Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 594: Fight, fight

Except for the German shepherd at the beginning, all the other eleven shepherd dogs opened their eyes dumbfounded.

Looking at these dogs who can only understand foreign languages, the three mutant cats really wanted to slap them up.

"Dahua, don't talk nonsense with them, the wolves are coming over, let's go over, meow!" the white cat chief meowed.

When the voice fell, Da Hei and Da Hua gave up the shepherds directly, ran to the small woods in the distance of the pasture, and ran over quickly.

If beef cattle or something had not been derived before this, the three mutant cats would have opened their eyes and closed their eyes.

As long as the wolves do not invade them, they naturally don't bother to be nosy.

But it doesn't work now...3000 cows are all in the pasture. If they are really attacked by those hungry wolves, the consequences will be quite serious.

However, in addition to the three mutant cats, the German shepherd who had been found hostile earlier also quietly followed behind, trotting all the way towards the small forest.

Not long after, beef cows are resting in the ranch.

They all seemed to be aware of the danger, and one by one opened their eyes and looked towards the grove.

Dozens of pairs of things that look like green light bulbs flashed in the dark very cautiously.

Even those cows made moo sounds one by one.

Suddenly, the ranch became a little turbulent.

At the same time, the other ten shepherd dogs seemed to have recovered, and ignoring their temper, they rushed to the grove.

The leader of the white cat with **** and big flowers, the closer he gets to the grove, the colder his heart becomes.

Dozens of green eyes mean that there are dozens of wolves hidden there.

Although their three bodies have undergone slight changes, they may not be the opponents of those evil wolves if they really want to fight.

You know, they are cats after all, and they are about the same size as those evil wolves. If they are fighting, they are definitely not as good as the guys who are in the woods all year round and attack the ranch from time to time.

"What to do, Dahua, we have no advantage here. If we really fight, there is no chance of winning!" Although Dahei is good at fighting, he is not stupid.

Given the huge gap between the enemy and ours, it can still clearly understand the form.

"Call the guys behind, we can only have a chance of winning if we work together, and we have to unite the cattle, their help is also very important!" Dahua said, meowing.

"Unity? How to unite?" Da Hei was dumbfounded.

"Leave this task to me, Da Hei, you rush up with those shepherd dogs first!" Da Hua ordered.

"Understand!" Da Hei meowed and nodded.

There was a fierce roar behind them...Although there was a problem with the language communication between them, the signals between the animals could still be heard.

The shepherds who had already recovered from their senses, after hearing Da Hei's signal, they all speeded up immediately and ran straight here.

A dozen shepherd dogs, plus a few mutant cats, are still much inferior to wolves in combat effectiveness, and there is basically no chance of winning.

Fortunately, the IQs of the three mutant cats are relatively higher.

As long as the cattle can be united and fight against the wolves together, there is still a great chance of winning.

You must know that the fighting power of the cow itself is very strong, and with their huge body grid, if you really fight with the wolves, the wolves will have to fight it.

Seeing the movement of mutant cats and the wolves hidden in the woods, they also responded!

If you are agitated, just listen to the howling of wolves.

In an instant, there was a rustling sound in the woods, and dozens of evil wolves, like a group of bloodthirsty monsters, ran out of the woods.

However, just outside the ranch, Lin Fan had already built the fence and upgraded it.

It looks like an ordinary fence, and there is no difference.

Moreover, these evil wolves have long had experience in dealing with such insignificant fences as pastures.

I saw a few of the stronger hungry wolves, after a run-up, rushing to one side of the fence, they slammed into it desperately.

Bang bang bang!

With continuous impacts, the fence did not seem to shake.

Instead, he was looking at the evil wolves, but they became scarred one by one, yelling back and forth again and again.

The look in the fence is full of fear.

Seeing such a situation, all those mutant cats were a little dumbfounded, and even they didn't expect that the fence around the pasture would be so strong?

No, it's more than sturdy, it will almost become a copper wall.

It looked like a two-meter-high fence surrounded by barbed wire, which looked weak and windy, but after the impact of several strong wolves, it remained motionless.

"Meow! Damn, this is good, those evil wolves can't rush in at all!" Da Hei said excitedly while looking at it.

Bark bark bark bark! ! !

Behind them, the sheepdogs also barked cheerfully.

Although I don't understand what they are talking about, it seems very excited to see their state.

However, at this time.

The previous injured wolves all retreated behind the pack.

One of them has a bunch of white wolves on its forehead, looking like their wolf king, with fierce eyes staring at the three mutant cats and shepherds in the pasture.


A fierce wolf howl sounded over the pasture.

Following the howling of the wolves, it seemed to be an order.

The dozens of evil wolves around all rushed toward the fence desperately, slamming one after another.

Bang bang bang...

The sound of impact came one after another.

Every time, it seemed as if there was a hammer hitting the hearts of mutant cats and shepherds.

Although the fence is very strong, they are also worried that if these wolves continue to bump into it desperately, they might be hard to resist.

Ever since, the white cat leader looked at the crazy wolves in the distance.

For a long time, this meowed and said, "Brothers, you can't let them rush in. Taking advantage of their impact and injury, we have to drive them away in one go, let them know that we are not easy to mess with... " soon as the voice fell, the scene was a bit awkward.

Of the eleven shepherd dogs, none of them could understand what they were talking about.

Only Da Hei beside him shouted in one.

"Fight, fight!!"

Seeing Da Hei's extremely excited look, those shepherd dogs also learned his voice, calling the word ‘battle’, but the pronunciation was a bit inaccurate.

The next second, it was ordered by the leader of the white cat.

Da Hei took eleven shepherd dogs and rushed directly towards the opposite wolf pack.

At this time, the wolf pack, except for the somewhat peculiar wolf king, all the other evil wolves were more or less injured...