Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 62: Focus on color and light on friends

Lu Yingxue is very good in terms of family background and conditions, but she does not have the princess temperament that she should have, and she is not particularly particular about her dress.

She would buy the clothes in the night market as long as she liked it, even if it was only a few dozen yuan, she would not care.

I usually go to the specialty stores of the popular brands to buy clothes.

On this basis, Lu Yingxue is very different from the so-called rich second generation and official second generation in the rumors.

I spent more than two hours strolling in the night market with the three girls.

Everyone bought more or less a few clothes and favorite small things.

All the money was won by scratching the lottery, but it was spent happily and there was a deep sense of satisfaction.

The sky was getting darker, but Lin Fan was a little disappointed.

If it's a plot in a novel, at this time, shouldn't someone come out to provoke or flirt with the three girls. Isn't he coming to a slap in the face?

As a result, nothing happened in these two hours.

Lin Fan was also helpless, the hero had no use for him...

"Lin Fan, why don't we find a place to have some food, everyone is a little tired, and their stomachs are grunting with hunger!" Lu Yingxue said with a smile.

In fact, this is only considering that Lin Fan, if they really go shopping, their girls are born with the physique of opening up the power of shopping, even if they are walking for three rounds, they will not get tired.

It can be seen that, although Lu Yingxue is young, she knows how to be considerate, especially for Lin Fan's heart and feelings.

Maybe this is why Lin Fan really likes her, right?

"Alright, I know there is a restaurant not far ahead, or should we go there for a bite?" Lin Fan said.

"Okay, but handsome guy Lin, you have to treat you today!" Yingying said with a smile.

"No problem, you can order whatever you want to eat, it's all mine today." Lin Fan said very grandiosely.

Ever since, the three girls happily walked towards the restaurant in front, carrying big and small bags.

At this moment, a thief-headed, golden-haired man walked out of the crowd, who seemed to be in his twenties.

When Lin Fan and the others left, Golden Retriever took out the phone and dialed a number: "Hey, Brother Yang, yes, they have left the night market, um, I heard that it seems to be going to eat, understand, I will go over and stare at it, okay.嘞......"

Hanging up the phone, Golden Retriever was chewing gum in his mouth, and looked left and right. Then he put his hands in his pockets and walked over calmly.

Lin Fan smiled coldly, and didn't need to look back at all. Jin Mao's every move was within the scope of his spiritual consciousness.

Undoubtedly, this is definitely the one who sells the boss.

It is estimated that because they are not willing to lose so much money, they will arrange for someone to follow in secret.

After a while, the three girls and Lin Fan came downstairs in the restaurant.

It's not a particularly high-end restaurant, but the business is very hot, and the upstairs and downstairs are almost full of customers.

At this time, a young man walked up abstractly while busy, and said with a smile: "Several people, go upstairs, there is a place upstairs!"

"Yes!" Lin Fan nodded.

So a few people walked straight upstairs.

Inside there was an empty table by the window, and the serviceman led Lin Fan and Lu Yingxue over.

"How many would you like to eat?"

"Please order, whatever you want to eat, don't worry about the money!" Lin Fan smiled and pushed the menu to Yingying and Wang Panpan opposite.

"Hey, there is a rich and powerful head Lin, but I will not be polite." Yingying smiled and brought the menu.

Hearing this, Lu Yingxue glared at her subconsciously, and said in a low voice: "You're almost fine, don't be too much."

"Yeah, our family Yingxue is starting to feel distressed about spending money? You are a typical friend who values ​​color and despise people." Wang Panpan said.

"That's it, take color over friends!" Yingying also followed.

Suddenly, Lu Yingxue's face turned red, as if sitting on pins and needles.

Lin Fan was very depressed. These girls spoke regardless of occasion and location, and at the same time, they were a little strange to Lu Yingxue's behavior.

You know, when I first saw Lu Yingxue, she was a very lively and cheerful girl.

what is it today? Blush at every turn?

Lin Fan hurriedly finished the round: "It's okay, I want to eat something, I will treat you!"

"Hey, handsome guy Lin is more particular, and you won't be allowed to let Lu Yingxue take care of the money in the future. She is too stingy." Yingying said jokingly.

"Shut up, talking nonsense, be careful, I scratch you..."

In a while, Yingying and Wang Panpan ordered their dishes.

Sitting here, while waiting for the food to be served, chatting all over the world, but it's still a topic that those girls are interested in.

Lin Fan looked downstairs while sipping his tea cup.

The golden retriever was dangling around downstairs, looking eager, as if waiting for someone to come over.

After a while, a white van stopped on the side of the road.

The door opened, and a dozen people came down one after another, but the head was a middle-aged man.

When Lin Fan saw this middle-aged man, he couldn't help laughing.

It’s really because of the narrow road in the enemy’s home. After the scars are healed, I forgot to hurt them. After only a few days, they have come out to be active again?

This person is Li Qiang who opened a pet shop and asked Lin Fan to teach him twice...

"What's the matter?" Li Qiang said angrily when he got out of the car.

At this time, a lean man trot over from the side. It was the squeaky boss, crying and saying, "Brother Qiang, don’t you know that today is so evil, let a kid take three girls and give I even served the pot, and it cost more than 3,000 yuan, so I scraped it away."

"Fuck, you are such a waste, I can't figure it out, what are you doing alive? Did you mention my name?" Li Qiang said with a look of hatred for iron and steel.

"No, I haven't had time, Brother Qiang, it's not a fight, how can I mention your name?" The boss of Guaule said depressedly.

"Okay, you are just a trash, let alone those useless, how many people are eating here?" Li Qiang asked, looking up at the restaurant in front of him.

"Yes, Xiao Maozi followed all the way and saw them walk into this restaurant with his own eyes."

At this time, the little Maozi also nodded and walked over, smiling and saying hello in front of Li Qiang.

Li Qiang didn't even look at him, waved his big hand, and said angrily: "Go, let me see how awesome people are. I can get 3,000 yuan off from you, brothers, Follow me in!"