Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 636: Practice winter swimming?

"That's not okay, I don't know what's under the water. You just go on like this. If something happens, I can't explain it to Xiaofan!"

When Cousin Yang Li heard Li Qiang's idea to go into the water, his head shook like a rattle.

Upon seeing this, Li Qiang said: "Now this is the only way, cousin, you can't be sure that what you see is real or not? It just so happened that two days ago, there had been eel in this lake. Let’s check it in the water. If there is a problem, we can find it early. If there is no problem, wouldn’t everyone be happy?”

"This one......"

After hearing what Li Qiang said, the cousin was also a little embarrassed.

In fact, just half an hour ago, he came by himself to check the condition of the fry in the lake.

This is already a routine operation. When the zoo is closed, he and Li Qiang will habitually walk around the lake and occasionally row to the center of the lake.

Find the place where the fry often appears, and observe carefully.

Raising fish is not as simple as thought, but the knowledge in it has gone far.

Although his cousin Yang Li had several failures in fish farming when he was in his hometown in the Northeast, it was exactly the same. He sorted out these experiences and finally turned them into his own practical experience.

He remembered what he didn't understand and what he didn't understand.

Now when he is in the zoo with Li Qiang, helping in the fish farming business, he keeps in mind the failure cases and tries to avoid them directly.

Now he can be said to be extremely careful, for fear of making other mistakes.

When he was observing the fry in the water, he suddenly noticed that there was a blue-and-white monster with many tentacles and could not see what it was. It flashed by in the water.

The speed was so fast that it was only a blink of an eye, and it disappeared from Yang Li's sight.

When my cousin saw such a strange scene, he was completely dumbfounded.

When he came back to his senses, wherever he dared to stay on the water, he rowed the boat and quickly returned to the shore, and found Li Qiang and told him what he had just seen.

If it were for someone else, he would definitely think that his cousin was dazzling and did not see clearly what was in the water.

However, Li Qiang did not think so.

His time at the zoo is not short, and he has also seen many impossible things here.

Regarding the strange creatures at the bottom of the lake, after I heard about it, I took it seriously, and hurriedly went to the lake with Yang Li and looked inside.

It was also at this time that I met Lin Fan who had just returned from Beizhen.

The main reason why they concealed it was that they were afraid of this matter and had not yet come to a real conclusion.

Unlike the missing fry, the fry were indeed in the lake, missing somehow, and they really had no way to find Lin Fan.

But what happened right now was too weird, and Yang Li was just sitting in the boat, his eyes swept to that point, and he didn't see clearly.

I still don't know whether the thing he saw really existed or whether it was an illusion caused by some reason.

Therefore, they decided not to tell Lin Fan first.

Just after Lin Fan left, the two of them still stood there, looking towards the water.

"Let’s make the decision. I’ll go down in person. If there are any weird creatures, I’ll find out sooner, so as not to lose the fry. Cousin, this is not yours and me. This is the zoo’s industry. When something happens, there is no way for the two of us to get rid of the relationship!" Li Qiang frowned and said.

Hearing this, Yang Li nodded.

Although this piece of Crescent Lake has been contracted to Li Qiang, and the taxes paid every quarter are not particularly large.

However, in Li Qiang's heart, this Crescent Lake, the cruise project, and the fish fry farming all belong to the zoo, and he himself is an employee here.

We must start from the zoo in everything we do.

While not causing trouble to the zoo, it must not cause any loss to the zoo.

The last time I went back to Yueya Lake, the eel incident happened, and Li Qiang didn't rest for several days.

This is unbearable for him.

You know, Lin Fan's help to him is not small, not only allowing him to stay and work in the zoo, but also manage such a large Crescent Lake.

For this, Li Qiang has always been grateful.

If it weren't for Lin Fan, he still doesn't know where to hang out.

Maybe in a certain street, or in a certain city, opened a black-hearted pet shop, specifically to entrap the ordinary people.

Or maybe...he had already entered the game to enjoy his old age because of something.

All in all, Lin Fan has a great favor to Li Qiang.

He also swears silently in his heart that he belongs to Brother Fan in his entire life, he points to the east, and he will never go west.

He is now in charge of Crescent Lake, and he purely regards himself as an ordinary employee in the zoo.

He will also give out most of all the proceeds to improve the situation in Crescent Lake, such as buying a large number of fry for breeding, and making the cruise project as large as possible...

"Also, while it's still dark, let's take a look!" Yang Li nodded and agreed.

"No, you wait here, I can just go down and take a look!" Li Qiang smiled, turning his head and shouting behind him: "Da Zhuang, you give me the waterproof flashlight for us!"

No way, they are not a professional diving place, and there is no need to go into the water at all.

Therefore, he does not have any very professional launching equipment here.

However, there is a flashlight that is very good. He has tried it before and it is indeed waterproof.

Turn on the flashlight and throw it into the water, it can still be illuminated normally, and the brightness is still great.

Taking off all his clothes and pants, Li Qiang shivered as he felt the cold in the surrounding air.

At this moment, Niu Dazhuang and Xiao Wuzi walked out of the hut behind.

When they saw Li Qiang's appearance, they couldn't help being surprised.

"Brother Qiang, you, what are you doing?" Niu Dazhuang asked in surprise.

"Stop talking nonsense, give me the flashlight, give it to me..." Li Qiang said shiveringly.

Niu Dazhuang didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly brought the flashlight over.

"By the way, prepare me a pot of **** soup, as well as quilts, etc., and prepare them for me. I will use them when I come back. Remember, remember!" Just before Li Qiang went into the water, he turned around and said something .

Seeing Niu Dazhuang and Xiao Wuzi, they all nodded, looking dumbfounded.

Hearing the sound of ‘poof’, Li Qiang plunged into the Crescent Lake without hesitation, splashing a large splash of water.

However, at this moment, a voice came from not far away in surprise.

"Fuck, cousin, what are you doing? Who jumped in the river just now? Practice winter swimming?"

Hearing this, several people followed their voices and looked at it, only to find that it was Ma Cannon who had just come out of the clinic.