Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 631: Rottweiler of Pit Brothers

Among the shipwreck under the sea, Lin Fan put all the relatively well-preserved porcelain, jade, gold coins, gold ingots and other items into the game warehouse in one breath.

He doesn't care about any value now, as long as he looks good, he will not let it go.

After all, they are all things from a hundred years ago, these are all antiques.

How to say, more or less can also be of some value.

What's more, the little game assistant also gave out prompt sounds one after another, prompting Lin Fan to get the names of various items that he hadn't even heard.

Since even the little assistant would prompt, even if he hadn't heard of it, Lin Fan knew in his heart that the value is definitely not cheap, otherwise, with the character of the game assistant, it would be too lazy to do so.

Just during the dive time, just before the end.

Lin Fan took a warehouse full of treasures, left the sunken ship and returned to the freshwater lake.

For him, today is a bumper harvest.

If these things are really sold, they will definitely be a lot of money.

Lin Fan has no interest in collecting.

Any collections can only be seen but not used. In fact, they have no value at all.

On the contrary, if these so-called collections are replaced with practical banknotes, it is really worth the money.

At this moment, the two Rottweilers who had been waiting on the shore were also a little anxious.

The director is okay, this guy has a big heart, and there is nothing about it, and the situation is different.

Among the two of them, the IQ of the bureau is relatively higher, so in terms of the degree of thinking about problems, they are more active in thinking.

Seeing that the master had been in the water for such a long time and he hadn't come back, the bureau was a little worried.

You know, after being in the water for such a long time, if you haven't come out for a breath, you are the world's swimming champion.

"I said, the master won't have anything to happen below, right?" Bureau Zheng asked lowly.

Hearing this, the director acted indifferently.

"Master will do something? Don't tease me, he is the greatest and most powerful of the human beings I have ever seen. There will be nothing wrong. Don't worry!" The director replied indifferently.

However, these words did not really relieve the bureau.

It is not as optimistic as its strengths. It has a slightly higher IQ, and its thinking must be more comprehensive than its strengths.

Just now, when they were on the shore, they could still see Lin Fan entering the water and the conditions of those boxes.

They had also seen with their own eyes that Lin Fan took all the boxes in a weird way and disappeared.

After that, Lin Fan disappeared alive in their sight.

They don't know exactly where to go or what happened.

Looking at the empty bottom of the water, the bureau was circling back and forth anxiously on the shore, looking down from time to time, and found that there was no shadow of Lin Fan.

"Should we go into the water to find it? I'm worried that the owner will be in danger!" said the bureau.

"Get into the water? Don't tease me, how do you get into the water? Does the dog plan?" The director rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, don't we know how to dig, you go down and have a look, maybe you can find the owner!" Juzheng said.

"Cut, I won't go, go to yourself..."


When the director rebutted this disdain, he felt a strong thrust on his P shares.

Without any defense, it was directly kicked into the lake by the bureau.

Although the dog can do it, it is inevitable to be thrown into the lake in such an unprepared situation.

Seeing the originally calm water surface suddenly became surging.

The director struggled inside while swinging its four legs indiscriminately.

During this period, it was heavily poured a few salivas.

"Bow, don't kick, stabilize, go to the bottom of the water to see the situation of the master, if there is a problem, come back and tell me immediately!" The bureau on the bank said while barking.

The director at this time is about to hate it.

While thumping, I thought in my heart, Nima’s, you have to go into the water to find your master, what are you kicking me down, wait for me to get back to the shore, and see that I will kill you.

After a while, the director finally recovered from the panic.

Use their natural dog planing skills to quickly stabilize themselves in the water.

As a result, it stared fiercely, plunged into the water, and swam quickly toward the bottom of the water.

At this moment, Lin Fan, who had just left the pirate ship, returned through the black hole normally.

Just when he was about to return to the shore, he saw a **** dog, like a seal, rushing towards him at a very fast speed.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan was also moved in his heart.

I thought it was some sea animal guarding the pirate ship, ready to attack him.

Quickly flashed aside, letting the director pass.

At the moment just now, the director had already seen Lin Fan, and when he was overjoyed in his heart, it was obviously too late to stop his subduction body.

Without any preparation, he slammed his head against the rock wall above the cave entrance.

Simply in the water, there is strong inertia and pressure.

Although the collision made the director a little dizzy, the entire dog became dizzy and confused.

However, he did not suffer any major injuries.

At this time, Lin Fan had already seen exactly what it was that rushed towards him just now.

When he saw it was the director, he stretched out his hand to grab it without saying a word, and swam directly to the shore.

However, the situation on the shore, and the scene that just happened at the bottom of the lake, was clearly seen.

When Lin Fan came out of the water with his dumbfounded director.

The bureau hurried forward and asked concerned: "Wow, Master, are you okay?"

Lin Fan shook his head: "I'm fine, but the director is a bit troublesome...what's the matter, didn't you let you stay on the shore? How did it run into the water?"

Lin Fan was slightly angry. Fortunately, the director met him just now. Otherwise, without any defensive measures, the director would have to be drowned even if he was not hit to death.

Hearing this, Juzheng seemed to have realized his mistake.

He whispered in a low voice, telling him how he worried about Lin Fan just now, how he kicked his director into the water, let him go down to see Lin Fan's situation, and tell him honestly.

Hearing this, Lin Fan couldn't laugh or cry.

In any case, the bureau is doing it for your own good, but you can't cheat your brothers anyway.

On the way back, Lin Fan reprimanded the bureau to prevent it from doing such things in the future, while checking whether his still a little confused director had recovered.

As a result, just when they returned to the vicinity of the studio, they saw two uninvited guests who had been waiting here for a long time.