Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 593: Ready to fight

More than ten o'clock at night.

Bill was already a little drunk, and both bottles of red wine were drunk, and there was nothing left.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan was also a little worried.

"Bill, how far is your ranch from here? Why don't you drive and walk back? Well, I'll see you off!" Lin Fan said.

Bill smiled and shook his head, and said confidently, "No, it's okay...what's this bit of wine? Don't worry, Lin, trust me, I can go back to the ranch safely!"

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled silently and shook his head.

Although Bill was a little drunk, he was still conscious and he didn't have the kind of drunk.

In addition, this is a ranch, and there are usually very few vehicles passing by here, let alone at night? As for checking drunk driving, it doesn't even exist.

Watching Bill walk into the car slightly shaking, the pickup was quickly activated.

Bill also poked his head out of the car and said with a smile: "Lin, I am very happy to meet you today. As long as you don’t understand, you can come to me. Oh, by the way, my **** memory, I just Not far from your ranch, if you drive, it will be more than ten minutes away, and you will be there soon!"

Lin Fan nodded: "Be careful on the road!"

"Don't worry, my friend!"

With a kick of the accelerator, the pickup truck quickly turned around and drove straight to the other end of the ranch, hurriedly or slowly.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan only relaxed slightly.

Simply the road here is very smooth and there are no cars passing by.

With the addition of Bill, it seems that there is no problem, and the car drove very steadily. It was only ten minutes away, and I believe it would be safe to get there soon.

To tidy up the scene just now in embarrassment.

And cut the remaining half of the barbecue with a knife, and distribute it to the shepherd dogs and mutant cats who have been drooling for a long time.

Just came here by plane, and there is no jet lag.

Lin Fan was beaten with iron, and now he felt a little exhausted.

"Eat, go to sleep when you are full!" Lin Fan said with a smile.


At this moment, when the phone vibrated, Lin Fan took the phone out of his pocket and took a look.

It was discovered that it was a message sent by the little assistant.

[Beef cattle spin-off is complete, please make reasonable arrangements! 】

After seeing this news, Lin Fan was also slightly startled. Unknowingly, four hours have passed, and even 3,000 cows have been derived?

Upon seeing this, Jiangbei directly opened the incubation room and went in to see that there were many cows squeezing inside.

Hurriedly in the game, all these cows were caught in the ranch outside.

Suddenly, on the lawn in the distance, sturdy beef cows appeared there, some of them seemed a little strange to the surrounding environment, watching back and forth.

There are also some who are more adaptable and are eating grass with their heads down.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan also smiled.

The emergence of the first batch of beef cattle means that the pasture will operate normally.

When Swenson brings his good buddies over tomorrow, they can operate directly.

In this way, Lin Fan's lofty goal will be one step closer.

After a long yawn, the tired Lin Fan turned and walked into the wooden house.

This day was so tiring, not to mention jet lag, and just drank a large bottle of red wine with Bill.

Lin Fan is almost unable to open his eyes now.

Dragging his tired body into the room, this room is very tidy, with all kinds of furniture and everything available.

Lying on a comfortable bed, Lin Fan fell asleep in a short while.

Time flies quickly, and it can't help but come to the middle of the night.

Everything in the ranch was calm, and the beef cattle seemed to be very satisfied with the surrounding environment.

After getting used to a little bit, after eating some pastures, they all rested there.

Eleven shepherd dogs and three mutant cats also slept on the edge of the pasture.

However, at this time.

A fishy wind blew by, and there was a hint of blood in the wind.

Among the eleven shepherd dogs, one German shepherd raised his head alertly.

In the dark night, its eyes glowed with a dense green light, and it was peeking around.

Similarly, the three mutant cats not far away seemed to have noticed something, and quickly raised their heads, learning to look around.

"Meow! There is a dangerous aura, approaching us!" The tabby cat meowed.

"Yeah, I can feel it too, isn't it the wolf pack that the owner said?" The black cat had yellow eyes flashing with weird light.

"Hmph, whether it is a wolf pack or not, don't forget that our quiet life is given to us by the master. If there are wolves to attack the pasture, we must fight them back!" said the white cat.

"Do you want to wake up the owner?" The tabby cat hesitated and said.

"No need, just wolves, should we be afraid of them?" The black cat shook his head.

In these three cats, each has a different personality.

The black cat is good at fighting, and among the three mutant cats, he likes to fight the most, and his temper is more grumpy.

The white cat is relatively calm, the leader of the three of them, and has a strong overall view.

And there are a lot of spooky ideas for Huamao, and they often give them three ideas.

When I first came to Lin Fan, it was the idea of ​​the tabby cat, and it did get a good harvest.

"Meow, I think so too. The master told us to come here, one is to avoid the pursuit of those humans, and the other is to help guard the pasture. If we need to find the owner for everything, what is the point of calling us here? If you can solve the problem yourself, try not to trouble the owner!" As the leader, the white cat is still very deterrent.

After listening to it, the tabby cat was silent.

On the contrary, the black cat looked a little excited and yelled, "I have never had a fight with a wolf before. This time I can give it a try, meow!"

After the words fell, the three cats all stood up from the roof and looked towards the place where the danger was coming.

As a result, in a wood deep in the ranch, a few green lights flashed by.

Then, more and more green lights, all in light bulbs.

The white cat moved in his heart, knowing that those green lights were definitely the wolf pack mentioned in the main population, but he didn't expect that they would come to the door so quickly.

"Meow, go, bark the stupid dog, the battle is about to begin!" The white cat ordered.

So, the tabby cat made a vertical leap and jumped off the roof.

When he came to the sleeping sheepdogs, he slapped them on the heads with a slap.

"Why are you still sleeping? Get up quickly and fight!"

Hearing this, these shepherd dogs seemed a little dazed.

Some of them were a little bit angry, and seemed to be disturbed by their sleep.

Each one grinned and murmured, as if to tear the tabby cat to pieces.

Upon seeing this, the tabby cat shook his head helplessly: "Meow, I have forgotten these stupid dogs. I can't understand our language!"