later, Jason finished the small part of what he said.

But looking at his expression, it seems that he is not very satisfied.

He took off his glasses and walked out of the studio. The beard on his face has become very thick, and the dark circles under his eyes are also very obvious. Now Jason is totally different from when Lin Fan just met him. people.

"Jason, I hope you don't work so hard. You can do your work slowly. If your body breaks down, there will be no way it will be soon. Besides, there will be many places on the island in the future that you need to complete!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Lin, I understand what you mean, but I really can't stop. This island is so perfect. I want to use all my life experience and skills to perfect this island, so I can't stop... ..." Jason said with a frown.

Hearing this, Lin Fan was also a bit speechless.

Jason's persistence can't be persuaded in one or two sentences at all. If this is the case, he won't just speak up now.

Lin Fan nodded helplessly and said, "Well, we respect your decision. No, I will say something, take care of my body... Besides, Xiao Shiyu and I will leave here soon, if If you have anything, please contact me in time!"

"No problem, Lin, before giving me two months, I will give you a satisfactory answer!" Jason nodded and said.

Two months, this is very urgent for a designer pursuing perfectionism.

You know, making a design drawing of an island is no better than an interior decoration design drawing.

There are many things to consider, including dredging problems, beautifying, and building a lot of messy things.

After these designs are made, they seem to complement each other, and they must also ensure the rationality and aesthetics after construction, which is very complicated.

At the same time, it should be noted that once a natural disaster such as a tsunami strikes, the problem of dredging the island should also be considered.

Simply put, this is definitely not something that can be done with a pen, a piece of paper, and casual writing and drawing on it.

Besides, Jason still has perfectionist obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is even more difficult.

Just as they were talking, a few people had already arrived on the beach, and the luxury yacht had been waiting here.

Looking back and looking at the dozens of vicious dogs that had been following him, Lin Fan said, "You will stay here in the future to protect Jason and the others, you know?"

Two Rottweilers made a whining sound and kept wagging their tails.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan nodded, and after bidding farewell to Jason, he boarded the boat with Xiao Shiyu.


That afternoon, it was more than two o'clock.

Lin Fan and Xiao Shiyu returned to Fengshi and returned to the zoo.

It was early autumn at this time, and the weather gradually turned cooler.

The zoo is still crowded with tourists from all over the country, as well as a small number of foreigners.

They wandered and visited all over the zoo.

From time to time, I will have a simple interaction with those animals.

Similarly, Linda and the little fox, with the chimpanzee, are maintaining the safety and order in the zoo.

At this moment, Lin Fan had just arrived at Qingyi Manor, ready to go back to the room and change clothes.

As a result, a big yellow cat rushed in front of him'swish'.

"Meow, Master, you are finally back!" the big yellow cat meowed.

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled: "Why, not seeing me for a day, miss me so soon?"

"Meow, Master, one thing, I don't know if I should tell you, it was last night...Sun Xiaosheng and the others...caught someone...",...