Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 645: Monkeys with rattling arrows

In the social system of monkeys, the throne is very important, which is equivalent to the leader of the monkeys.

There was an old monkey king before, so there is basically no need to worry about it here.

Moreover, the old monkey king is also a respected person. Most monkeys also respect him very much. No monkey dares to provoke trouble.

However, this morning, the death of the old monkey king caused the battle for the throne to be staged.

At this moment, the monkeys in Monkey Mountain are divided into two lineups.

Of course, they are all monkeys anyway. Although they are the closest animals to humans, they are also very different.

There is no inheritance system like the ancient emperor, and there is no testament model.

Therefore, who can become the new monkey king is solved purely by force.

In the previous news, there were no less reports of this kind of news. For example, the monkeys had a big riot in the zoo, group fights, and many monkeys were seriously injured and died.

In a safari park, the monkeys accidentally injured tourists during the fight, and the zoo was also sued in court.

There are too many such news, too many to count.

In fact, either the monkey king in the group of monkeys is not strong enough to manage these monkeys, leading to frequent riots.

Either it is the abdication of the Monkey King, the replacement of the old and the new, so that they are competing for the throne with each other.

Of course, there are many such situations as happening now.

As soon as the old monkey king passed away, the monkeys wondered who would become the next new king...Such a thing is really normal.

That’s why people think that these smart monkeys are, to many extents, the kind of animal closest to humans.

When Little Fox and Linda left, only Sun Xiaosheng and Little White Wolf were left here.

Not even a chimp security captain.

In fact, in this case, using force to solve the problem will not have much effect at all.

If you want to quell this throne dispute as soon as possible, you have to choose a new monkey king who can convince them all in the shortest time.

"Sun Xiaosheng, among them, who do you think is most qualified to be the Monkey King?" Lin Fan asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Sun Xiaosheng was startled and squinted to look in.

In the monkey forest at this time, nearly a hundred monkeys gathered in a clearing. You can see those monkeys on the tree or on the ground.

There are even some monkeys who simply pick up nearby branches and rocks and use them as their weapons.

If there is a big fight, casualties are inevitable.

"Master, I think that white-headed monkey is good. I have been by the old monkey king's side before, and the old monkey king also respects him very much. The little monkey opposite is also fine. Master, do you remember that one? The little monkey is the one you saved back then!" Sun Xiaosheng replied.

Hearing this, even Lin Fan was startled.

little monkey? It suddenly occurred to me that he had indeed saved a little monkey at the Star Zoo before.

At that time, the little monkey was almost dying.

Lin Fan used his animal heart skill to forcibly rescue the little monkey. It was the first time he used this skill. For this, he had paid the price of training for several days before slowly recovering.

Didn't expect that it has grown so big in half a year? And want to fight for the throne?

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan couldn't help laughing.

And the other one, with a bunch of white-haired monkeys on his head, Lin Fan also knew.

Indeed, as Sun Xiaosheng said, all of them were by the old monkey king's side, waiting carefully.

Now it seems that this white-haired monkey is also very scheming. Since then, it seems that it has been planning for this day.

The old monkey king had just passed away, and even the body was not moved out, and they were anxious to fight for the throne.

The smile on Lin Fan's face solidified a little bit.

"Let's go, let's go in and have a look!" Lin Fan said.

Sun Xiaosheng and Little White Wolf nodded quickly and quietly followed behind them.

The Monkey Mountain has a large area, but on the periphery, there is also a circle of cages.

Although Lin Fan also knew that this cage could not stop the monkeys, and the monkeys would not attack foreign tourists.

It is nothing more than buying a piece of comfort, so that when visitors come here, they will feel safe in their hearts.

After opening the door, Lin Fan took Sun Xiaosheng and the others, went straight into the mountain.

When they just walked in, they immediately caused a disturbance in the monkey mountain.

There were squeaks and screams, accompanied by monkeys, jumping around on the tree, looking very panicked.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan smiled coldly, but did not speak.

When they came to the clearing, they happened to see the little monkey he had saved, the white-haired monkey on the other side, and the two sides were facing each other.

"Why, do you want to fight?" Lin Fan walked over and said directly.

Hearing this, all the monkeys turned around one after another.

When they saw that Lin Fan was talking, they all knelt on the ground, showing a surrender appearance.

In this zoo, the so-called king is nothing more than the manager of a department.

The real boss is actually Lin Fan.

Every animal, including these monkeys, has a clear heart.

Seeing Lin Fan coming in, the monkeys all turned into five bodies, and they almost didn't give a big gift.

"Let's talk about it, what's going on? The old monkey king has passed away, and the body hasn't converged yet. You guys are drawing arrows here. What do you want to do?"

"You guys, what's the matter, still holding a stone in your hand, want to attack me?"

"And you, haha, can you use a broken branch as a weapon? Do you need me to find two knives for you, how many knives should I cut each other?"

Lin Fan scolded all the monkeys around him with fright.

Especially the monkeys who were named by him, threw the stones and branches in their hands to the ground, and they were so scared that they didn't dare to move.

Looking at the monkeys in front of him, Lin Fan shook his head.

"As far as I can see, the old monkey king has treated you well and rescued you from the deep and hot places that were at the beginning. Now that the old monkey king has passed away, not only do you not bury it, but you are here to fight for the throne? I will ask you. , Is this approach appropriate?" Lin Fan said.


As soon as the voice fell, a series of screams came from the mouths of several monkeys.

Others could not understand, but Lin Fan could understand the meaning.

The little monkey who had been rescued by him yelled very excitedly: "In fact, we are not fighting for the throne. We are arguing about where the old monkey king should be buried..."