Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 643: No such awesome existence is allowed

When Lin Fan's voice fell, all the animals were shocked.

Especially the snapping turtles and baby fish in the lake, so scared that their hearts almost didn't jump out.

Who is this called? Are you calling yourself?

Ever since, the snapping turtles and baby fish hiding in the lake swam to the shore with a dazed expression and just came out of the water.

Lin Fan said with a calm face: "It has nothing to do with you, step aside!"


Hearing this, the snapping turtle and the baby fish obviously took a breath.

Just when all the animals were ignorant or violent, and didn't know what was going on.

Suddenly, I heard a loud noise.

As if there was a muffled thunder hidden in the Crescent Lake, it was exploding without any warning.

This situation caused the big yellow cats and mountain dogs around to be taken aback. Even Sun Xiaosheng and Little White Wolf frowned.

At the same time, he looked into the lake.

In the end, it was okay if I didn't look at it. After seeing the things emerging from the lake, I took a breath of air-conditioning.

I saw a large, translucent guy, coming out of the water.

There are many tentacles around this big thing.

At first glance, it looks like a transparent octopus, very strange.

"Meow, what kind of monster is this?"

"Octopus? But I haven't seen a transparent octopus!"

"So scary, so scary, run, run!"

Several animals were whispering in the back, and Sun Xiaosheng, Little White Wolf and Huli Taoist also quickly came to Lin Fan, as if they were facing an enemy.

It is also very strange that this transparent monster gives them a very dangerous feeling.

Lin Fan smiled coldly: "Hehe, I didn't expect you to have evolved like this?"

When the voice fell, other animals naturally did not understand.

I am afraid that only Lin Fan himself knows what he means.

This translucent octopus is the Tai Sui that Lin Fan dug out from the back mountain.

At that time, when the Tai Sui was dug out, it had become dying. In order to save it, Lin Fan directly sent it into the Wannian Ice Spring on Penglai Island and used the spring water to breed it to come alive.

Later, after a long period of time.

Lin Fan brought it back from Penglai Island and threw it into Crescent Lake.

At that time, Tai Sui had undergone great changes, and many transparent tentacles emerged around the body.

However, Lin Fan didn't care at the time. You must know that Tai Sui is somewhere between animals and plants. Although there is life, it does not have consciousness.

The changes in the body did not affect its wisdom and thinking.

Therefore, Lin Fan threw him into the lake temporarily to change the water quality.

Since the eel time happened a few days ago, Lin Fan had wondered if the Tai Sui was at fault.

However, it was not as Lin Fan thought, but the black-hearted Boss Sun quietly put the eels into the Crescent Lake, letting them eat the fry, and achieved their own means of making huge profits.

And today, when a monster happened in the lake.

Lin Fan cast his gaze on Mutant Tai Sui again, but it turned out to be a **** snake.

But just now, when Lin Fan saw the subtle changes that had taken place in the **** snake, this made him 100% sure that all of this was just as he had imagined.

It was indeed the mutant Tai Sui who was playing tricks.

And that **** snake, the reason why more than 90% mutated, was also made by Tai Sui...

Could it be that when it was on Penglai Island, it had already derived its own wisdom and thinking?

Thinking of this, Lin Fan's heart was extremely upset.

I don't know why, there is always a feeling of being deceived by something.

Although Mutant Tai Sui has no mouth, he cannot communicate in animal language.

But through mental power, it can be aware of what it wants to say.

"Huh, there is no malice? You can control a **** snake to come out to make a mess, this is also called no malice?" Lin Fan seemed to be talking to himself.

The surrounding animals were so scared that they hid there and did not dare to make a sound.

Since Mutant Tai Sui emerged from the lake, the surrounding atmosphere has suddenly solidified.

Moreover, Mutant Tai Sui's self seemed to be carrying a kind of inherently powerful coercion, let alone ordinary animals like Yuan Bao.

Even Little White Wolf, Sun Xiaosheng, and Huli Taoist felt like an enemy.

"Hehe, in a nutshell, in my zoo, I don't allow you to be so awesome. Go back wherever you came from!"

Lin Fan smiled coldly and saw him raise his hand and waved lightly in the void.

Suddenly, I saw the mutant Tai Sui in the center of the lake opposite, twisting in a strange posture.

The next moment, a loud bang came.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the mutation Tai Sui, which was still huge and overwhelming, exploded in his entire body.

Countless transparent fragments are scattered in the lake.

As soon as it meets water, it turns into an invisible liquid and merges with water thoroughly.

From the occurrence to the end.

In just a few minutes, no one knew what the mutant Tai Sui had said to Lin Fan.

It even made Lin Fan kill him without hesitation.

Similarly, Sun Xiaosheng and Little White Wolf also discovered that the master's strength was actually much stronger than they thought.

To be precise, the gap between them and Lin Fan now seems to be getting farther and farther, and there is no comparison.

"Old Tiger, take this snake back to Houshan, don't let it die for now!" Lin Fan turned around and said calmly.

"Yes, Master!" Old Hu frowned and nodded.

He grabbed the dying **** snake, turned and walked towards the back mountain!

"Disperse the rest too, go back to sleep, and patrol the patrol, don't need to watch here!" Lin Fan said to the other animals again.

Hearing this, whether it is the big yellow cat ingot or the general guardian dog, where dare to say one more word?

One after another, they left quickly toward their respective places.

When Lin Fan was the only one left by the very lively river bank just now.

He looked back at the huge Crescent Lake, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

A faint smile came up at the corner of his mouth and said: "In my zoo, it will never be allowed to exist like you, so you must die!"

After speaking, Lin Fan turned and walked towards the staff dormitory.

Crescent Lake, where only snapping turtles and baby fish are left, has become extremely deserted again.

At the same time, after Lin Fan walked away, the two older brothers quietly said, "Brother, it seems that we should keep a low profile in the future. Otherwise, should we also be the same as that monster?"

The snapping turtle nodded: "It makes sense, go quickly and go back to the bottom of the lake!"