Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 590: Shepherd dog who can't understand Chin

Sheepdogs play a very important role in the pasture.

This is Citi, not more domestic than in China... Citi is very sparsely populated and the animals are more lively.

In today's era when wild animals are dying out little by little, there are still beasts like wolves and wild boars around Citi Ranch.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is very necessary to keep a few sheepdogs in the pasture. They can supervise and protect the pasture.

If there are wolves coming, they can also play an early warning effect, so that people in the ranch can find out in time and drive away the wolves.

However, Lin Fan was still very cautious in choosing the shepherd dog.

The first thing to choose is the IQ of the shepherd dog, which is like Erha's personality. If such a shepherd dog is really allowed to guard the pasture.

It is estimated that in less than three days, it will be able to help the wolves to clear the pasture without thinking of anything left.

Of course, in the game assistant, it is not a matter of wanting to get an evil shepherd dog like the little white wolf.

Ever since, Lin Fan turned on the pasture breeding function and turned to the last page. As expected, many kinds of shepherd dogs could be seen on it.

The price is not expensive either, the most common ones are ancient animal husbandry, border animal husbandry, and German animal husbandry, and each one costs 3000 points.

And these common shepherd dogs are generally very smart, especially Demu and Su Mu, who are naturally alert, lively and active, and are very responsible for their work.

Is a good partner to guard the ranch.

The price is only three thousand popularity points, which is nothing to Lin Fan.

Of course, I really want to say that the best of these guard dogs should be the domestic mountain guard dogs. They are the real masters of defense, and they dare to fight with wolves, and their combat effectiveness is very strong.

However, purebred mountain dogs are very rare in China today, even Lin Fan's zoo only has three, and there is no way to exchange them for the little game assistant.

In this way, the guard dog has become a rare breed.

Lin Fan was reluctant to put the three guard dogs in Citi's ranch.

Therefore, he can only exchange a few shepherd dogs from the game to serve as a guard effect. Of course, there are three mutant stray cats, even if they encounter an attack by a wolf pack, they can at least deal with it.

After the decision, Lin Fan directly exchanged five deeds, three border herds and three su herds.

De Mu and Su Mu are very alert, while Border Mu is very smart. If they are allowed to work together in a division of labor, there may be unexpected results.

Since it is an exchange, there is no need to go through such a troublesome process of reproduction.

When Lin Fan had just exchanged it, he saw a golden light flashing in front of him, and a dozen adult large dogs suddenly appeared in front of him, looking at each other curiously, and seemed a little uncomfortable with the unfamiliar surroundings.

However, when they saw Lin Fan and the three stray cats around them, they immediately showed great hostility.

Especially Wujo Demu, who looked almost like the black shell, showed a ferocious appearance one by one with grinning teeth, and at the same time there was a low whine in his mouth.

The body is slightly arched, this is the performance of the attack.

"Don't move, everyone is your own. From now on you will work together and get along well, understand?" Lin Fan quickly stopped.

However, when he just uttered these words, all the eleven shepherd dogs looked at him dumbfounded.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan was also a little confused.

what's the situation? Normally, both German Shepherd and Border Shepherd are very smart shepherd dogs. Among the most popular dogs, they can also be ranked in the top five.

What's the matter, I can't even understand what I said?

And the most troublesome thing for Lin Fan is that they are actually looking at themselves with husky eyes...

Nima, isn't she cheated?

Lin Fan was taken aback, and quickly opened the mobile game and asked, "Little assistant, what's going on? Why don't these shepherd dogs seem to understand me?"

When the question was just uttered, Lin Fan felt the phone shake slightly in his hand.

The little assistant popped up a prompt: [Players don’t worry, because this is Citi Ranch, so all the exchanges are vivid, and the native native language is English, so players can try to communicate in English! 】

Lin Fan: "..."

After hearing this, Lin Fan was dumbfounded.

No wonder, when I asked the little assistant about the exchange of the shepherd dog, I always felt that his answer was a little weird.

It turns out that the problem lies here, Nima, she can only hear English shepherd dogs?

Fortunately, Lin Fan's English level is not bad, so he tried to use English and said what he said just now.

The words fell, and as expected, the few German shepherds who were still grinning just now, all quieted down.

Just sitting there, but staring at the three stray cats beside Lin Fan, still with a trace of hostility...

"This is interesting now, if you are commanding them in the future, you have to use English!" Lin Fan said with a smile to himself.

When the busy work was done, the sky was completely dark.

Not to mention there are homes in the surrounding area, but there is not even a ghost shadow. Sitting outside the wooden house, Lin Fan found a stove to make a fire in the house.

The stove was lit, and the blazing campfire made a crackling sound.

In the game, he exchanged some food and raw meat. Lin Fan simply sat beside the wooden house, eating bread and drinking mineral water, while roasting the meat.

By his side, eleven shepherd dogs and three mutant cats were also watching eagerly.

When the meat is roasting on the fire, it makes a sound of grease, and from time to time you can see the grease turning into bubbles and appearing on the surface.

At a glance, it's easy to drool.

What's more, the sheepdogs and mutant cats, which are mainly meat-eating, are already a little unbearable when they see such a large, deliciously roasted barbecue.

It's just that because of the powerful existence of Lin Fan, even if they were eager to take a bite, they could only sit around and watch them eagerly, not daring to move.

Sitting on the ranch and looking up at the night sky, it is like a black millstone, and on the millstone, there are countless stars dotted with dots.

A full moon hung on the horizon, casting silver-white moonlight.

Looking in the distance, under the moonlight, the vast pasture seemed to be covered with silver yarn.

The breeze slowly passed, the grass swayed with the wind, and there was a sizzling sound...

In such an environment, roasting a large piece of barbecue, to Lin Fan, has a different feeling.

"If a bottle of red wine is coming, it would be more perfect!" Lin Fan smiled and shook his head.

As a result, as soon as his voice fell, he heard a huge engine coming from not far away.

At the same time, a dozen shepherd dogs and mutant cats, including Lin Fan, looked over there one after another!