Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 664: Self-inflicted do not live

As a businessman, Chen Qing's mind is not simple.

When he heard the bald-headed words, he immediately realized that there was a meaning in the words.

And he was not stupid, his head was bald on the surface, it looked like he was dark, but in fact the relationship with Wei Wu was not shallow.

Otherwise, how could it be so easy to be bald to gain a foothold in Beining?

However, even those who are afraid of bald heads, I am afraid that the other party is really not that simple.

"Brother Cheng, what do you mean by this? Could it be the other party..." Chen Qing frowned and asked quickly.

The bald head smiled coldly: "Boss Chen, let me tell you briefly, this person, let alone you, I can't afford to offend him, that is, Mr. Wei Wu and Wei will be courteous when he sees him. Needless to say, I will appear here now. One is to help you send Chen Xiufeng, and the other is also explained by that person. This matter has already violated his bottom line in the Chen family. If you think it’s like this Simply solve it, then you are quite wrong. First of all, you are a son and want to beat someone else’s girlfriend. That person probably won’t let it go. Second, you ask Chen Xiufeng to provoke..."

Having said that, Bald Cheng smiled softly.

From his eyes, Chen Qing seemed to see an uncomfortable look, as if he was now bald, looking at a poor insect, even a dead man...

Even if it was Chen Qing who was a master of Beining, at this moment, he couldn't help being surprised.

Even Wei Wu is polite to three points? Then the identity of this person is probably more unpredictable than I guessed.

Especially after adding those words bald-headed.

Chen Qing now has a feeling of regretting the original...I knew it would be like this...

If it were to change from the past, Chen Qing, a scheming man, would never act so impulsively.

First of all, he has to let people investigate the identity and background of the other party before deciding what to do.

Maybe when he sees his son lying in the back, one arm is almost abolished, and he will do reckless things on impulse.

In his opinion, the other party was nothing more than an ordinary student in Beining University.

After all, Beining University is not an aristocratic school. There are rich people in it.

And as far as he knew, he hadn't heard of anyone in Beining University with hands and eyes, so he did not take it seriously before.

As a result, as far as the situation is now, it is indeed my carelessness.

Even the bald-headed Chengdu dare not offend people who Wei Wu wants to be courteous, where are ordinary people?

The bald head looked at him, sneered and shook his head, turned and left without saying a word.

Soon, in this secluded corridor, only Chen Qing was left, stupidly in a daze here.

As a result, at this moment, a phone ring rang.

Pull him back from the disturbed thoughts, ruthlessly.

Looking at the phone, he quickly pressed the access button, and said, "Xiaoqi, how did the investigation result? The other party is..."

However, in the next second, when the person called Xiaoqi on the phone said the following words, Chen Qing was completely dumbfounded.

Lin Fan? He is no stranger to this name, and he has heard of it more than once.

Especially for Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo, in their circle, it is about to become a taboo word.

Someone said before, never offend the Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo, let alone the owner of the lively Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo, the man named Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's background is not simple or unfathomable.

Behind him is not only the Kyoto Ye family as a backer, but even the Lu family in Kyoto has a close relationship with him.

In addition, Xiaoqi also reported another matter to Chen Qing.

It was about the identity of Lu Yingxue, when Chen Qing heard that Lu Yingxue was the daughter of Secretary Lu of the Provincial Party Committee and was from the Lu family in Kyoto.

Chen Qing felt dark in front of his eyes and swayed, almost fainting.

One Ye family, one Lu family.

No matter which one of the two powerful families of China, he could not offend him... What's more, even today, his unbelievable son actually killed two people at once. Deadly offended.

Thinking of this, Chen Qing felt black in front of him, and there was a warmth in his throat that would gush out from time to time.

"Mr. Chen, what should we do now?" Xiaoqi asked with some worry on the phone.

Chen Qing adjusted his mood a little and said, "Can this news be true?"

"Yes, after many inquiries, I can be 100% sure that the one who clashed with the young master today was Lin Fan of the Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo, and the girl he was about to forcibly take away was indeed from Secretary Lu of the Provincial Party Committee. Daughter Lu Yingxue... and I also found out that Lu Yingxue and Lin Fan are lovers. This is no secret!" Xiaoqi answered on the phone.

Hearing these words, Chen Qing spouted blood directly from his mouth with a ‘poof’.

Shaking slightly, he almost passed out directly.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, are you okay?" Xiaoqi asked worriedly on the phone.

Chen Qing adjusted his breathing, wiped the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand, and said, "Xiaoqi, you can check with me immediately. Where is Mr. Lin now? I think... Please sin."

"Yes, President Chen, I will do it now, but it's already ten o'clock in the evening. If I'm going to disturb Mr. Lin, I'm afraid..." Xiaoqi said worriedly.

Hearing this, Chen Qing suddenly realized.

Looking at the time on the phone, it's already ten o'clock in the evening.

Moreover, Lin Fan still traveled all the way from Fengshi to Beining to meet his girlfriend.

If you really want to come to the door to interrupt at this time, it will inevitably cause the other party's anger.

Chen Qing is a very cautious person. After thinking about this, he nodded slightly and said: "Well, but you still have to find out. If it doesn't work at night, I will go outside and wait until Mr. Lin appears!"

"Okay, okay, President Chen, then I will do it!"

Xiao Qi nodded and agreed to hang up the phone.

At this time, Chen Qing, standing alone in this empty corridor, was filled with despair in her heart.

He knew very well in his heart that if this matter could not be solved perfectly, then what awaited him would be an irreversible end.

At the same time, he hated his unbelievable son.

You say that it is not good for you to provoke someone, but you have to provoke someone who can't even solve it yourself.

Chen Qing shook his head and sighed.

But I was thinking silently in my heart, if I knew that the other party was Lin Fan and Lu Yingxue, I would just kill him, then I wouldn’t be letting the bald go to teach people a good lesson...

This is probably the same sentence, you can't live by committing sins.