Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 591: Grilled meat with red wine

On the edge of the ranch, there is a highway.

Usually, this road rarely has people passing by. Even if there is, they are all the staff of the surrounding ranch or the rancher.

Normally, there shouldn't be anyone driving here at this late hour.

You know, working in a ranch is a very hard thing.

As long as it gets dark, after supper, they all rest early, and they won’t mess around outside at all.

However, when the sound of the engine gets closer and closer.

It also broke Lin Fan's peace directly.

From the other side of the road, you can see two car lights, like monsters in the dark, roaring towards this side.

Accompanied by the huge engine noise, in this quiet night, it seemed unusually harsh.

More than a dozen shepherd dogs, their hair has exploded.

With the vigilance of the three mutant cats, looking like that, it seems that as long as the car comes nearby, they will attack together.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan said in a low voice: "Don't move, people are just passing by, don't cause trouble for me!"

Of course, this sentence was spoken in English, otherwise the dozen or so shepherd dogs would not understand it at all.

Under normal circumstances, to say how smart a dog is, it is often based on whether they can obey the owner's order... If the owner can obey the order, it means that these dogs are very spiritual and very clever.

At present, a dozen shepherd dogs are like this. Although they don't understand Chinese, they have been proficient in English since they were young.

Just when Lin Fan's words fell, a dozen shepherd dogs all sat down honestly.

However, they did not relax their vigilance because of this.

Still watching the oncoming car and the two headlights.


When the car came near Lin Fan, it was directly stopped by a kick.

After the car door opened, a person walked out from inside.

At the same time, Lin Fan also noticed that this is a pickup truck, but it has been a long time ago...This kind of pickup truck is very common on Citigroup farms and ranches.

It is a transportation tool for ranchers and an assistant to pull goods.

Therefore, almost every ranch or farm will have at least one such pickup truck.

And in Lin Fan’s ranch, there is also a pickup truck, but the wheels are missing, and the body is also rusty. It seems that it has not been used for a long time. After a long period of wind and rain, it was thrown there and it was about to be beaten. Corroded.

"Hey, friend, what are you doing here?"

At this time, the person who got out of the car came straight to Lin Fan and asked as he walked, listening to his tone, he seemed to be alert.

Lin Fan smiled, stood up directly from the ground, and said, "I'm grilling meat!"

"Barbecue? Who are you, I haven't seen you, why do you want to barbecue here?" The other party asked in confusion.

This is a man in his thirties, with brown curly hair, white skin, wearing a work clothes, and his face is slightly haggard, with a little stubble.

But he is strong, which is easy to tell.

"It's normal that I haven't seen it. I just bought the ranch here, and I just got the plane under the banner of Hua today!" Lin Fan answered with a smile.

"Your ranch?" The visitor was obviously taken aback when he heard this.

Looking back at other places, I found that all the surrounding areas were surrounded by iron fences.

Suddenly, he looked surprised and asked: "Hey, my friend, this is really your ranch? My God, you can buy such a large ranch? You are so rich!"

"Haha, to be precise, this is a gift from a friend!" Lin Fan smiled.

"Then your friend is so generous!" The man nodded and smiled kindly.

Just now, he thought that Lin Fan was a thief who came to the ranch to steal things. In fact, this was normal. In many cases, people would often come to the ranch to steal things.

For these thieves, anyone who works in the ranch hates them.

Therefore, in addition to the fact that there is no one here all the year round, he has no choice but to doubt when he sees someone making a barbecue here.

After confirming that Lin Fan was really the owner of this large ranch, the man finally relieved himself, and also showed a friendly look.

"Can I sit down?" the man asked with a smile.

From this point, it can also be seen that a man is a very hospitable person.

Lin Fan nodded, "Of course, but I am in disrepair for a long time here and there is nothing. You can only sit on the ground for a while!"

"It's nothing. In our ranch, I often sit on the grass. I like this feeling. I can get closer to nature!" the man said with a smile.

Ever since, the man and Lin Fan sat next to the fire under the eyes of a dozen shepherd dogs.

At this time, the meat is almost roasted.

Lin Fan took out a knife, cut a small piece from the top, and said, "Come on, try my handicraft. This is grilled using our hometown's barbecue method..."

"Your hometown?" The man was taken aback, took the barbecue, and after taking a bite, he nodded his head immediately. "Well, it tastes really good, my friend, is your hometown Fusang? Or... "

"No, no, I'm from China, and I have nothing to do with Fusang!" Lin Fan explained quickly.

"Huaxia? Hahaha, I misunderstood. The barbecue is really good!" The man laughed loudly. "By the way, there are two bottles of red wine in my car. It was originally given to me by a friend in town. It happened to us. You can drink and eat barbecue!"

While talking, he quickly got up and walked towards the pickup truck.

After a while, he took out two wine bottles from the car, but they weren't the kind of formal packaging.

It looks more like an artificial brew without any trademark.

"This is the wine that my friend made by himself. Her wine is very famous in our town. Many people want to drink a sip of her wine. They can't even buy it for money. You are lucky. We can taste it today. Have a taste!" The man said with a smile.

"Then I really can't be polite!" Lin Fan nodded with a smile.

Here, the environment is relatively limited and there are no wine glasses or other utensils, so two people can only blow on the bottle.

Lin Fan drank a small sip of the wine, and sure enough, the taste was very fragrant, and his mouth was full of fragrant grapes.

And it's not very sweet, not very astringent, and the taste is refreshing.

A bite of barbecue is a perfect match.

Lin Fan usually doesn't drink much, but it doesn't mean that he has never drunk good red wines. However, those red wines, which are often thousands and thousands of bottles, seem to have a great deal compared with the hand-made red wine without any packaging. the difference.

At least for Lin Fan, he prefers the taste of this red wine in front of him...