Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 56: The crazy monkey

There are more than twenty monkeys in the woods. Although they are not a precious species, they are still authentic under the strict protection of wild animals.

Among the group of monkeys, there is a white-haired monkey. If you only look at its face, it is already quite old.

It was also in its arms, holding the child tightly, grinning fiercely.

What makes Lin Fan a little strange is that the eyes of this group of monkeys are full of bloodshot eyes, and their eyes seem to be a little loose...

Monkeys are very intelligent animals, and they all have their own language.

Lin Fan calmly walked to a place three or four meters away from them and said, "If you have any questions, please let me go!"


I don't know if these monkeys understood it. After Lin Fan said these words, they grinned and looked very vicious.

Lin Fan sneered coldly: "Don't get too far, my patience is limited, even though you are protected wild animals, if you really want to provoke me, I will never show mercy!"

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the more than twenty monkeys present all trembled involuntarily.

Then I saw the red blood in their eyes disappearing a little bit.

At this time, I saw the old monkey headed, and said in a slightly thick voice: "I, we are hungry..."

Lin Fan frowned: "Hungry? If I'm not wrong, you all came out of the interstellar zoo next door? Didn't their keeper feed you?"

As soon as the voice fell, a little monkey next to him jumped down from the tree and squeaked and said: "He, they have not given us food for three days, and now there are no humans to come to see us, our stomachs... .hungry......"

These words seemed to say the voice of many monkeys. The next moment, the rest of the monkeys patted their stomachs one after another, and kept nodding their heads.

This scene happened to be seen by the group of onlookers outside.

Because Lin Fan quietly cast a noise barrier, they could not hear the voice of the dialogue inside, but they could see the movements expressed by the monkey.

Suddenly, the voice of the discussion grew louder and louder, and everyone was surprised.

"Look, is that young man talking to the monkey?"

"It's amazing. The monkeys were patting their stomachs just now. Are they expressing that they are hungry?"

"No, will they be eaten by children... I heard that monkeys not only eat fruit, they also eat meat."

"Oh my God, will the young principal be in danger, if the group of monkeys go crazy hungry..."

The more they talked, the more outrageous they were, and in the end they were shocked by their own guesses.

Is it possible that a **** scene is about to be staged here? Someone couldn't bear to watch, and the heartbeat accelerated significantly.

There are still some young people, holding their mobile phones, facing the direction where Lin Fan and the monkey group are, constantly taking small videos and photos.

However, it was the grandfather of that child who was really worried.

He also heard the voices discussed later clearly. When he heard that the monkey was going crazy from hunger, he might eat the child, and the old man went crazy instantly.

Grasping the little fox, he roared loudly, crying in his voice.

"Girl, please, please help my grandson. I'm just such a grandson. There must be no mistakes..."

When he said something, the old man was about to kneel on the spot, his eyes were red, and tears rolled in his eyes.

Seeing this, the little fox hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop him, and said, "Uncle, don't worry, this matter will be handled by the head of our garden personally. Your grandson will not be in any danger..."

The little fox has 100% confidence in Lin Fan's strength. Dealing with a few ordinary monkeys is simply a piece of cake, and it will be solved by moving his little finger.

But there is no way to say this to these ordinary people, she can only persuade with this kind of seemingly comforting words.

"Call the police, if anyone calls the police, let the police handle it. If you really wait until the monkey hurts people, it will be too late."

"Yeah, the principal has been in for so long, and he didn't see any solution, but let the law and order be reliable!"

"Call the police, let the law and order come!"

"Fuck, if you remember to call the police, the day lily will be so cold, I had called ten minutes ago."

"Hehe, I've done it too"

"I'm so speechless, I will just be noisy when something happens, order others to call the police, can't you even afford a mobile phone?"

As soon as the cynic and ironic voices of these people came out, those who were yelling for the call to the police just now turned red, and they lowered their heads and stopped talking.

Lin Fan didn't know what happened outside the forest, and he didn't care.

Now all the attention is focused on this group of monkeys.

"Listening to what you mean, do you want to switch to my side?" Lin Fan said with a raised eyebrow.

The old monkey in the lead nodded repeatedly: "We heard that the conditions here are good. Since we have been in a cage for a long time, we have lost the ability to survive in the mountains. We can only find a better place and settle down. That’s why we..."

"Oh, that's the case!" Lin Fan nodded. The next moment, his face changed instantly, and he was even more indifferent than before: "Even so, you don't have to kidnap a child? Why, you want to use the child to threaten me. "

Hearing this, all the monkeys shivered in fright and lowered their heads.

The old monkey also seemed to realize that his actions did threaten humans, so he released the child and murmured ‘I’m sorry’.

At this time, the child's crying voice became dumb, and his face was covered with tears.

Lin Fan walked over and picked up the child, only to find that the child was shivering.

Glancing at these monkeys coldly: "You all wait here for me. Without my permission, no one is allowed to run away easily, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

I don't know why, when they heard what Lin Fan said, their hearts trembled for no reason, and a deep sense of fear appeared inexplicably.

Seeing that none of them wanted to escape, Lin Fan turned and walked out of the woods.

At this time, the crowd watching outside burst into enthusiastic applause and shouts.

When the child's grandfather saw this, he couldn't control the tears in his eyes anymore, and rushed over directly: "Duo Duo, are you okay? Are you injured? I blame my grandpa for being bad, I blame him for being bad... "

Grandpa and grandson hugged each other and wept bitterly.

Originally, I just wanted to come to the zoo and take my grandson to see red pandas and Bengal tigers. As a result, I never imagined that this happened.

Lin Fan's face was gloomy and terrible. When the little fox walked over, he just said coldly: "Go, call me Guo Huai, today I must let him give me a perfect explanation!"

"Yes, Brother Xiaofan!" The little fox also nodded angrily, turned and walked out.

At this time, the long-awaited police car, sounded its siren, and slowly drove into the zoo...